In order to advance UMY's Muhammadiyah Corner and to welcome the 109th anniversary of Muhammadiyah, Muhammadiyah Corner UMY in collaboration with IMM UMY held a "Muhammadiyah Corner Fest 2021" with the theme "Advanced Da'wah Manifestation through Muhcor, Picking up Young Scholars from the World". Muhammadiyah Corner Fest 2021 was officially opened by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Alumni, and AIK UMY, namely Mr. Faris Al-Fadhat, Ph.D., and accompanied by Mr. Lasa Hs, M.Si as the Head of UMY Library on Tuesday (16/16). 11/2021) in Building D, 3rd floor of UMY Library. The event was held on November 16-18, 2021 at Building D. 3rd Floor, UMY Library. In addition to the Muhammadiyah Corner exhibition, the event also held art competitions, namely poetry musicals and story telling competitions. The competition was attended by several participants consisting of UMY students and UMY librarians.
PIC Muhammadiyah Corner UMY, Mr. Jubaidi, S.IP explained that the purpose of holding the "Muhammadiyah Corner Fest 2021" was to commemorate part of the 109th Muhammadiyah ceremonial commemoration by holding competitions and film reviews, as well as to promote that Muhammadiyah Corner is part of the UMY Library. whose contents include the works of Muhammadiyah figures. It is hoped that the holding of this event can ignite the enthusiasm of the Muhammadiyah Corner UMY volunteers and can become a sustainable program with different packaging.
In his opening remarks for the event, Mr. Lasa Hs, M.Si explained about the origin of the establishment of Muhammadiyah Corner. He also hopes that Muhammadiyah Corner can become the center of Muhammadiyah's wealth treasures that store various works of thought of Muhammadiyah figures, other people's works about Muhammadiyah, publications produced by Badan Usaha Muhammadiyah, and intellectual property relics such as books owned by Muhammadiyah people.
On the same occasion, Mr. Faris Al-Fadhat, Ph.D also explained that the presence of Muhammadiyah Corner UMY is very important for Muhammadiyah organizations and universities to bridge between scientific and cultural works. He also said that Muhammadiyah Corner UMY could continue to grow in order to document all events and achievements of Muhammadiyah's journey, which has now entered its 109th year.