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How to Self Healing in Islam
Author : Aidilla Qurotianti Date : 05 February 2022

Lately, the term "self-healing" often appears among teenagers as an expression in the process of avoiding stress and pressures they face. The form of self-healing activities among teenagers is shopping, traveling, chatting with friends, or maybe spending time alone (me time). So what exactly is self-healing? 

Self-healing is a method of healing disease not with medicine, but by healing and releasing the feelings and emotions that are buried in the body by oneself without the help of others. In practice, this method is a term that uses the principle that the human body is actually able to repair and heal itself through certain natural ways. 

Then, what is the actual form of self-healing in the view of Islam? Humans are created with various types of feelings such as anger, fear, sadness, or joy. All of these are human traits that God has given to his people. In the history of Islam, we know that even the figure of a prophet must have experienced sadness and fear, such as the story of the Prophet Yaqub AS who lost his beloved son Yusuf. Allah SWT says in QS. Yusuf verse 84 which means:

"He turned away from them and said, “How sad I am about Y?suf!” and his eyes turned white with sorrow and he was suppressing (his anger and grief)". 

Another story was also experienced by the companions of the Apostle. Rasulullah SAW was in war or on a long journey, so the Messenger of Allah ordered Bilal to rest by praying. Prayer can cure various diseases, such as wrong perceptions of oneself and others, cure sadness and also despair. Humans who stand before the Creator in his prayers fervently, will make him get positive energy that creates peace of mind and feelings of security. Through prayer, emotional instability, burden of problems, physical fatigue, and various other problems will disappear. This is why prayer is a cure for various diseases as well as a helper for humans.

Allah SWT says in QS. Al-Baqarah verse 153 : 

"O you who believe, seek help through patience and prayer. Surely, Allah is with those who are patient."

Apart from praying, what we can do for self-healing is dhikr. Dhikr is not just saying thoyyibah sentences. Dhikr also means we remember how the love, love, and greatness of Allah SWT in our lives. Dhikr will also help us to be more focused, calm, and peaceful. As the Word of Allah SWT which means: Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah. Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured." (QS. Ar Ra'd : 28)

Tafakkur / Meditation is also another way for self-healing, as was done by Rasulullah SAW. When his emotions were not in a good condition, the Messenger of Allah had been alone (beruzlah) in the Hira Cave, praying, dhikr, or returning to reflect on the greatness of Allah SWT in this world. Returning to Allah and realizing his greatness is something the Prophet did when he needed a the process of getting back on your feet.. 

We can also meditate by looking for a new place we want to visit in order to refresh ourselves, remember the greatness of Allah in the universe, and get peace of mind. Thus, let us become individuals who are able to guard our hearts and minds, and express the feelings we feel in positive ways such as worship, prayer, dhikr, and tafakur/meditation.
