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History of Arabic Numerals
Author : Aidilla Qurotianti Date : 08 February 2022

Why are these numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and so on are called Arabic numerals and , are called hindi numbers? Previously, you need to know about the history of its spread.

The emergence of these Arabic numerals originated from the Braghmaguptanitam book, which was written by an Indian mathematician named Brahmagupta. In the Abbasid Dynasty, caliph al-Mansur asked Muhammad Al-Fazari to translate the book, then Al-Khwarizmi who gave birth to the science of algorithms also studied and developed the mathematical theory. Coinciding with the triumph of Muslims in the region, then mixed Indian and Arab civilizations. Indian numerals (which are called brahmi numbers) have evolved so that the western and eastern Arabic numerals emerged.

History of the Spread of Arabic Numerals

This Eastern Arabic numeral is actually called the Hindi/Indian Arabic numeral which spreads to the east, such as Egypt and Sudan, as well as other non-Arab countries, such as: Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and parts of India. However, after spreading to the west, such as Morocco, Algeria, Andalusia, and Europe, of course, it has turned into western Arabic numerals. Based on their distribution, Arabic numerals such as 0.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 are known as Arabic numerals, because it was the Arabs who introduced these Arabic numerals to Europeans around the 19th century. 10 in North Africa (Halfatnih, 2017). 

Until now, the term "Eastern Arabic Numeral" which is spread in Europe is known in English, namely Arabic Numeral (Arabic Numeral). This can be proven in your computer's MS Word that the numbers 0.1,2,3 are called Arabic numerals and the numbers ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? are called Hindu numerals. This is because the Arabs who introduced this number in Europe (Ruangguru, 2016). So, these numbers are called Arabic numerals.

On the other hand, the Arabs called the numeral system by the name of the Hindu numeral which refers to its origin, namely from India. However this figure should not be mixed or confused with other figures in India. Then, the numbers ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? which is another name for Eastern Arabic numerals called hindi numerals. This figure is used by Eastern nations, such as Iran, Iraq, and India.

Therefore, the mention of the terms Arabic and Hindi numbers can be said to refer to their distribution. In western regions, such as Maghrib and Europe, these Arabic numerals are in the form of western Arabic numerals, and in eastern regions such as Middle Eastern Arabic, Iran, Iraq, to ??Pakistan, these Arabic numerals are in the form of Eastern Arabic.



  1. Halfatnih, S. (2017). Siapa Yang Sangka Kalau Ternyata Angka Arab Itu Bukan Dari Arab! Retrieved from        https://www.antvklik.com/promo/angka-arab-bukan-dari-arab
  2. Harbani, R. I. (2021). Mengenal Angka Arab, Cara Membaca, dan Contohnya Al Quran. Retrieved Desember 20, 2021, from https://www.detik.com/edu/detikpedia/d-5687309/mengenal-angka-arab-cara-membaca-dan-contohnya-al-quran
  3. ID, R. (2021). FAKTA YANG TIDAK DICERITAKAN GURU MATEMATIK SEKOLAH! Rupanya Begini Asal-Muasal Munculnya Angka. Retrieved Desember 20, 2021, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAKbPlb0uLU
  4. Rozaq, M. A. (2018). Kenapa angka India menjadi angka Arab? Retrieved Desember 20, 2021, from https://abdurrozaqmuhammad.blogspot.com/2018/01/kenapa-angka-india-menjadi-angka-arab.html
  5. Ruangguru. (2016, Juni 26). Tahukah Kamu Awal Sejarah Angka? Retrieved Desember 20 , 2021, from https://www.ruangguru.com/blog/tahukah-kamu-awal-sejarah-angka

Written by: Raisa Fadelina, S.S., SIP (Pustakawan UMY)
