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Ancient Manuscript Conservation with the Muhammadiyah Muse
Author : Aidilla Qurotianti Date : 10 February 2022

The UMY Library in collaboration with the Muhammadiyah Museum Team held a workshop on the conservation of Muhammadiyah ancient manuscripts on Wednesday (9/2/2022) which took place at the Muhammadiyah Corner of the UMY Library, Building D lt. 3. This event was attended by the Head of UMY Library, Drs. Lasa Hs, M.Si and PIC of Muhammadiyah Corner UMY Mr. Muhammad Jubaidi, M.A., and the Muhammadiyah Museum Team led by Mas Ikhsan as PIC of the Muhammadiyah Museum. This activity is a step to prepare for museum management that focuses on the conservation of Muhammadiyah ancient manuscripts. Muhammad Jubaedi, M.A explained that the Muhammadiyah museum itself is a form of implementation of the concept of a study center on the history of civilization that was built by Muhammadiyah from the beginning to the present. In addition, this museum is also a medium to help the younger generation who will come to study Muhammadiyah.

The workshop discussed the procedures for implementing fumigation, discussing the history of Muhammadiyah, and the concept of GLAM as a medium for harmonizing productive and innovative information. The fumigation process is carried out by means of fumigation which aims to prevent, treat and sterilize ancient manuscripts to avoid further damage. This workshop is a collaborative step to strengthen the management of ancient manuscripts, especially in the Muhammadiyah collection so that the next generation of the nation can also recognize the information values ??contained in the manuscripts. 

