Stress is a natural feeling experienced by a person in everyday life and it is a part that can never be avoided. The causes are economic problems, health, family, to relationships with partners that end in injury. On Tuesday (15/2) UMY Library held a book review webinar with the theme “Working from the Wounds: Mental Health Perspectives”. The book that was reviewed at the event was entitled "Patah" by Niken Nurmiyati,, S.IP., M.IP who is an alumni of the Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. The webinar was attended by the author of the book “Patah” and the resource person who is a Psychiatrist at PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital as well as a lecturer at FKIK UMY Dr. dr. Warih Andan Puspitosari, M.Sc., Sp.KJ(K). This event was held online via Zoom and was attended by approximately 130 participants who were the UMY academic community and the general public.
On that occasion, Niken Nurmiyati gave an introduction about the outline of the contents of the book "Patah" which is a spill of a love story that ended with the wound of a writer. In the storyline, she tells a little story of the wound from his love journey which is then packaged in a beautiful and poetic language. She also wrote in his book that "Against anything that has made your day lose its light in the evening sky. Your wound shouldn't be treated. Walk, enjoy the process. Accept the pain. Just cry as much as you can. Believe me, everyone just needs to be strengthened and healed because in fact healing is not only the restoration of memories, but also the reconciliation of feelings.".
The book is also discussed from a mental health perspective by Dr. dr. Warih Andan Puspitosari, M.Sc., Sp.KJ(K). She discusses every major point contained in the book "Broken" and discussed it from a mental health perspective. One of his subjects she said that not all stress is a negative thing, there is even a positive stress. Stress is divided into 2 types, namely Eustress and Distress. Eustress is a positive type of stress because when experiencing eustress a person will be more productive and do a lot of positive things. While distress is a type of stress that is negative and makes people fall into negative things, so that in the end it has an impact on their mental health.
She also explained how to overcome sad feelings, namely 1) Acknowledge and accept sad feelings so that we can immediately move forward according to our life goals; 2) Understand emotions and find ways to express/share. It can be a map to be able to recognize emotions and find ways how we can rise; 3) Doing hobbies that we like because hobbies can stimulate happy hormones so that we can overcome our feelings of sadness; 4) Create new activities in order to rise from adversity; and 5) Focus on current aspects of life.
At the end of Dr. dr. Warih Andan Puspitosari, M.Sc., Sp.KJ(K) gave a message that a grief will not last forever because grief is a cycle in human life which will then give good wisdom.