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Procedure for Paying Fidyah
Author : Muhammad Erdiansyah CA., SIP. Date : 18 April 2022

Fidyah is a ransom or compensation that must be paid by someone who is unable to fast during Ramadan due to several reasons such as: elderly, pregnant/breastfeeding women, who are worried about their baby. The amount of fidyah is equivalent to the portion of the 'perfect meal' that he usually eats to make up for the one day of fasting he has left and it is better to pay it on the day he leaves the fast. Some things to know if you want to do fidyah during the month of Ramadan:

Shared weight
Based on the evidence from the Qur'an about eating for the poor and the hadith from Ibn Abbas that for those who are breastfeeding or pregnant, he replaces it with Fidyah. According to the rules, the minimum weight of the fidyah is 1 mud or 6 ounces for 30 days. The food that is distributed can be cooked or raw food (food ingredients or money). The food that is shared can adjust to our abilities. If you can only share the rice, that's enough. As long as it is still in accordance with the minimum limit of 1 mud. If we want to give more than 1 mud a day or the food is complete with side dishes, that is also allowed.

Shared size
The division of fidyah based on minimum weight can be interpreted as 1 mud or 6 ounces and divided at least 1 time a day. This is considered valid to replace our fast in 1 day. However, if we want to share the fidyah more, it is also permissible. For example fidyah which is divided 2 times a day or 3 times a day. Besides being allowed, it will certainly make the people we share the fidyah happier.

Sharing Time
How to divide fidyah can be reached in 2 ways. Can be done all at once or in installments. If you want to divide the fidyah at once for 30 days, you can do it by dividing it into 30 different poor people. It is considered valid to pay fidyah for 30 days. If you want in installments, you can divide it every day for 30 days to one of the poor people. It should be underlined that the distribution of fidyah must only be done during the month of Ramadan.

Source : Youtube
