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Scholarships for UMY Students
Author : Muhammad Erdiansyah CA., SIP. Date : 21 May 2022

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta officially opened scholarships for active UMY students. There are 4 types of scholarships given, including: General Scholarship (BU), Achievement Scholarship, Achievement Student Scholarship (Mapres), and Underprivileged Scholarship (BKM).

Registration Timeline

Scholarship Application : 18-23 May 2022
Selection : 26-30 May 2022
Announcement of the final selection of Scholarships: 30 June 2022

The requirements that must be met include:

A. Terms and Conditions

  1. General Scholarships (BU) are given to active UMY students for their academic achievements while studying at UMY.
  2. Achievement Scholarships are given to active UMY students for their achievements in various fields according to their interests and talents, as well as being active in UMY student organizations.
  3. Outstanding Student Scholarships are given to UMY active students who have been selected as Outstanding Students (Mapres) UMY,
  4. Underprivileged Scholarships; underprivileged scholarships are given to active UMY students who come from underprivileged families,
  5. The type of scholarship received is in the form of a fixed tuition fee exemption for 1 year, namely Odd and Even Semesters for the 2021/2022 academic year, and cannot be cashed.
  6. Each student may only apply for one type of scholarship (General Scholarship, Achievement Scholarship, Outstanding Student Scholarship or Underprivileged Scholarship),
  7. Noted as an active Vocational and Undergraduate student at Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta,
  8. For Vocational students, a maximum of 4 semesters,
  9. For undergraduate students, a maximum of 6 semesters,
  10. Registration is done from 18 May-23 May 2022,
  11. The final selection announcement will be made on June 30, 2022 via the web lpka.umy.ac.id and Instagram @lpka_umy,
  12. Students who submit false or dishonest data will be subject to severe sanctions firm,
  13. Physical file collection is removed.

B. Files That Must Be Collected

  1. Scan the scholarship application form according to the format (Download the form https://bit.ly/FORMULIRPENDAFTARANBU2022 ),
  2. Scan of statement letter that you are not receiving other scholarships of any kind (Download at https://bit.ly/FORMULIRPENDAFTARANBU2022 ),
  3. Scan the Proof of Active Student by attaching an Active Certificate from the Study Program or screenshot of the latest proof of payment at KRS,
  4. Scan Attach parents' salary slips (for private employees/PNS/TNI/POLRI), and Income Statements that are known by the local RT/RW (for entrepreneurs/farmers, etc.). If both parents have income, then attach a salary slip or a certificate of income for both. If one or both parents do not have income, then attach a certificate of not having income which is known by the local RT/RW,
  5. Scan SK / statement letter following the Student Organization or Organization (SK Management, etc.),
  6. Scan of certificates/proof of achievement/participation in national/international activities,
  7. Scan of Transcripts (GPA),
  8. KTM (Student Card)scans,
  9. ID card scan,
  10. Scan of Family Card (KK),
  11. Scan of the championship certificate as an Outstanding Student (for Outstanding Student Scholarship registrants).

C. Procedure for Submission and Determination of Recipients
- General Scholarship

  1. Students complete the points file 1-10, scan and upload at the link https://bit.ly/FORMULIRPENDAFTARANBU2022 on May 18 to. May 23, 2022 no later than 23:59 WIB,
  2. LPKA will send data on candidates for General Scholarship recipients to the email of each faculty for selection,
  3. Faculties carry out scholarship selection,
  4. The faculty reports the results of the selection to LPKA,
  5. LPKA submits the selection results to students on June 30, 2022

- Achievement Scholarships and Underprivileged Families Scholarships

  1. Students complete the points file 1-10, scan and upload at the link https://bit.ly/FORMULIRPENDAFTARANBU2022 on May 18 to. May 23, 2022 no later than 23:59 WIB,
  2. LPKA conducts scholarship selection,
  3. LPKA conveys the results of the selection to students on June 30, 2022.

- Outstanding Student Scholarship

  1. Students complete the points 1-11 file, scan and upload it at the link https://bit.ly/FORMULIRPENDAFTARANBU2022 on May 18 s.d. May 23, 2022 no later than 23:59 WIB,
  2. LPKA conducts scholarship selection,
  3. LPKA submits the selection results to students on June 30, 2022
