Balai Layanan Perpustakaan DPAD DIY in collaboration with the UMY Library held an Information Literacy event for the Jogja Library for All Integrated Library System (JOLIFA SEPATU) which was held at the Public Space on the 1st floor of the UMY Library (20/09/2022). Sepatu Jolifa Service is a system that offers library services offline through cross-borrowing and online through which can assist in meeting information and knowledge needs through a network of collaboration between libraries based on information technology. This offline event was attended by 50 participants who were UMY students. There were three speakers who were presented at this event, namely Ferry Anggara (Ambassador for DIY 2020 Reading & Presenter for TVRI Jogja), Novy Diana Fauzie, S.S., M.A (Head of UMY Library), and Eko Kurniawan, M.A (UMY Librarian).
Dewi Ambarwati, S.Sos., M. AP., Head of the DIY DPAD Library Service Center in her speech explained that the Jolifa Shoes are a form to complete imperfections in the library. “No library is perfect. So, because of these imperfections, we cooperate with each other. "In accordance with the mandate of the Governor of D.I Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, that in Yogyakarta to facilitate library access, the Jogja Library for All was formed in 2005. Then in 2016 we designed the SEPATU JOLIFA brand," she said.
In the first session of Ferry Anggara, the 2020 DIY Reading Ambassador explained that our current digital literacy must continue to be educated. “We face difficult challenges when promoting a reading culture. One of them is that we are in the era of social media disruption, where most of us often read information from social media that we don't necessarily know about," he explained.
This is where the role of the library is to provide access to credible and valid information. The Head of UMY Library, Novy Diana Fauzie, M.A explained that in finding the right and valid information, you can access the information that has been provided by the library, one of which is through Sepatu Jolifa. In addition to explaining the use of Sepatu Jolifa, he also explained how to find information in the UMY Library, either through the website or through other UMY Library social media.
On the same occasion, Eko Kurniawan, M.A explained the steps to register as a member of Sepatu Jolifa so that participants can register immediately at that time. It is hoped that this event will make it easier for students to access information sources throughout the DIY Library.