Muhammadiyah Corner UMY opened Book Waqf movement services. This movement is a service program for the philanthropy movement (sharing) among others through the innovation of the book donation movement. This movement provides an opportunity for the entire UMY academic community and the wider community to donate their collection of books to the UMY Library. The waqf books will later be distributed to various libraries that easily require a collection of books. It is hoped that this activity can add to the collection of books for other libraries in need, establish friendly relations between nazhir and wakif, and can become a role model in Muhammadiyah's charitable business environment and the wider community.
Regarding the flow of the UMY Library book waqf application, you can follow these steps:
The applicant institutionally submits an application for book waqf, by letter or email addressed to the UMY Library as a nazhir
Nazhir provides information on the availability of waqf collections by letter or email
The applicant determines the collection requirements needed according to the availability of the collection managed by Nazhir, either in person or by letter.
Nazhir collects books according to the request of the applicant
The applicant took the book that had been prepared by nazhir himself as a waqf book managed by nazhir UMY Perpustakaan Library