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Tips for Managing Time with the 4 Quadrant Activity Method
Author : Aidilla Qurotianti Date : 17 October 2022

Daily assignments and reports that accumulate and are added to other activities make most students feel stressed and confused about dividing their time. This makes students feel lack of time to complete their assignments and eventually a lot of assignments pile up. Not infrequently all the stressors that accumulate make a person experience mild to severe physical disorders to channel mental disorders. Therefore, to deal with this kind of stressor requires good time management. Good time management can help students to be more productive and reduce the pressure caused by piling up assignments.

One method that is quite well known and applied by many people to date is using the "4 Quadrant Priority" method. The Time Management Quadrant or 4 Activity Quadrant is an effective way to divide work from the most important and urgent to the least important and not urgent. This 4 quadrant method was introduced by Stephen Covey in 1989 in his book entitled "7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Restoring The Character Ethic". Stephen Covey is a well-known psychology author who developed a self-help method using a matrix (chart/quadrant) system for time and activity management. Method 4 Quadrant This activity is important for students to be able to manage time effectively and appropriately so that between lectures and other activities can be more balanced.

Type 4 Quadrant Activity

Stephen Covey classifies daily activities based on the level of importance through the following 4 types of quadrants:

  1. Quadrant I - Urgent and Important
    Quadrant one contains things or activities that are very urgent and important that must be completed immediately. These things are usually associated with a tight deadline. Example: assignment deadlines, studying for tomorrow's exams, assignments from work, etc.

  2. Quadrant II - Not Urgent but Important
    Quadrant two contains things or activities that are important but not urgent and have a long term and sometimes there is no definite deadline. Example: Learning a foreign language, repaying material for exams, and things that can hone your skills.

  3. Quadrant III - Urgent but Not Important
    This third quadrant contains things that are not or less important but urgent, or it can be said that this third quadrant contains things that distract our attention but are actually not important even though they need to be resolved immediately. Example: replying to a short message, attending a formal event that could actually be represented by someone else, etc.

  4. Quadrant IV - Not Urgent and Not Important
    Quadrant four contains things that are not important and not urgent. Activities in this quadrant tend to bring temporary happiness such as me time or self-reward. Example: watching movies, playing social media, watching television, etc.

Through this method, we can classify the priority scales of activities in these four quadrants, so that we can know which tasks must be done immediately and which are not overall.

Come on, learn to manage time well and effectively!

