Ikigai is a concept from Japan which means "The Purpose Of Life" or "The Purpose of Life" or in simple language, "The Reason To Live and Wake Up In The Morning". Based on the historical period of the Heian era (794-1185) the terminology of the word "ikigai" is taken from the Japanese philosophy of life, namely "iki" which means life and "gai" which can be interpreted as value or meaning. This concept concerns ways to make life more useful, balanced, and meaningful to achieve happiness. Language as simple as balancing the focal point from busyness to pleasure.
A person who applies Ikigai in his life will know better why he has to get up early, what to strive for, how to actualize himself and what hopes he has, and know how to make it happen so that it is not just an ideal (Hapsari, 2022). Ikigai can be applied by anyone, including students. In undergoing lectures, of course, students experience many twists and turns and often make students bored. Therefore, Ikigai is important to be applied by students to avoid stress and boredom so that the lecture period is more meaningful and valuable.
Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles in their book entitled "Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life" say that ikigai is one of the reasons why people in Okinawa can live for 100 years or more. The book also states that ikigai already exists in every human being, but we must seek our own ikigai. The process of searching for ikigai is different for everyone. The way for us to find our ikigai is to identify ourselves through the four principles of ikigai.
According to Hector Gracia and Francesc Miralles there are four elements of the Japanese concept of ikigai, including:
What do you like?
Passion / Jounetsu is doing what you love so that you feel happy and excited to do it without feeling tired even without being rewarded because something is able to recharge us. For example, doing hobbies such as sports, photography, creating social media content, watching movies, vacations, etc.
What Abilities Are You Good at?
Profession / Shokugyou ie doing something according to the expertise possessed and obtained from education or training. Ask yourself what you are good at, what talents/skills do you have, and what experiences we can apply. For example, developing skills possessed in college such as attending public speaking seminars, graphic design workshops, etc.
What Does the World Need?
Mission / Shimei ie doing something that is needed by the surrounding environment that can contribute to solving problems. Students can take part in activities that are beneficial to the community such as community service, community service, volunteers, volunteers, etc.
What Can Give You Adequate Income?
Vocation / Tenshoku ie doing something to earn income through the abilities possessed. Students do activities that can make money, such as freelance, part time at a comfortable place of work, etc.
In finding Ikigai, the most important thing is to balance these four principles to complement each other in forming a sustainable living goal. Ikigai is found when an individual can find the middle point of the four things in him.
Hapsari, Paramita Winny, dan Mugiyanti. (2022). “Korelasi Kebutuhan Dengan Ikigai Pada Mahasiswa Program Studi Sastra Jepang Universitas Pakuan”. https://journal.unpak.ac.id/index.php/Idea/article/view/5208/3042 . Diakses pada Selasa 25 Oktober 2022.
Rizki, Anisa. (2022). “Jenuh dengan Rutinitas Kuliah? Mahasiswa Bisa Coba Terapkan Konsep Ini” https://www.detik.com/edu/perguruan-tinggi/d-6366450/jenuh-dengan-rutinitas-kuliah-mahasiswa-bisa-coba-terapkan-konsep-ini