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Welcoming the Month of Ramadan with a Free Book Bazaar
Author : Aidilla Qurotianti Date : 23 March 2023

The UMY Library again held a free Book Bazaar with the theme “Welcome to Ramadhan” on Monday and Tuesday (20-21/3) in Public Space, Building D, lt. 1 UMY Library. At the book bazaar this time, the UMY Library collaborated with six bookstores, namely Suara Muhammadiyah, Sagung Seto, UBS Library, Spektra, Gramedia, and Periplus. Various kinds of books are provided by the bookstore, ranging from course books, self-improvement, religious, novels, to literature books from various publishers. Apart from being a promotional event for the UMY library, this free book bazaar also aims to meet the information and knowledge needs needed by the entire academic community. In addition, this step also aims to increase students' interest in visiting the UMY Library.

In this free book bazaar all visitors who are members of the UMY academic community can freely choose the books they want and the purchase of these books will be borne by the UMY Library. After that the books they have chosen can be brought home within a maximum period of 30 days and after that the books must be returned to the UMY Library. One of the sellers participating in the bazaar booth, Azaliasari, who is an Education Consultant at Periplus, said he was happy with this free book bazaar. "A very fresh innovation for the procurement of library books. So the books that are held are clearly in demand. As far as I know, only UMY has had an innovation in procuring books like this," she explained.

More than 300 UMY academics were very enthusiastic about attending the book bazaar ahead of this Ramadan, starting from students, education staff, to lecturers. Apart from making it easier to find new books, this bazaar activity this time can also be a medium for students to find the books they want so they can fill their spare time in this year's fasting month.



