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Strengthening the Muhammadiyah History Network Through the SejarahMu
Author : Aidilla Qurotianti Date : 26 October 2023

In the digital era, digital collections have become very important. Digital collections refer to collections of information, data, and other materials stored in electronic format, such as text, images, video, and sound. Based on this, the Muhammadiyah Corner UMY developed a digital library archive portal related to the Muhammadiyah collection, namely SejarahMu (historimu.umy.ac.id).

SejarahMu Portal is a web-based application that is used to store and manage various Muhammadiyah collections, whether in the form of ancient manuscripts, old documents, ancient magazines, etc. These various collections are copies of the hard copy collection in the Muhammadiyah Corner Room of the UMY Library, 3rd floor.

There are various types of collections presented on the portal, ranging from ancient magazines, old photos and documents, classic books, to historical artifacts/objects which are managed at the Muhammadiyah Corner UMY. It is hoped that the SejarahMu platform can have an important role in strengthening the Muhammadiyah History network so that the younger generation cannot be separated from the great history of Muhammadiyah.

For library friends who want to access the SejarahMu portal, you can visit the link sejarahmu.umy.ac.id, whereas if library friends want to access and view the hardcopy directly, you can visit the Muhammadiyah Corner UMY at UMY Library Gd. D, lt. 3
