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Doing more private tasks in an independent cubicle
Author : Aidilla Qurotianti Date : 10 January 2024

Along with the times and the needs of the academic community, libraries are no longer just a place to read and borrow books. The role of libraries has developed into learning centers that provide a variety of services to support academic and research activities for the academic community. The UMY Library, which is a public space for the entire UMY academic community, has provided free and flexible space to support student activities such as group discussions, internet access, doing assignments, etc.

Not only providing public space, the UMY Library also provides private space services to support learning and carrying out assignments for the academic community independently, called the Independent Space. The academic community can utilize the independent cubicle facilities on the 1st floor of the UMY Library. There are 9 independent cubicles available that can be used by the community for free.

Each Mandiri Room is equipped with facilities that support learning or research needs. Spacious study tables, ergonomic chairs and optimal lighting are designed to create a comfortable environment that meets the user's standard needs. Additionally, a fast and stable internet connection is also provided to ensure easy access to online information sources.

These self-contained cubicles aim to provide a calm learning environment, free from distractions, and allow users to focus fully on their assignments or research. The existence of Mandiri Bilik is expected to increase productivity and comfort for every individual who uses it.

