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Number of items : 60049
No Judul Tahun Penulis Penerbit
55101 Ushul Fiqih 1973 Rifa'i, Moh. PT. Alma'arif - Bandung
55102 Ilmu Tauhid 1973 Amir, Dja'far and Dasuki, H. Abbas Sa'adiyah Putra - Jakarta
55103 Garis-garis Organisasi Muhammadiyah 1973 Prodjokusumo, H. S. - Jakarta
55104 Jig and Fixture Design Manual 1973 HENRIKSEN, Erik Karl Industrial - New York
55105 Educational evaluation: theory and practice 1973 WORTHEN, Blaine R. and SANDERS, James R. Wadsworth - California
55106 Mahasiswa dan Strategi Perjoangan Nasional 1973 Nasution Jendral Universitas Gajah Mada - Yogyakarta
55107 Tafsir Al-Qur'anul Majid An-Nuur juz 28 1973 ASH-SHIDDIEQY, Hasbi
55108 The cardiac rhythms 1973 Raymond F. Philips W.B. Saunders Company
55109 Science of dental metrials 1973 Ralph W. Phillips W.B. Saunders Company
55110 ASM Handbook : Volume 15 Casting 1973 [Tidak Terdaftar] ASM International
55111 the new book of knowledge 1973 Grolier - New York
55112 The anatomy of human destructiveness 1973 Erich Fromm PIMLICO
55113 The Interpretation of Cultures 1973 Clifford Geertz Fontana Press - New York
55114 Social Marketing Perspectives and viewpoints 1973 William Lazer and Eugene J. Kelley Richard D Irwin - London
55115 Fiqh Al-Sunnah 1973 Sayid Sabik Darul Kitab Arabiyah
55116 Structural Steelwork Calculations and Detailing 1973 Macginley T.J. Butterworth - London
55117 Pengantar Sejarah Kebudayaan Indonesia 1973 Soekmono Yayasan Kanisius - Yogyakarta
55118 Fungsi Aqidah Dalam Kehidupan Manusia dan Perpautannya dengan Ibadah 1973 Ash Shiddiqie, Hasbi IAIN Sunan Kalijaga - Yogyakarta
55119 IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Dalam Arena Pembangunan Negara dan Bangsa Indonesia 1973 Syahid, Bakri IAIN Sunan Kalijaga - Yogyakarta
55120 Survey Research: A Decisional Approach 1973 Donald S. Tull and Gerald S. Albaum Intext Press - New York
55121 Organized Knowledge 1973 Leslie Sklair Paladin
55122 Cognitive Sociology 1973 Aaron V. Cicourel Penguin Education - London
55123 Pengantar Sosiologi Hukum 1973 Soekanto, Soerjono Bhratara - Jakarta
55124 The Industrial Order and Social Policy 1973 Richard A. Peterson Prentice Hall
55125 Sosiologi: Suatu Pengantar 1973 Soerjono Soekanto Yayasan Penerbit Universitas Indonesia
55126 Today's ISMS 1973 Ebenstein Prentice Hall - New Jersey
55127 Social Problems of Urban Man 1973 Johnson The Dorse Press
55128 Pengantar Sosiologi 1973 Soejono Penerbit Alumni - Bandung
55129 Political Participation in Modern Indonesia 1973 R. William Liddle Yale University
55130 Leadership Patterns and Village Structure (A Study of Six Indian Villages) 1973 Singh, Avtar Sterling Publisher - New Delhi
55131 The Family: Its Structure and Interaction 1973 Nye, F. Ivan and Berardo, Felix M. Macmillan
55132 The Homeless Mind: Modernization and Consciousness 1973 Berger, Peter and Berger, brigitte, et al Random House
55133 Applied Measures For promoting Technological Growth 1973 Hetzler, Stanley A. Routledge & Kegan Paul
55134 Fundamentals of soil science 1972 Foth, Henry D WILEY - LISS
55135 Design of steel gaylord-gaylord structures 1972 GAYLORD, Edwin H McGraw - Hill Book Company
55136 Plant growth substances Vol.1. Chemistry & physiology 1972 AUDUS, L J [Tidak Terdaftar]
55137 Plant Growth Substances in Agriculture 1972 WEAVER, Robeth J. W.H Freeman and Company
55138 Pharmacy, Drugs and Medical Care 1972 SMITH, Mickey c WILLIAMS & WILKINS
55139 Ilmu Peluang Dan Statistika Untuk Insinyur dan Ilmuwan 1972 WALPOLE, Ronald E ITB BANDUNG
55140 Integrated Electronics 1972 MILLMAN, Jacob McGraw - Hill Book Company
55141 Proceedings of The 5th Asian-Pacific Congress of Gastroenterology 1972 [Tidak Terdaftar] Gastroenterological Society of Singapore
55142 Blood Transfusion in Clinical Medicine 1972 MOLLISON, P.L Blackwell Scientific Publications
55143 Modern English : Exercises For Non-Native Speakers Part I : Parts Of Speech 1972 FRANK, Marcella PRENTICE HALL
55144 Statistics : a guide to the unknown 1972 [Tidak Terdaftar] Holden Day
55145 introduction To The Finite Element Mrthod : A Numerical Method For Engineering Analysis 1972 DESAI, C.S Van Nostrand Reinhold
55146 The Post-Behavioral Era : Perspectives on Political Science 1972 GRAHAM, George J David McKay Company
55147 Design of functional pavements 1972 NAI, C Yang McGraw - Hill Book Company
55148 Water Deficits And Plant Growth Volume III 1972 KOZLOWSKI, T.T. Academic Press
55149 Algebra Two With Trigonometry 1972 foster Harcourt Brace Javanovich Ink
55150 Algebra One 1972 PAYNE, Joseph Harcourt Brace Jovanovich

Number of items : 60049