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Number of items : 60049
No Judul Tahun Penulis Penerbit
54951 A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic 1974 WEHR, Hans Librairie du Liban
54952 Good Schools For Young Children 1974 LEEPER, Sarah Hammond Macmillan Publishing Company
54953 Pengajaran Bahasa Asing : Sebuah Tinjauan Dari Segi Metodologi 1974 SUMARDI, Mulyanto Bulan Bintang
54954 Since 1900 : A History Of The United States In Our Times 1974 BARCK, Oscar Theodore Macmillan Publishing Company
54955 Mabahits Fi'ulum Al-Qur'an 1974 SHALIH, Subhi As Dar Al-Ilm Lil Malayin
54956 Perspectives on state and local politics 1974 [Tidak Terdaftar] PRENTICE HALL
54957 The Politics of Constitutional Law 1974 SHAPIRO, Martin Winthrop Publishers
54958 Problematika Remaja di Indonesia 1974 Zakiah Daradjat Bulan Bintang - Jakarta
54959 Ocular Pharmacology 1974 Havener, William The C. V. Mosby Company
54960 Sejarah Afrika 1974 Soeratman Darsiti Penerbit Ombak - Yogyakarta
54961 Bercocok Tanam Kopi 1974 AAK Kanisius - Yogyakarta
54962 Merawat Anggrek 1974 Soeryowiniti, Sutarni M. Yayasan Kanisius - Yogyakarta
54963 Doctor, Make Me Beautiful 1974 James W. Smith and Samm Sinclair Baker Bantam - New York
54964 Botany an introduction to plant biology 1974 Weier, T. Elliot and Stocking, C. Ralph John Wiley & Sons - USA
54965 medical Physiology : Volume 2 1974 Mountcastle, Vernon B. The c.v. mosby company - london
54966 To start you practising 1974 J.F. de Freitas Macmillan Education - London
54967 Aksi Agraris Kanisius Bercocok Tanam Kopi 1974 Aak Kanisius - Yogyakarta
54968 Profil Pesantren Laporan Hasil Penelitian Pesantren Al Falak dan Delapan Pesantren Lain di Bogor 1974 Prasodjo, Sudjoko LP3ES - Jakarta
54969 Qadianism A Critical Study 1974 Nadwi , Abul Hasan Ali Academy of Islamic Reseacrh and Publications - Lucknow
54970 Introduction to Soils Ecosystem 1974 Richards, BN Longman - New York
54971 Fisiologi Tumbuhan Metabolisme Dasar 1974 Suseno, Hari Departemen Botani Fakultas Pertanian IPB - Bogor
54972 Environment and Plant Ecology 1974 Etherington, J.R Wiley Eastern Limited - New Delhi
54973 Keluarga Sejahtera Muhammadijah 1974 Kusnadi Unit Perencanaan Keluarga Muhammadiyah Pusat - Jakarta
54974 New PSLE English : singapore primary six 1974 [Tidak Terdaftar] Preston
54975 45 Tahun Sumpah Pemuda 1974 Sud Grafika Jaya - Jakarta
54976 Applied Linear Statistical Models 1974 Neter, John Rhicard D. Irwin, Inc. - United States
54977 Sumber- sumber Hukum Tatanegara di Indonesia 1974 Joeniarto Liberty - Yogyakarta
54978 Francais 1 1974 R. Goffinet Didactronia
54979 Quantum Physics Of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei, and Particles 1974 EISBERG, Robert and RESNICK, Robert John Wiley & Sons - New York
54980 Engineering measurements 1974 COLLETT, C. V. and HOPE, A. D. Pitman - London
54981 Kebudayaan Mentalitet dan Pembangunan 1974 Koentjaraningrat Gramedia - Jakarta
54982 Choice And Adaptation Of Technology in Developing Countries 1974 Development Centre - Paris
54983 Tafsir Al Maraghi Jilid 25-27 1974 Al Maraghi , Ahmad Mustofa Beirut: Dar Al-Fikr
54984 Tafsir Al Maraghi Jilid 16-17 1974 Al Maraghi , Ahmad Mustofa
54985 Tafsir Al Maraghi Jilid 4-6 1974 Al Maraghi , Ahmad Mustofa
54986 Tafsir Al Maraghi Jilid 10-12 1974 Al Maraghi , Ahmad Mustofa
54987 Tafsir Al Maraghi Jilid jilid 28-30 1974 Al Maraghi , Ahmad Mustofa
54988 Al Islam wa Siyasah 1974 Syaf'at, Muhammad
54989 Tafsir Al Maraghi Jilid 7-9 1974 Al Maraghi , Ahmad Mustofa
54990 Mustika Hadis Rasululloh SAW 1974 Ibn Muhammad, 'Abdulloh
54991 Dalilul Falihin Jilid 3 1974 Sya'ari, Muhammad ibn 'Alan Shodiq
54992 Tafsir Al Maraghi Jilid 13-15 1974 Al Maraghi , Ahmad Mustofa
54993 Ghozwah Mu'tah 1974 Basmil, Muhammad Ahmad
54994 Antropologi Teologi Candra Manusia Muslim 1974 Bakker UIN sunan Kalijaga - Yoyakarta
54995 Hidup baru diumur 40 tahun 1974 Mahbub Djunaidi PT. Al Maarif
54996 The legacy islam 1974 Joseph Schacht Oxford
54997 Pertambahan Penduduk Integrasi Dengan Geografi 1974 UNIT Perencana Keluarga Muhammadiyah Pusat - Jakarta
54998 Astronomi Penentuan Waktu 1974 Pendidikan and Bambang Hidajat Universitas Islam Bandung - Bandung
54999 Buku Kenangan Seperempat Abad Universitas Gadjah Mada 1974 UGM - Yogyakarta
55000 Arabia Without Sultans 1974 Fred Halliday Great Britain - Canada

Number of items : 60049