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Number of items : 60051
No Judul Tahun Penulis Penerbit
54601 An Introduction to the Sociology of Rural Development 1977 Long, Norman Westview Press - Colorado
54602 Tributes to Honorable Gerald R. Ford 1977 US Goverment Printing Office - Washington
54603 Sociological Theory: Its Development and Major Paradigms 1977 Kinloch, Graham C. McGraw-Hill
54604 Against Behaviouralism 1977 Ions, Edmund Basil Blackwell - Oxford
54605 Forty Hadith : an anthology of the sayings of the prophet Muhammad 1976 An- Nawawi's the Holy Koran Publishing House - Beirut
54606 Memperkembang dan Mempertahankan Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia 1976 Zainal Abidin Ahmad bulan Bintang - Jakarta
54607 Filsafat Pendidikan : sistem dan metode 1976 Imam Barnadib Andi Offset - Yogyakarta
54608 Bibliografi Hukum Adat Indonesia (Akhir Abad XIX-1975) 1976 SOEKANTO, Soerjono Alumni
54609 Advanced English Practice 1976 GRAVER B,D. Oxford University Press
54610 Kisah Mencari Tuhan (Uraian Theologis - Filosofis Tentang wujud Tuhan ) 1976 JISR, Syekh Nadim Bulan Bintang
54611 Research Methodts in the Social Sciences 1976 NACHMIAS, David St. Martin's Press
54612 Filsafat Komunikasi 1976 SUSANTO, PHIL ASTRID S. BINACIPTA
54613 First Course in Population Genetics 1976 CHING CHUN LI The Boxwood Press
54614 engineering Economy a Behavioral Approach 1976 TARQUIN, Anthony J. McGraw - Hill Book Company
54615 Modern electronic circuit design 1976 COMER, David J Addison-Wesly Pub
54616 Annual crop production 1976 MATHESON, E M [Tidak Terdaftar]
54617 Energy And Society 1976 HEALY, Timothy J. Boyd & Fraser Publishing Company
54618 Review of Medical Microbiology 1976 JAWETZ, Ernest Lange Medical
54619 The Kidney in Pregnancy 1976 ALVARES, Russell ramon de A Wiley Medical Publication
54620 Synopsis of Analysis of Roentgen Sings in General Radiology 1976 MESCHAN, Isadore Saunders
54621 Principles Of Engineering Economy 1976 GRANT, Eugene L A Wiley Trans
54622 Mekanika teknik Bag.I. Kontruksi statis tertentu Jil.1 1976 WIRYOMARTONO, Suwarno Univ. Gadjah mada
54623 Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa Jilid I, II, III 1976 [Tidak Terdaftar] Paryu Barkah
54624 Cowdry,s The Care of The Geriatric Patient 1976 [Tidak Terdaftar] Mosby
54625 Pemasaran dan pemakaian jamu. Lap Penelitian 1976 [Tidak Terdaftar] [Tidak Terdaftar]
54626 Biochemical Calculations : How to solve mathematical problems in ... 1976 SEGEL, Irwin H John Wiley & Sons
54627 Principles Of Field Crop Production 1976 MARTIN, John H Macmillan Publishing Company
54628 Konstruksi Kayu Jilid I 1976 WIRYOMARTONO, Suwarno Fak. Teknik UGM
54629 Mekanika untuk insinyur. Statika 1976 BEER, Ferdinand P Erlangga
54630 A Course in highway engineering 1976 BINDRA, S P [Tidak Terdaftar]
54631 Construction & design of cable-stayed bridges 1976 PODOLNY, Walter John Wiley & Sons
54632 Home horticulture 1976 BAUSKE, Robert J West Group
54633 Economics of development empirical investigations 1976 YOTOPOULUS, Pan A Harper &Row, Pub.
54634 Ilmu Usaha Tani 1976 SURATIYAH, Ken Fak. Pertanian UGM
54635 Pengawetan Tanah Dan Air 1976 ARSYAD, Sitanala Institut Pertanian Bogor
54636 Climate, Soil And Crop Production In The Humid Tropics 1976 WILLIAMS, C.N Oxford University Press
54637 Prinsip-prinsip beton aspal dan pengaspalan dengan butas 1976 SUDARSONO, D U [Tidak Terdaftar]
54638 Genetics 1976 STRICKBERGER, Monroe W Macmillan Press
54639 An introduction to Genetic analysis 1976 SUZUKI, David T [Tidak Terdaftar]
54640 Penduduk Dan kemiskinan : Kasus Sriharjo di Pedesaan Jawa 1976 SINGARIMBUN, Masri Bhratara Karya Alsara
54641 American Government and Politics Today 1976 SOHNER, Charles P. Scott , Foresman and Comp
54642 Pandangan Presiden Soeharto Tentang Pancasila 1976 [Tidak Terdaftar] CSIS
54643 Pengertian hukum adat menurut UU Pokok Agraria 1976 ADIWINATA, Saleh Alumni
54644 Filsafat Hukum dalam Islam 1976 MAHMASSANI, Sobhi
54645 The Study of The Midle East: Research and Scholarship in the Humanities and The Social Science 1976 [Tidak Terdaftar] A Wiley Medical Publication
54646 No Easy Choice : Political Participation in Developing Countries 1976 HUNTINGTON, Samuel P. Harvard University Press
54647 Principles of economics macro 1976 PETERSON, Willis L IRWIN
54648 Steps in Composition 1976 TROYKA, Lynn Quitman Prentice Hall
54649 Architectural Drawing and Light Construction 1976 MULLER, Edward J Prentice Hall
54650 Sahih Muslim Voleme 1 1976 ASHRAF, SH. Muhammad Ashraf Printing Press

Number of items : 60051