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Number of items : 60051
No Judul Tahun Penulis Penerbit
54401 Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Islam III 1978 Kuseno, Imam RAMA - Yogyakarta
54402 Apakah Anda Termasuk Golongan Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah? 1978 Hasyim, Umar PT Bina Ilmu - Jakarta
54403 Adat Istiadat Daerah Lampung 1978 DEPDIKBUD DEPDIKBUD
54404 Durusul Lughah Al 'Arabiyah 1978 Lembaga Bahasa UIN UIN Sunan Kalijaga - Yogyakarta
54405 Gerakan Aligarh Pemuka-Pemuka Penting dan Pemikiran 1978 Hasibuan, Rusli UIN Sunan Kalijaga - Yogyakarta
54406 An Early Javanese Code of Muslim Ethics 1978 Drewes, G.W.J. KONINJLICK INSTITUTE
54407 Iqbal Baina Al Muslihina wa Al Islamiyyina 1978 Al Masri, Husein Mujib Maktabah - Kairo
54408 International Relations Theory a Bibliography 1978 Groom A.J.R. (ed.) Frances Pinter - London
54409 The Sociology of Sex: An Introductory Reader 1978 Schocken Books - USA
54410 The Structure of Marx's World-View 1978 McMurtry, John Princeton University Press - New Jersey
54411 International Perspectives in Rural Sociology 1978 Howard Newby John Wiley & Sons - Chicester
54412 Bung Karno Masa Muda 1978 Pustaka Yayasan - Jakarta
54413 Oxford Student's Dictionary of Current English 1978 Hornby, A S - London
54414 Mass Media Dan Hukum 1977 ADJI, Oemar Seno Erlangga
54415 Pers Aspek-Aspek Hukum 1977 ADJI, Oemar Seno Erlangga
54416 Mexico and the Hispanic Southwest in American Literature 1977 ROBINSON, Cecil The University of Arizona Press
54417 Metal process engineering 1977 POLUKHIN, P [Tidak Terdaftar]
54418 Bridge substructure 1977 [Tidak Terdaftar] [Tidak Terdaftar]
54419 Introduction to digital computer technology 1977 NASHELSKY, Louis John Wiley & Sons
54420 Handbook of Ophtamologic Emergencies 1977 GOMBOS, George m Toppan Company
54421 Manajemen pemasaran I. Marketing manajemen 9e. Analisis, perencanaan, implementasi dan kontrol 1977 KOTLER, Philip Prenhallindo
54422 Market and price analysis : The Agricultural industries 1977 DAHL, Dale C McGraw - Hill Book Company
54423 Agricultural Decision Analysis 1977 ANDERSON, Jock R The Iowa State University
54424 Mims' Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease 1977 MIMS, Cedric Academic Press
54425 Mekanika Tanah 1977 WESLEY, LD. Dep. Pekerjaan Umum
54426 Pengetahuan Bahan Dalam Pengerjaan Logam 1977 SCHONMETZ, Alois Angkasa
54427 Dinamika Kendaraan Rel Bagian I 1977 SURYANTO, M [Tidak Terdaftar]
54428 Helping Cancer Patiens - effectively 1977 BOCHOW, Alyson j Nursing 78 Books
54429 The Design and performance of road pavements 1977 CRONEY, David [Tidak Terdaftar]
54430 Teknik Budidaya Pertanian 1977 [Tidak Terdaftar] Fak. Pertanian IPB
54431 Pengantar Ilmu Politik Bagian I 1977 GANI, Soelistyani Ismail Fisip UGM
54432 Railroad Track Theory and Practice 1977 [Tidak Terdaftar] Frederick Ungar Pub.
54433 Sedimentation engineering I 1977 [Tidak Terdaftar] [Tidak Terdaftar]
54434 Climate, water and agriculture in the tropics 1977 JACKSON, I J Longman Cheshire
54435 Statistical Concepts and Methods 1977 BHATTACHARYYA, Gourgi K John Wiley & Sons
54436 Design of concrete structures 1977 NILSON, Arthur H McGraw - Hill Book Company - Singapura
54437 Fundamentals Of Horticulture 1977 EDMOND, J.B McGraw-Hill Book Company
54438 A Policy on Geometric Design of Rural Highways 1965 1977 [Tidak Terdaftar] [Tidak Terdaftar]
54439 Strength of Materials 1977 RYDER, G.H Indira
54440 Basics of structural steel design 1977 MARCUS, Samuel H [Tidak Terdaftar]
54441 Interfaces between agriculture, nutrition, and food science 1977 [Tidak Terdaftar] International Rice Research Institute
54442 Bridge design. Highway engineering 1977 [Tidak Terdaftar] [Tidak Terdaftar]
54443 Probability and statistics for engineering 1977 MILLER, Irwin PRENTICE HALL
54444 Geometric Road design Standards 1977 [Tidak Terdaftar] OECD
54445 Mekanika Teknik : Penyelesaian Soal-Soal 1977 WIDODO Fak. Teknik UGM
54446 Teori Mekanika Teknik I : Statis Tertentu 1977 [Tidak Terdaftar] Fak. Teknik Sipil UGM
54447 Algebra Book 2 : the language of mathematics 1977 JOHNSON, Richard E Addison-Wesly Pub
54448 State Politics in The United States 1977 PALMER, Kenneth T. ST. Martin press
54449 Introduction to Political Analysis 1977 APTER, David E. Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited
54450 Experimental Biochemistry 1977 CLARK, John M W.H Freeman and Company

Number of items : 60051