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Number of items : 60051
No Judul Tahun Penulis Penerbit
54201 Pasang-Surut Aliran Tasawuf 1979 Arberry, A.J. Mizan - Bandung
54202 Complex Organizations A Critical Essay 1979 Perrow, Charles Library of Congress - USA
54203 Pemukiman di Asia Tenggara Transmigrasi di Indonesia 1979 MacAndrew, Colin UGM Press - Yogyakarta
54204 Contemporary Sociological Theory 1979 Poloma, Margaret M. Collier Macmillan
54205 Madura III: Kumpulan Makalah-Makalah Seminar 1979 1979 Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI
54206 Religion and State 1979 L.Carl Brown Referensi - --
54207 Labor Economics : a Guide To Information Sources 1978 AZEVEDO, Ross E Gale Research Company
54208 Pers Dan Komunikasi Sosial Penerangan 1978 SAHEROSDJI, H. Hari Printing Office
54209 Applied Electromagnetics 1978 PLONUS, Martin A McGraw-Hill Kogakusha
54210 Construction Management : A Professional Approach 1978 KAVANAGH, Thomas C. McGraw - Hill Book Company
54211 Soybean physiology, agronomy, and utilization 1978 [Tidak Terdaftar] Academic Press
54212 Agricultural Experimentation : Design and Analysis 1978 LITTLE, Thomas M. John Wiley & Sons
54213 Production economics. Theory with applications 1978 DOLL, John P [Tidak Terdaftar]
54214 Crop Physiology 1978 GUPTA, U.S Oxford & IBH Publishing
54215 Hernia 1978 [Tidak Terdaftar] LIPPINCOTT
54216 Fraktur dan Dislokasi 1978 BLOCH, Bernard Yayasan Essentia Medica
54217 Medical Physics 1978 CAMERON, John L. John Wiley & Sons
54218 Pavement Management Systems 1978 HAAS, Ralph McGraw - Hill Book Company
54219 Introduction To Insect Biology And Diversity 1978 DALY, Howell Y McGraw-Hill Kogakusha
54220 Documenting Patient Care Responsibly 1978 [Tidak Terdaftar] Nursing 79 books
54221 Rahasia Pekerkaan Dokter dan Advokat 1978 SING, Ko Tjay GRAMEDIA
54222 Ilmu bahan logam 1 1978 BEUMER, B J M Bhratara Karya Alsara
54223 Rigit frame formulas 1978 KLEINLOCEL, A Frederick A. Praeger
54224 Dasar Dan Tehnik Research, Pengantar Metodologi Ilmiah 1978 SURAKHMAD, Winarno Tarsito
54225 Giving Cardiovascular Drugs Safely 1978 COHEN, Micahel r Nursing 78 Books
54226 Combatting Cardiovascular Diseases Skillfully 1978 BOWERS, Sally a Nursing 78 Books
54227 Assessing Vital Functions Accurately 1978 ADAMS, Major nancy Nursing 79 books
54228 Giving Emergency Care Competently 1978 CLAUSEN, Joy p Nursing 78 Books
54229 Managing Diabetics Properly 1978 [Tidak Terdaftar] Nursing 79 books
54230 Structural analysis for engineers 1978 WILLEMS, Lucas M McGraw - Hill Book Company
54231 Ilmu Pemuliaan Tanaman 1978 SOETARSO Fak. Pertanian UGM
54232 Agriculture Experimentation 1978 Little, Thomas M and Hills, Jackson F John Wiley - New York
54233 An Introduction to numerical analysis 1978 ATKINSON, Kendall E John Wiley & Sons
54234 Soil conditions and plant growth 1978 RUSSELL E W [Tidak Terdaftar]
54235 Probabilitay and statistics for engineers and scientists 1978 WALPOLE, Ronald E Macmillan Press
54236 Developments In Highway Pavement Engineering-2 1978 PELL, Peter S Applied Science Pub.LTD
54237 Hama-Hama Gudang (Pada Bahan Dalam Simpanan) 1978 MANGOENDIHARDJO, Soeprapto Fak. Pertanian UGM
54238 Pengantar Manajemen penjualan 1978 SMALLBONE, Douglas W Balai aksara - Jakarta
54239 Soils & Rice 1978 [Tidak Terdaftar] International Rice Research Institute
54240 Hidrologi untuk pengairan 1978 SOSRODARSONO, Suyono Pradnya Paramita - Jakarta
54241 Irrigation : Theory And Practice 1978 MICHAEL, A.M Vikas Pub. House PVT LTD
54242 Construction Materials And Processes 1978 WATSON, Don A McGraw - Hill Book Company
54243 Steel Designers' Manual 1978 [Tidak Terdaftar] Crosby Lockwood Staples
54244 Integrated urban traffic management 1978 [Tidak Terdaftar] [Tidak Terdaftar]
54245 Algebra Two 1978 KEEDY, Mervin L Addison-Wesly Pub
54246 Fortran. A structured, disciplined style 1978 DAVIS, Gordon B McGraw - Hill Book Company
54247 Automotive air conditioning 1978 DWIGGINS, Boyce H Delmar
54248 The Comparative Analysis of Politics 1978 PALMER, Monte F.E. Peacock
54249 Filsafat manusia 1978 DRIJARKARA Kanisius
54250 Metoda Penelitian 1978 RUMAWAS F Lemb. Afiliasi IPB

Number of items : 60051