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Number of items : 61027
No Judul Tahun Penulis Penerbit
54451 Hukum perkawinan adat dan undang-undang tentang perkawinan serta peraturan pelaksanaannya (UU no.1 th 1974 dan peraturan pemerintah no. 9 thn 1975 1980 Saragih, Djaren Tarsito - Bandung
54452 Islam and The Problem of Israel 1980 Faruqi, Ismail Raji Ialamic Council of Europe - London
54453 Handbook of Orthoptic Principles 1980 Cashell, G.T. Willoughby Churcill Livingstone - London
54454 Enviromental Assessment Statements 1980 Suriyakumaran, C United Nations Environment Programme
54455 Politics and Policy Implementation in the Third World 1980 GRINDLE, Merilee S. Princeton - New Jersey
54456 Bangunan Tropis 1980 LIPPSMEIER, Georg Erlangga - Jakarta
54457 Analisis Kota & Daerah 1980 WARPANI, Suwardjoko ITB Bandung - Bandung
54458 Technical calculus with analytic geometry 1980 Washington, Allyn J The Benjamin - California
54459 Peningkatan mutu pendidikan dan pembangunan perguruan agama 1980 Djaelani, Timur Dermaga - Jakarta
54460 Geometry 1980 JURGENSEN, Ray C. Houghtn Mifflin Company - Boston
54461 College Algebra 1980 LEITHOLD, Louis MacMilan - New York
54462 Politics As Communication 1980 Meadow, Robert Ablex publishing - Norwood
54463 Automobile Electrical and Electronic Equipment 1980 YOUNG, A.P. Butterworth & Co - London
54464 CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 1980 WEAST, Robert C. CRC Press - Florida
54465 Turbin Pompa dan Kompresor 1980 DIETZEL, Fritz Erlangga - Jakarta
54466 450 Masalah agama islam 1980 Bahreisj, Hussein Al-Ikhlas - Surabaya
54467 Tafsir ayat-ayat hukum jilid II 1980 Zamakhsyari, R. Lubis PT. Alma'arif - Bandung
54468 Yi Ge Noug Min Che Shen De Guo Wang 1980 Shing Lee Book Store - |Singapura
54469 Xiao Tu Zi Jiau Chai 1980 Shing he book store - Singapura
54470 Zhong Guo Min Jian Tonghua Gushi (3) 1980 Li Yin The yi chuin publishing co - Hongkong
54471 Tang Dynasty Poetry 1980 Ma Chao-Hua The Overseas Chinese Library - Taipei
54472 China : The agricultural training system 1980 Food and agriculture organization of the united - Rome
54473 Pola Dasar ISLAM 1980 Sukanto.MM PT Alma'arif - Bandung
54474 Modern Machining Processes 1980 PANDEY, P C. Tate McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited - New Delhi
54475 Ilmu konstruksi bangunan 2 1980 FRICK, Heinz Kanisius - Yogyakarta
54476 Pelajaran Teknik Mobil 1980 HADISOEMARTO, J. D Usaha Nasional - Surabaya
54477 Fundamentals of Soil Physics 1980 Daniel Hillel ACADEMIK PRESS - London
54478 Tumbuhan Obat 1980 rijadi ,jitno PN BALAI PUSTAKA
54479 sayur-sayuran 1980 sastraprajdja. S PN Balai Pustaka - Bogor
54480 Solar Thermal Engineering : Space Heating Hot Water Systems 1980 LUNDE, Peter J John Wiley & Sons - New York
54481 Physics of Semiconductors Laser Devices 1980 THOMPSON, G H B John Wiley & Sons - New York
54482 Pengantar Teknik Tenaga Listrik 1980 KADIR, Abdul LP3ES - Jakarta
54483 General Chemistry 1980 Russell, John B McGraw-Hill Book Company - USA
54484 Solid State Radio Engineering 1980 KRAUSS, Herbert L John Wiley & Sons - New York
54485 Tafsir Nawawi Jilid 1 1980 Nawawi, Muhammad
54486 Sejarah Kebangkitan dan Perkembangan Muhammadiyah Wilayah Nusa Tenggara Barat 1980 Koleksi Langka and Mohd Saman Hafs
54487 Pedoman Nomor-kode/nama perkiraan buku-besar muhammadiyah 1980 PP Muhammadiyah and Kamal Bey Widaserana Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah
54488 student supplement to accompany calculis with analytic geomatry 1980 Fraleigh, john B Addison-Wesley
54489 the iran-iraq war 1980 Kheli, Shirin Tahir and Shahen Ayubi Praeger Publishers - New York
54490 A Practical English Grammar 1980 Thomson, A. J. and A. V. Martinet Oxford University Press
54491 Ninety-nine names of Allah 1980 Shems Friedlander Gunung Agung: Jakarta
54492 Standard trade derictory of Indonesia 1980-1981 II 1980 KADIN
54493 Risalah metodologi dakwah kepada wanita 1980 Departemen Agama
54494 Applied soil physics 1980 R.J Hanks Springer
54495 An introduction to general pathology 1980 W.G Spector churchill livingstone
54496 Keputusan-Keputusan Musyawarah Nasional Ke II Majelis Ulama Indonesia 1980 Koleksi Langka Sekretariat Majelis Ulama Indonesia - Jakarta
54497 Fi Dzilalil Qur'an Jilid I - VI 1980 Al Quthub Darusy Syurq
54498 Psikologi Abnormal Jilid II 1980 Releigh M. Drake Sarasin - Yogyakarta
54499 Kumpulan Soal Pilihan Berganda Tentang Statistika Untuk Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial 1980 Zanten, Wim Gramedia - Jakarta
54500 Berita Resmi Muhammadijah 89 1980 PP Muhammadiyah - Yogyakarta

Number of items : 61027