54451 |
Hukum perkawinan adat dan undang-undang tentang perkawinan serta peraturan pelaksanaannya (UU no.1 th 1974 dan peraturan pemerintah no. 9 thn 1975
1980 |
Saragih, Djaren |
Tarsito - Bandung |
54452 |
Islam and The Problem of Israel
1980 |
Faruqi, Ismail Raji |
Ialamic Council of Europe - London |
54453 |
Handbook of Orthoptic Principles
1980 |
Cashell, G.T. Willoughby |
Churcill Livingstone - London |
54454 |
Enviromental Assessment Statements
1980 |
Suriyakumaran, C |
United Nations Environment Programme |
54455 |
Politics and Policy Implementation in the Third World
1980 |
GRINDLE, Merilee S. |
Princeton - New Jersey |
54456 |
Bangunan Tropis
1980 |
Erlangga - Jakarta |
54457 |
Analisis Kota & Daerah
1980 |
WARPANI, Suwardjoko |
ITB Bandung - Bandung |
54458 |
Technical calculus with analytic geometry
1980 |
Washington, Allyn J |
The Benjamin - California |
54459 |
Peningkatan mutu pendidikan dan pembangunan perguruan agama
1980 |
Djaelani, Timur |
Dermaga - Jakarta |
54460 |
1980 |
Houghtn Mifflin Company - Boston |
54461 |
College Algebra
1980 |
MacMilan - New York |
54462 |
Politics As Communication
1980 |
Meadow, Robert |
Ablex publishing - Norwood |
54463 |
Automobile Electrical and Electronic Equipment
1980 |
Butterworth & Co - London |
54464 |
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
1980 |
WEAST, Robert C. |
CRC Press - Florida |
54465 |
Turbin Pompa dan Kompresor
1980 |
DIETZEL, Fritz |
Erlangga - Jakarta |
54466 |
450 Masalah agama islam
1980 |
Bahreisj, Hussein |
Al-Ikhlas - Surabaya |
54467 |
Tafsir ayat-ayat hukum jilid II
1980 |
Zamakhsyari, R. Lubis |
PT. Alma'arif - Bandung |
54468 |
Yi Ge Noug Min Che Shen De Guo Wang
1980 |
Shing Lee Book Store - |Singapura |
54469 |
Xiao Tu Zi Jiau Chai
1980 |
Shing he book store - Singapura |
54470 |
Zhong Guo Min Jian Tonghua Gushi (3)
1980 |
Li Yin |
The yi chuin publishing co - Hongkong |
54471 |
Tang Dynasty Poetry
1980 |
Ma Chao-Hua |
The Overseas Chinese Library - Taipei |
54472 |
China : The agricultural training system
1980 |
Food and agriculture organization of the united - Rome |
54473 |
Pola Dasar ISLAM
1980 |
Sukanto.MM |
PT Alma'arif - Bandung |
54474 |
Modern Machining Processes
1980 |
Tate McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited - New Delhi |
54475 |
Ilmu konstruksi bangunan 2
1980 |
FRICK, Heinz |
Kanisius - Yogyakarta |
54476 |
Pelajaran Teknik Mobil
1980 |
Usaha Nasional - Surabaya |
54477 |
Fundamentals of Soil Physics
1980 |
Daniel Hillel |
54478 |
Tumbuhan Obat
1980 |
rijadi ,jitno |
54479 |
1980 |
sastraprajdja. S |
PN Balai Pustaka - Bogor |
54480 |
Solar Thermal Engineering : Space Heating Hot Water Systems
1980 |
LUNDE, Peter J |
John Wiley & Sons - New York |
54481 |
Physics of Semiconductors Laser Devices
1980 |
John Wiley & Sons - New York |
54482 |
Pengantar Teknik Tenaga Listrik
1980 |
KADIR, Abdul |
LP3ES - Jakarta |
54483 |
General Chemistry
1980 |
Russell, John B |
McGraw-Hill Book Company - USA |
54484 |
Solid State Radio Engineering
1980 |
KRAUSS, Herbert L |
John Wiley & Sons - New York |
54485 |
Tafsir Nawawi Jilid 1
1980 |
Nawawi, Muhammad |
54486 |
Sejarah Kebangkitan dan Perkembangan Muhammadiyah Wilayah Nusa Tenggara Barat
1980 |
Koleksi Langka and Mohd Saman Hafs |
54487 |
Pedoman Nomor-kode/nama perkiraan buku-besar muhammadiyah
1980 |
PP Muhammadiyah and Kamal Bey Widaserana |
Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah |
54488 |
student supplement to accompany calculis with analytic geomatry
1980 |
Fraleigh, john B |
Addison-Wesley |
54489 |
the iran-iraq war
1980 |
Kheli, Shirin Tahir and Shahen Ayubi |
Praeger Publishers - New York |
54490 |
A Practical English Grammar
1980 |
Thomson, A. J. and A. V. Martinet |
Oxford University Press |
54491 |
Ninety-nine names of Allah
1980 |
Shems Friedlander |
Gunung Agung: Jakarta |
54492 |
Standard trade derictory of Indonesia 1980-1981 II
1980 |
54493 |
Risalah metodologi dakwah kepada wanita
1980 |
Departemen Agama |
54494 |
Applied soil physics
1980 |
R.J Hanks |
Springer |
54495 |
An introduction to general pathology
1980 |
W.G Spector |
churchill livingstone |
54496 |
Keputusan-Keputusan Musyawarah Nasional Ke II Majelis Ulama Indonesia
1980 |
Koleksi Langka |
Sekretariat Majelis Ulama Indonesia - Jakarta |
54497 |
Fi Dzilalil Qur'an Jilid I - VI
1980 |
Al Quthub |
Darusy Syurq |
54498 |
Psikologi Abnormal Jilid II
1980 |
Releigh M. Drake |
Sarasin - Yogyakarta |
54499 |
Kumpulan Soal Pilihan Berganda Tentang Statistika Untuk Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial
1980 |
Zanten, Wim |
Gramedia - Jakarta |
54500 |
Berita Resmi Muhammadijah 89
1980 |
PP Muhammadiyah |
- Yogyakarta |