54001 |
Planning Useful Evaluations
1980 |
RUTMAN, Leonard |
Sage Publications |
54002 |
Tema pokok Al-Qur'an
1980 |
RAHMAN, Fazlur |
Pustaka |
54003 |
Introductory statistical analysis
1980 |
HARNETT, Donald |
Addison-Wesly Pub |
54004 |
Mathematics: With applications in management and economics
1980 |
BOWEN, Earl K |
54005 |
Handbook of criminal justice evaluation
1980 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
Sage Publication |
54006 |
Criminal justice : A Public policy approach
1980 |
LEVIN, James |
Harcourt Brace Javanovich Ink |
54007 |
Competitive Strategy. Techniques for analyzing industries and Competitors
1980 |
PORTER, Michael E |
The Free Press |
54008 |
Marketing praktis
1980 |
SIGIT, Soehardi |
54009 |
1980 |
SCHWARTZ, Berthold Eric |
Van Nostrand Reinhold |
54010 |
Media dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian selama60 tahun
1980 |
54011 |
The Spanish Revolution : The left and the struggle for power during the Civil War
1980 |
BOLLOTEN, Burnett |
The University of North Carolina Press |
54012 |
Dendam anak-anak
1980 |
ESCALONA, Sibylle |
Bulan Bintang |
54013 |
The United States And World Development Agenda 1980
1980 |
SEWELL, John W |
Praeger Publishers |
54014 |
The United States : Living in Our World
1980 |
Harcourt Brace Javanovich Ink |
54015 |
Organisation Theory and Local Government
1980 |
Haynes, Robert J. |
Allen & Unwin |
54016 |
Kimia organik I
1980 |
PINE, Stanley H |
Institut Teknologi Bandung |
54017 |
Studies in Islamic economics
1980 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
The Islamic Foundation |
54018 |
Nasehat dan ajaran bapak akuntansi kepada para pengusaha supaya sukses
1980 |
SIGIT, Soehardi |
Gadjah Mada University Press |
54019 |
Lectures on islamic economics
1980 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
Islamic Pub., Limited |
54020 |
Hukuman mati menurut Islam
1980 |
54021 |
Social Psychology Of Sport
1980 |
CARRON, Albert V. |
University Of Western Ontario |
54022 |
Guide to Nursing Management
1980 |
Marriner, Ann |
The C. V. Mosby Company - London |
54023 |
Konsep Strategi Perusahaan
1980 |
Andrews, Kenneth R. |
Erlangga - Jakarta |
54024 |
Diplomatic Handbook
1980 |
Felthan R.G |
Trird edition - Longman London |
54025 |
Matematika Ekonomi
1980 |
Tohir, Moh. and Sadono, Haryono Wiryo |
Ananda - Yogyakarta |
54026 |
Matematika untuk Ekonomi: Teori dan soal-soal
1980 |
Dowling, Edward T. |
Erlangga - Jakarta |
54027 |
Tanaman Industri: Lembaga Biologi Nasional - LIPI
1980 |
PN Balai Pustaka |
54028 |
1980 |
Sas, ... |
Balai Pustaka - Jakarta |
54029 |
Budidaya Tanaman Gandum
1980 |
Wiyono, Tati Nurmala |
Karya Nusantara - Jakarta |
54030 |
Ubijalar Dan Cara Bercocok Tanamnya
1980 |
Wargiono, J |
LPPPB - Bogor |
54031 |
Dennis Wheatley the Fabulous Valley
1980 |
Dennis Wheatley |
The Anchor Press - London |
54032 |
Play Games with English
1980 |
Colin Granger |
Teachers' Book - London |
54033 |
Let's Write English
1980 |
George E.Wishon and Julia M.Burks |
American Book Company |
54034 |
The Rector of Justin
1980 |
Louis Auchincloss |
Houghton Mifflin - USA |
54035 |
Hukum perkawinan adat dan undang-undang tentang perkawinan serta peraturan pelaksanaannya (UU no.1 th 1974 dan peraturan pemerintah no. 9 thn 1975
1980 |
Saragih, Djaren |
Tarsito - Bandung |
54036 |
Islam and The Problem of Israel
1980 |
Faruqi, Ismail Raji |
Ialamic Council of Europe - London |
54037 |
Handbook of Orthoptic Principles
1980 |
Cashell, G.T. Willoughby |
Churcill Livingstone - London |
54038 |
Enviromental Assessment Statements
1980 |
Suriyakumaran, C |
United Nations Environment Programme |
54039 |
Politics and Policy Implementation in the Third World
1980 |
GRINDLE, Merilee S. |
Princeton - New Jersey |
54040 |
Bangunan Tropis
1980 |
Erlangga - Jakarta |
54041 |
Analisis Kota & Daerah
1980 |
WARPANI, Suwardjoko |
ITB Bandung - Bandung |
54042 |
Technical calculus with analytic geometry
1980 |
Washington, Allyn J |
The Benjamin - California |
54043 |
Peningkatan mutu pendidikan dan pembangunan perguruan agama
1980 |
Djaelani, Timur |
Dermaga - Jakarta |
54044 |
1980 |
Houghtn Mifflin Company - Boston |
54045 |
College Algebra
1980 |
MacMilan - New York |
54046 |
Politics As Communication
1980 |
Meadow, Robert |
Ablex publishing - Norwood |
54047 |
Automobile Electrical and Electronic Equipment
1980 |
Butterworth & Co - London |
54048 |
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
1980 |
WEAST, Robert C. |
CRC Press - Florida |
54049 |
Turbin Pompa dan Kompresor
1980 |
DIETZEL, Fritz |
Erlangga - Jakarta |
54050 |
450 Masalah agama islam
1980 |
Bahreisj, Hussein |
Al-Ikhlas - Surabaya |