54101 |
Metodologi Research 2
1980 |
Sutrisno Hadi |
Fakultas Psikologi UGM - Yogyakarta |
54102 |
Tafsir Ayat-Ayat Hukum jilid 1
1980 |
Lubis Zamakhsyari |
Alma'arif - Bandung |
54103 |
300 Hadits Bekal Da'wah dan Pembina Pribadi Muslim
1980 |
Moh Rifa'i |
Wicaksana - Semarang |
54104 |
Chromatographic Analysis of Pharmaceuticals Vol. 49
1980 |
Marcel Dekker |
54105 |
Kumpulan Kuliah Neurologi Bagian Neurologi Fakultas Kedokteran
1980 |
Universitas Indonesia ( U I - Press ) |
54106 |
Explorations in Quality Assessment and Monitoring Volume I : The Definition of Quality and Approaches to its Assessment
1980 |
Health Administration Press |
54107 |
Essentials of Chinese Acupuncture
1980 |
Foreign Languages Press |
54108 |
The Logic of Practice
1980 |
Bourdieu, Pierre |
Stanford University Press - California |
54109 |
Psikologi Perkembangan: Suatu Pendekatan Sepanjang Rentang Kehidupan
1980 |
Elizabeth B. Hurlock |
Erlangga - Jakarta |
54110 |
Manaziratu Baina Al Islam wa An Nasraniyah
1980 |
Taleby, Tahir Ahmad |
54111 |
Islamic Revolution: Achievements, Obstacles and Goals
1980 |
Siddiqui, Kalim |
The Open Press Limited |
54112 |
Mewarisi dan Memperbarui Warisan Budaya Nasional
1980 |
Santoso |
Balai Pustaka - Jakarta |
54113 |
History of India Pakistan & Bangladesh
1980 |
Ali, K. |
Ali Publications - Dacca |
54114 |
Sejarah Moderen Mesir-Siria Afrika Utara Arabia
1980 |
Shiddiqi, Nourouzzaman |
Matahari Masa - Yogyakarta |
54115 |
Beberapa Aspek Perjuangan Wanita di Indonesia
1980 |
Mukmin, Hidayat |
Binacipta - Bandung |
54116 |
Unequal Beginnings: Agriculture and Economic Development in Quebec and Ontario until 1870
1980 |
John McCallum |
University of Toronto Press - Toronto |
54117 |
The Pleasures of Sociology
1980 |
Lewis A. Coser (ed.) |
New American Library - Ontario |
54118 |
Basic Concepts in Sociology
1980 |
Max Weber |
Citadel Press |
54119 |
Textbook of Political Sociology
1980 |
Jangam, R.T. |
LCUE - India |
54120 |
Transport Policy : Geographic, economic, and planning aspects
1980 |
Patrick O'Sullivan |
Batsford Academic and Educational - London |
54121 |
Agama : Dalam Analisa dan Interpretasi Sosiologis
1980 |
Roland Robertson |
Rajawali Press - Jakarta |
54122 |
Identity and Authority (Exploration in the Theory of Society)
1980 |
Roland Robertson (ed.) |
Oxford - Basil Blackwell |
54123 |
From Max Weber
1980 |
Gerth and Mills |
Oxford University Press - Oxford |
54124 |
Pembangunan dan Kebebasan
1980 |
Soedjatmoko |
LP3ES - Tokyo |
54125 |
Environmental Problems / Behavioral Solutions
1980 |
Cone, John D. and Hayes, Steven C. |
Monterey |
54126 |
Karl Marx & Frederick Engels
1980 |
International Publishers |
54127 |
Organization, Class and Control
1980 |
Clegg, Stewart and David Dunkerley |
Routledge - London |
54128 |
Pustaka Ilmu Life : Dokter
1980 |
Lee, Russel V. and Eimerl, Sarel |
Tira Pustaka |
54129 |
Berita Resmi Muhammadiyah 88
1980 |
H.A.R Fakhruddin |
PP Muhammadiyah - Jogjakarta |
54130 |
Bahasa Jurnalistik dan Komposisi
1979 |
ANWAR, H Rosihan |
Pradnya Paramita |
54131 |
Communication : Origins Methods Uses
1979 |
SEVERIN, Werner J |
Hasting House, Publisher |
54132 |
A Yellow Raft in Blue Water
1979 |
DORRIS, Michael |
Picador |
54133 |
Optimization : theory and applications
1979 |
RAO, S.S |
Wiley Eastern Limited |
54134 |
Geology For Civil Engineers
1979 |
George Allen & Unwin |
54135 |
Introduction to weed science
1979 |
MERCADO, Beatriz L |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
54136 |
Binatang hama.
1979 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
Balai Pustaka |
54137 |
Biochemistry and physiology of plant hormones
1979 |
MOORE, Thomas C |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
54138 |
Bahan Dan Praktek Beton
1979 |
MURDICK, Robert |
Erlangga |
54139 |
Bimbingan Menulis Skripsi Thesis Jilid I
1979 |
Fakultas Psikologi UGM |
54140 |
Usaha pekarangan
1979 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
Nusa Indah |
54141 |
Fisiologi lepas panen
1979 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
54142 |
Using Crisis Intervention Wisely
1979 |
CROUSHORE, Theresa |
Nursing 79 books |
54143 |
Electronic communication
1979 |
TEMES, Lioyd |
McGraw - Hill Book Company |
54144 |
Jalan Raya Bagian II
1979 |
Fenomena |
54145 |
MCQs in Anatomy
1979 |
Churchill Livinstone |
54146 |
Applied Business Statistics
1979 |
McELROY, Elam E. |
Holden Day |
54147 |
Using english. Grammar and writing skills
1979 |
SANFORD, Adrian B |
Harcourt Brace College Pub. |
54148 |
Earth sheltered housing design. Guidelines, examples, and references
1979 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
Van Nostrand Reinhold |
54149 |
1979 |
DIBBS, Owen |
Erlangga |
54150 |
Agricultural Product Prices
1979 |
TOMEK, William G |
Corneel Univ. Press |