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Number of items : 60198
No Title Year Author Publisher
54101 Metodologi Research 2 1980 Sutrisno Hadi Fakultas Psikologi UGM - Yogyakarta
54102 Tafsir Ayat-Ayat Hukum jilid 1 1980 Lubis Zamakhsyari Alma'arif - Bandung
54103 300 Hadits Bekal Da'wah dan Pembina Pribadi Muslim 1980 Moh Rifa'i Wicaksana - Semarang
54104 Chromatographic Analysis of Pharmaceuticals Vol. 49 1980 Marcel Dekker
54105 Kumpulan Kuliah Neurologi Bagian Neurologi Fakultas Kedokteran 1980 Universitas Indonesia ( U I - Press )
54106 Explorations in Quality Assessment and Monitoring Volume I : The Definition of Quality and Approaches to its Assessment 1980 DONABEDIAN, Avedis Health Administration Press
54107 Essentials of Chinese Acupuncture 1980 Foreign Languages Press
54108 The Logic of Practice 1980 Bourdieu, Pierre Stanford University Press - California
54109 Psikologi Perkembangan: Suatu Pendekatan Sepanjang Rentang Kehidupan 1980 Elizabeth B. Hurlock Erlangga - Jakarta
54110 Manaziratu Baina Al Islam wa An Nasraniyah 1980 Taleby, Tahir Ahmad
54111 Islamic Revolution: Achievements, Obstacles and Goals 1980 Siddiqui, Kalim The Open Press Limited
54112 Mewarisi dan Memperbarui Warisan Budaya Nasional 1980 Santoso Balai Pustaka - Jakarta
54113 History of India Pakistan & Bangladesh 1980 Ali, K. Ali Publications - Dacca
54114 Sejarah Moderen Mesir-Siria Afrika Utara Arabia 1980 Shiddiqi, Nourouzzaman Matahari Masa - Yogyakarta
54115 Beberapa Aspek Perjuangan Wanita di Indonesia 1980 Mukmin, Hidayat Binacipta - Bandung
54116 Unequal Beginnings: Agriculture and Economic Development in Quebec and Ontario until 1870 1980 John McCallum University of Toronto Press - Toronto
54117 The Pleasures of Sociology 1980 Lewis A. Coser (ed.) New American Library - Ontario
54118 Basic Concepts in Sociology 1980 Max Weber Citadel Press
54119 Textbook of Political Sociology 1980 Jangam, R.T. LCUE - India
54120 Transport Policy : Geographic, economic, and planning aspects 1980 Patrick O'Sullivan Batsford Academic and Educational - London
54121 Agama : Dalam Analisa dan Interpretasi Sosiologis 1980 Roland Robertson Rajawali Press - Jakarta
54122 Identity and Authority (Exploration in the Theory of Society) 1980 Roland Robertson (ed.) Oxford - Basil Blackwell
54123 From Max Weber 1980 Gerth and Mills Oxford University Press - Oxford
54124 Pembangunan dan Kebebasan 1980 Soedjatmoko LP3ES - Tokyo
54125 Environmental Problems / Behavioral Solutions 1980 Cone, John D. and Hayes, Steven C. Monterey
54126 Karl Marx & Frederick Engels 1980 International Publishers
54127 Organization, Class and Control 1980 Clegg, Stewart and David Dunkerley Routledge - London
54128 Pustaka Ilmu Life : Dokter 1980 Lee, Russel V. and Eimerl, Sarel Tira Pustaka
54129 Berita Resmi Muhammadiyah 88 1980 H.A.R Fakhruddin PP Muhammadiyah - Jogjakarta
54130 Bahasa Jurnalistik dan Komposisi 1979 ANWAR, H Rosihan Pradnya Paramita
54131 Communication : Origins Methods Uses 1979 SEVERIN, Werner J Hasting House, Publisher
54132 A Yellow Raft in Blue Water 1979 DORRIS, Michael Picador
54133 Optimization : theory and applications 1979 RAO, S.S Wiley Eastern Limited
54134 Geology For Civil Engineers 1979 McLEAN, A.C George Allen & Unwin
54135 Introduction to weed science 1979 MERCADO, Beatriz L [Tidak Terdaftar]
54136 Binatang hama. 1979 [Tidak Terdaftar] Balai Pustaka
54137 Biochemistry and physiology of plant hormones 1979 MOORE, Thomas C [Tidak Terdaftar]
54138 Bahan Dan Praktek Beton 1979 MURDICK, Robert Erlangga
54139 Bimbingan Menulis Skripsi Thesis Jilid I 1979 HADI SUTRISNO Fakultas Psikologi UGM
54140 Usaha pekarangan 1979 [Tidak Terdaftar] Nusa Indah
54141 Fisiologi lepas panen 1979 WINARNO, F.G [Tidak Terdaftar]
54142 Using Crisis Intervention Wisely 1979 CROUSHORE, Theresa Nursing 79 books
54143 Electronic communication 1979 TEMES, Lioyd McGraw - Hill Book Company
54144 Jalan Raya Bagian II 1979 SUPRAPTO Fenomena
54145 MCQs in Anatomy 1979 LUMLEY, JSP Churchill Livinstone
54146 Applied Business Statistics 1979 McELROY, Elam E. Holden Day
54147 Using english. Grammar and writing skills 1979 SANFORD, Adrian B Harcourt Brace College Pub.
54148 Earth sheltered housing design. Guidelines, examples, and references 1979 [Tidak Terdaftar] Van Nostrand Reinhold
54149 Meningkatkanpenjualan 1979 DIBBS, Owen Erlangga
54150 Agricultural Product Prices 1979 TOMEK, William G Corneel Univ. Press

Number of items : 60198