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Number of items : 60051
No Title Year Author Publisher
53701 Buku Penuntun Membuat Disertasi Thesis Skripsi Report Paper 1980 NASUTION S Jemmars
53702 Menejemen penjualan 1980 SWASTHA, Basu Ananda
53703 Struktur Organisasi Departemen Kesehatan RI 1980 [Tidak Terdaftar] Departemen Kesehatan RI
53704 Introduction to modern genetics 1980 WAGNER, Robert P John Wiley & Sons
53705 Ilmu konstruksi bangunan 1 1980 FRICK, Heinz Kanisius
53706 Highway Traffic Analysis And Design 1980 SALTER, R J Macmillan Press
53707 Plant & soil water relationhips: a Modern synthesis 1980 KRAMER, Paul J Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
53708 Survai dan perencanaan lintas jalur 1980 MEYER, Carl F Erlangga
53709 Structural shapes 1980 [Tidak Terdaftar] UII - Press
53710 Tarikh Tasyrik Tarjamah (Sejarah Pembentukan Hukum Islam ) 1980 BIK, Hudhari Darul Ikhya
53711 Analisa Matriks Untuk Struktur Rangka 1980 WEAVER, William Erlangga
53712 Konstruksi bangunan gedung 1980 SUBARKAH, Iman Idea Dharma
53713 Politics For Human Beings 1980 HUMMEL, Ralph P. Duxbury Press
53714 Ilmu kontruksi bangunan 2 1980 FRICK, Heinz Kanisius
53715 Basic Steel Design 1980 JOHNSTON, Bruce G PRENTICE HALL
53716 Teori dan soal-soal : prinsip-prinsip ekonomi 1980 SALVATORE, Dominick Erlangga
53717 Ilmu mekanika teknik B 1980 HOFSTEEDE, JGC Pradnya Paramita
53718 Derita Seorang Filosof 1980 KAFIE, Jamaluddin Bina Ilmu
53719 Marriage, Family and Intimate Relationships 1980 BELKIN, Gary S Rand McNally College Publishing Company
53720 Pengetahuan bahan III 1980 BEUMER, B J M Bhatara
53721 Azas-Azas marketing 1980 Winardi Alumni
53722 Engineering economics 1980 MITCHEL, Robert L John Wiley & Sons
53723 Road, Paving, Bituminous Materials; Traveled Surface Characteristics ... 1980 [Tidak Terdaftar] ASTM
53724 Marketing research : Measurement and Method 1980 TULL, Donald S Macmillan Publishing Company
53725 Calculus and its applications 1980 GOLDSTEIN, Larry J PRENTICE HALL
53726 Ilmu Proyeksi 1980 WARDIMAN UII
53727 Continuum mechanics 1980 SPENCER, A J M Longman
53728 Mekanika teknik 1 1980 [Tidak Terdaftar] Ganeca Exact Bandung
53729 Fundamentals of behavior statistics 1980 RUNYON, Richard P Addison-Wesly Pub
53730 Improving farm management teaching in Asia 1980 [Tidak Terdaftar] [Tidak Terdaftar]
53731 Answer book chemistry a life science approach 1980 BAUM, Stuart J Macmillan Press
53732 Data base: structured techniques for design, perfor... 1980 ATRE, S John Wiley & Sons
53733 Engineering drawing 1980 DHAWAN, R K [Tidak Terdaftar]
53734 Rencana anggaran biaya bangunan 1980 NIRON, John W Gunung agung
53735 Ikhtisar perkembangan sistem bagi-hasil di Indonesia secara historis dan geografis 1 1980 SCHELTEMA, A.M.PA. [Tidak Terdaftar]
53736 Ikhtisar perkembangan sistem bagi-hasil di Indonesia secara historis dan geografis 2 1980 SCHELTEMA, A.M.PA. [Tidak Terdaftar]
53737 Filsafat Pancasila, P-4 Dan Aspek Pengamalanya : Filsafat Manusia, Filsafat Hukum 1980 Moertono Liberty
53738 Negara Moderen 1980 MacIVER Aksara Baru
53739 Dental radiology. Partient basic concepts and their appcations in clinical practice 1980 BARR, John H W.B Sounders Comp
53740 Essentials of Psychology and Life 1980 ZIMBARDO, Philip G Scott , Foresman and Comp
53741 Ikhtisar ilmu belanja 1980 SAKRI, Bambang [Tidak Terdaftar]
53742 Intermediate accounting praktis. Dengan soal & penyelesaiannya 1980 Supardi UII
53743 Robotics In Practice : Management and Applications of Industrial Robots 1980 ENGELBERGER, Joseph F Amacom
53744 The Comparative Study of Politicts 1980 ROTH, David F. PRENTICE HALL
53745 Principles of American Government 1980 PREWITT, Kenneth Harper &Row, Pub.
53746 Thermodynamics 1980 HOLMAN, J.P. McGraw - Hill Book Company
53747 Design of thermal systems 1980 STOECKER, Wilbert F McGraw - Hill Book Company
53748 The Mechanics problem solver. A Complete solution guide to any textbook 1980 [Tidak Terdaftar] [Tidak Terdaftar]
53749 Bisnis dan politik. Kebijaksanaan ekonomi Indonesia 1950-1980 1980 MUHAIMIN, Yahya A LP3ES
53750 Filsafat manusia/ antropologi kefilsafatan: Filsafat hukum 2 1980 MOERTONO Liberty

Number of items : 60051