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Number of items : 60198
No Judul Tahun Penulis Penerbit
54001 Planning Useful Evaluations 1980 RUTMAN, Leonard Sage Publications
54002 Tema pokok Al-Qur'an 1980 RAHMAN, Fazlur Pustaka
54003 Introductory statistical analysis 1980 HARNETT, Donald Addison-Wesly Pub
54004 Mathematics: With applications in management and economics 1980 BOWEN, Earl K IRWIN
54005 Handbook of criminal justice evaluation 1980 [Tidak Terdaftar] Sage Publication
54006 Criminal justice : A Public policy approach 1980 LEVIN, James Harcourt Brace Javanovich Ink
54007 Competitive Strategy. Techniques for analyzing industries and Competitors 1980 PORTER, Michael E The Free Press
54008 Marketing praktis 1980 SIGIT, Soehardi ARMURRITA
54009 Psychic-nexus 1980 SCHWARTZ, Berthold Eric Van Nostrand Reinhold
54010 Media dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian selama60 tahun 1980 WILKINSON, Gene L RAJAWALI
54011 The Spanish Revolution : The left and the struggle for power during the Civil War 1980 BOLLOTEN, Burnett The University of North Carolina Press
54012 Dendam anak-anak 1980 ESCALONA, Sibylle Bulan Bintang
54013 The United States And World Development Agenda 1980 1980 SEWELL, John W Praeger Publishers
54014 The United States : Living in Our World 1980 BRANDWEIN, Paul F Harcourt Brace Javanovich Ink
54015 Organisation Theory and Local Government 1980 Haynes, Robert J. Allen & Unwin
54016 Kimia organik I 1980 PINE, Stanley H Institut Teknologi Bandung
54017 Studies in Islamic economics 1980 [Tidak Terdaftar] The Islamic Foundation
54018 Nasehat dan ajaran bapak akuntansi kepada para pengusaha supaya sukses 1980 SIGIT, Soehardi Gadjah Mada University Press
54019 Lectures on islamic economics 1980 [Tidak Terdaftar] Islamic Pub., Limited
54020 Hukuman mati menurut Islam 1980 MAWARDI BPFE YOGYA
54021 Social Psychology Of Sport 1980 CARRON, Albert V. University Of Western Ontario
54022 Guide to Nursing Management 1980 Marriner, Ann The C. V. Mosby Company - London
54023 Konsep Strategi Perusahaan 1980 Andrews, Kenneth R. Erlangga - Jakarta
54024 Diplomatic Handbook 1980 Felthan R.G Trird edition - Longman London
54025 Matematika Ekonomi 1980 Tohir, Moh. and Sadono, Haryono Wiryo Ananda - Yogyakarta
54026 Matematika untuk Ekonomi: Teori dan soal-soal 1980 Dowling, Edward T. Erlangga - Jakarta
54027 Tanaman Industri: Lembaga Biologi Nasional - LIPI 1980 PN Balai Pustaka
54028 Ubi-Ubian 1980 Sas, ... Balai Pustaka - Jakarta
54029 Budidaya Tanaman Gandum 1980 Wiyono, Tati Nurmala Karya Nusantara - Jakarta
54030 Ubijalar Dan Cara Bercocok Tanamnya 1980 Wargiono, J LPPPB - Bogor
54031 Dennis Wheatley the Fabulous Valley 1980 Dennis Wheatley The Anchor Press - London
54032 Play Games with English 1980 Colin Granger Teachers' Book - London
54033 Let's Write English 1980 George E.Wishon and Julia M.Burks American Book Company
54034 The Rector of Justin 1980 Louis Auchincloss Houghton Mifflin - USA
54035 Hukum perkawinan adat dan undang-undang tentang perkawinan serta peraturan pelaksanaannya (UU no.1 th 1974 dan peraturan pemerintah no. 9 thn 1975 1980 Saragih, Djaren Tarsito - Bandung
54036 Islam and The Problem of Israel 1980 Faruqi, Ismail Raji Ialamic Council of Europe - London
54037 Handbook of Orthoptic Principles 1980 Cashell, G.T. Willoughby Churcill Livingstone - London
54038 Enviromental Assessment Statements 1980 Suriyakumaran, C United Nations Environment Programme
54039 Politics and Policy Implementation in the Third World 1980 GRINDLE, Merilee S. Princeton - New Jersey
54040 Bangunan Tropis 1980 LIPPSMEIER, Georg Erlangga - Jakarta
54041 Analisis Kota & Daerah 1980 WARPANI, Suwardjoko ITB Bandung - Bandung
54042 Technical calculus with analytic geometry 1980 Washington, Allyn J The Benjamin - California
54043 Peningkatan mutu pendidikan dan pembangunan perguruan agama 1980 Djaelani, Timur Dermaga - Jakarta
54044 Geometry 1980 JURGENSEN, Ray C. Houghtn Mifflin Company - Boston
54045 College Algebra 1980 LEITHOLD, Louis MacMilan - New York
54046 Politics As Communication 1980 Meadow, Robert Ablex publishing - Norwood
54047 Automobile Electrical and Electronic Equipment 1980 YOUNG, A.P. Butterworth & Co - London
54048 CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 1980 WEAST, Robert C. CRC Press - Florida
54049 Turbin Pompa dan Kompresor 1980 DIETZEL, Fritz Erlangga - Jakarta
54050 450 Masalah agama islam 1980 Bahreisj, Hussein Al-Ikhlas - Surabaya

Number of items : 60198