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Number of items : 60051
No Title Year Author Publisher
54851 Chemical Biological Relationships Relevant to Ecological Effects of Acid Rainfall 1975 Reuss, John National Environment Research Center
54852 Intraocular Lenses 1975 Wilensky, Jacob T. Appleton Century Crofts
54853 Teori Ekonomi Mikro 1975 Ferguson, C. E. Tarsito - Bandung
54854 Field Engineering For Agricultural Development 1975 Hudson, N. W. Clarendon Pree - London
54855 Fundamental Mathematics for The Social and Management Sciences 1975 EMERSON, Lloyd S. Allyn & Bacon - Boston
54856 Beginning Composition Through Pictures 1975 JB Heaton Longman
54857 Dari KUP 1 Oktober 1965 ke Sidang Istimewa MPRS 1967 1975 Nasution H.A. Haris - Jakarta
54858 Introduction to Ceramics 1975 KINGERY, W.D. and BOWEN, H.K. [et al.] John Wiley & Sons - America
54859 Transpersonal Psychologies 1975 TART, Charles T Harper & Row - United Stated Of America
54860 The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam 1975 IQBAL, Allama Muhammad Munib Iqbal & Wahid Iqbal - Lahore (Pakistan)
54861 Engineering Economy 1975 THUESEN, H G Prentice Hall - India
54862 Writing with style conversation on the art of writing 1975 John R. Trimble Englewood Cliffs: New Jersey
54863 Sejarah Filsafat Yunani 1975 Bertent. K kanusius - Yogyakarta
54864 The Art Studio Murder 1975 Aarons, Edward S Quinn Publishing Company - New York
54865 Kamus Inggris Indonesia 1975 John M.Echols and Hassan Shadily Gramedia - jakarta
54866 Saiyidah Zainab 1975 Aisyah Abdurrahman Bintusy Syathi Bulan Bintang: Jakarta
54867 The Soviet empire: expansion and detente 1975 William E. Griffith Lexington Books: Toronto
54868 Cocktail Waitress 1975 James P. Spradley Mcgraw Hill Inc
54869 suatu pengantar kedalaman metodologi pengajaran 1975 Ulihbukit karo-karo CV.Saudara salatigo - salatiga
54870 Metals Handbook Ninth edition Volume 10 Failure Analysis and Prevention 1975 [Tidak Terdaftar] American Society for Metals - Ohio
54871 Four psychologies applied to education 1975 Thomas B. Robert Halsted Press - London
54872 Azas dan Tujuan Pemerintahan Daerah 1975 Wajong Djambatan - Jakarta
54873 Equality and Efficiency : The Big Tradeoff 1975 Arthur M. Okun The Brookings Institution - Washington DC
54874 Laporan kegiatan pimpinan pusat muhammadiyah majlis pendidikan dan pengajaran dan rencana kerja 1975 PP Muhammadiyah - Yogyakarta
54875 Rihlah fi thalabil Hadis 1975 Abu Bakar Ahmad Ibn Ali Ibn Tsabit
54876 Plant growth and development 1975 A Carl Leopold
54877 Pengantar Hukum Tata Usaha Negara Indonesia 1975 Koesoemahatmadja Alumni - Bandung
54878 Manusia dan Kritik 1975 R. C Kwant Yayasan Kanisius - Yogyakarta
54879 English in Basic Medical Science 1975 MACLEAN, Joan Oxford University Press
54880 Search and Rescue Annex 12 1975 ICAO
54881 Al Milku Wa An Nihalu Jilid 1 1975 Syahrustani, Abi Fatah Muhammad ibn Abdul Karim Ibn Abi Bakar Dar Al Ma'rifah - Beirut
54882 Jahiliyatu Al Qarni Al'Isyrina 1975 Qutb, Muhammad Dar Asy Sourouk - Kairo
54883 Evaluating Transnational Ngos: Legitimacy, Accountability, Representation 1975 St Martins Press LLC
54884 The Crisis of Democracy 1975 Michel Crozier and Samuel P. Huntington and Joji Watanuki New York University Press - New York
54885 Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No.1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan 1975 Mataram Yogya
54886 TataBahasa Bahasa Arab III 1975 Rathomy, Moh.Abdai Al Ma'arif - Bandung
54887 Dokumentasi & Keputusan-Keputusan Konggres ke V Jam'iyyah Ahli Thoriqot Mu'tabaroh 1975 Menara - Kudus
54888 Sejarah dan Ilmu Pengetahuan (History & Science) 1975 Sutrasno Pradnya Paramita - Jakarta
54889 Sejarah Perjuangan Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (Th. 1947-1975) 1975 Sitompul, Agussalim Bina Ilmu Offset - Surabaya
54890 The Design of Rural Development 1975 Uma lele The Johns Hopkins University Press - Washington
54891 Capitalism and Modern Social Theory: An Analysis of The Writings of Marx Durkheim and Max Weber 1975 Giddens, Anthony Cambridge University Press
54892 Sociological Constructions of Deviance Perspective and Issues in the Field 1975 Davis, Nanette J. Wm. C. Brown Company
54893 Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam 1974 H.A.R. Gibb and J.H. Kramers E.J. Brill - Netherlands
54894 The History Of Religions : Essays in Methodology 1974 Mircea Eliade ( Edited ) Univ. Of Chicago Press
54895 Antropologi Politik Suatu Orientasi 1974 CLARKE'S, Arthur Charles Erlangga
54896 Teori Dan Analisis Pelat : Metode Klasik dan Numerik 1974 SZILARD, Rudolph Erlangga
54897 Analisis Perancangan Gedung Tahan Gempa 1974 MUTO, Kiyoshi Erlangga
54898 Analytical methods in structural engineering 1974 RAZ, Sarwar Alam Wiley Eastern Limited
54899 Kita Dan Kami : Suatu Analisa Tentang Modus Dasar Kebersamaan 1974 HASSAN, Fuad Bulan Bintang
54900 Acupressure Acupuncture Without Needles : the miracle of chinese healing through your fingertips 1974 CERNEY, J.V Cornerstone Library

Number of items : 60051