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Number of items : 60049
No Title Year Author Publisher
55201 Al Faysholiyyah Minhaju Hadorotinj wa Madrosati Bina 1972 'Abdul 'Aziz
55202 Tahafut Al Falasifa Al Ghazali 1972 Solaiman Donya Dar Al Ma'arif: Kairo
55203 Ad Dinu Fi Nawajhah Al 'Ilm 1972 Wahiidin Khon Dar Al I'tishom
55204 Islam dan Sholat 1972 Bisri Mustofa Menara: Kudus
55205 Hukum atjara perdata pengadilan negeri 1972 Supomo, R Pradnja Paramita - Jakarta
55206 Islamic Courts in Indonesia 1972 Daniel S. Lev Univiersity of California Press - London
55207 Sebab-Musabab dan Pemecahannya Remaja dan Masalah-Masalahnya 1972 Soerjono Soekanto cetakan pertama - Jakarta
55208 International Encyclopedia of the Social Science Volumes 5 and 6 complete and unabridged 1972 The Macmillan Company - New York
55209 International Encyclopedia of the Social Science Volumes 1 and 2 complete and unabridged 1972 The Macmillan Company - New York
55210 International Encyclopedia of the Social Science Volumes 9 and 10 complete and unabridged 1972 The Macmillan Company - New York
55211 International Encyclopedia of the Social Science Volumes 3 and 4 complete and unabridged 1972 The Macmillan Company - New York
55212 International Encyclopedia of the Social Science Volumes 11 and 12 complete and unabridged 1972 The Macmillan Company - New York
55213 International Encyclopedia of the Social Science Volumes 13 and 14 complete and unabridged 1972 The Macmillan Company - New York
55214 International Encyclopedia of the Social Science Volumes 18 complete and unabridged 1972 The Free Press - New York
55215 International Encyclopedia of the Social Science Volumes 7 and 8 complete and unabridged 1972 The Macmillan Company - New York
55216 International Encyclopedia of the Social Science Volumes 15, 16 and 17 Index complete and unabridged 1972 The Macmillan Company - New York
55217 International Encyclopedia of the Social Science Volumes 19 complete and unabridged 1972 Macmillan Publishing Company - New York
55218 Pengantar Psikologi Umum 1972 F. Patty and Kasmiran Woeryo, dkk Usaha Nasional - Surabaya
55219 Comparative Political Corruption 1972 James C. Scott Prentice Hall - New Jersey
55220 Partisipasi muhamamdiyah dalam membangun khususnya bidang pembinaan kesejahteraan sosial dan masyarakat 1972 Muhammadiyah - Jakarta
55221 Brosur Lebaran 1972 Panitia Gerakan ROma - Yogyakarta
55222 Al Adyan fi Quran 1972 Muhammad Ibn Syarif Dar Ma'arif Mesir
55223 Al Qawa'id Fil Fiqhil Islami 1972 Taha Abdurrouf
55224 Hukum Perdata Internasional Indonesia 1972 Sudargo Gautama - Jakarta
55225 Advanced Periodontal Disease/Surgical And Prosthetic Management 1972 Prichard W.B.Saunders Company - London
55226 Dental Anesthesia and Analgesia 1972 Gaiter B. Everett and Roger A. Meyer The Willams & Wikins Company - USA
55227 Design & Construction of Ports & Marine Struktures 1972 QUINN, Alonzo Def MC Graw-Hill
55228 An Introduction To The Constitution Of Malaysia 1972 Mohamed Suffian Bin Hashim Pacifica Publications - Selangor
55229 Alqadiyaniyah 1972 Al Hunainnadwi, Abi Hasan Rabitatu Al 'Alamu Al Islamiyah - Mekah
55230 Ilmu Usul Fikih 1972 Abdul Wahab Kholaf
55231 Al Islamu wa As Siyasah Al Islam wa Addaulah fi Indunisiya 1972 Mintaredja, Muhammad Syafa'at
55232 Majallah Rabitatul 'Alam Al Islamiy 1972
55233 Ideologies and modern politics 1972 Reo Millard Christenson Nelson
55234 Membina Keluarga Sejahtera 1972 PP Muhammadiyah Majlis Tarjih PP Muhammadiyah - Yogyakarta
55235 Sociology of Occupations and Professions 1972 Ronald M. Pavalko F. E. Peacock Publishers - Illinois
55236 Reality Construction in Society 1972 Burkart Holzner Schenkman Publishing Company, Inc - Cambridge
55237 The Sociological Method An Introduction to the Science of Sociology 1972 Cole, Stephen Rand McNally Publishing - Chicago
55238 Sociology Mass Communication 1972 Denis McQuail Penguin Books Ltd
55239 Capitalism and Imperialism 1972 Irving M. Zeitlin Markham Publishing Company
55240 The Sociology of Urban Living 1972 Harold E. Nottridge Routledge & Kegan Paul - London
55241 Emile Durkheim: Selected Writings 1972 Anthony Giddens Cambridge University Press
55242 Bibliografi Bercatatan Tentang Studi Pembangunan di Indonesia 1972 Gie, The Liang APMD - Yogyakarta
55243 Pokok-Pokok Sosiologi Perdesaan 1972 Wiriaatmadja, Soekandar C.C. Yasaguna
55244 The Sociology of the Professions 1972 Elliott, Philip The Macmillan Press - Britania Raya
55245 Methodological Foundation For Political Analysis 1971 GRAHAM, George J Xerox College Publishing
55246 Johnny Tremain 1971 FORBES, Esther [Tidak Terdaftar]
55247 Crop Production : Cereals and Legumes 1971 BLAND, Brian F Academic Press
55248 Peraturan Beton Bertulang Indonesia 1971 N.I. - 2 1971 [Tidak Terdaftar] Departemen P.U. dan Tenaga Listrik
55249 The Sign of the Ivory Horn : Eastern African Civilizations 1971 ROSENTHAL, Ricky Oceana Publications
55250 Basic ecology 1971 ODUM, Eugene P CBS College Publishing

Number of items : 60049