55351 |
Al Faysholiyyah Minhaju Hadorotinj wa Madrosati Bina
1972 |
'Abdul 'Aziz |
55352 |
Tahafut Al Falasifa Al Ghazali
1972 |
Solaiman Donya |
Dar Al Ma'arif: Kairo |
55353 |
Ad Dinu Fi Nawajhah Al 'Ilm
1972 |
Wahiidin Khon |
Dar Al I'tishom |
55354 |
Islam dan Sholat
1972 |
Bisri Mustofa |
Menara: Kudus |
55355 |
Hukum atjara perdata pengadilan negeri
1972 |
Supomo, R |
Pradnja Paramita - Jakarta |
55356 |
Islamic Courts in Indonesia
1972 |
Daniel S. Lev |
Univiersity of California Press - London |
55357 |
Sebab-Musabab dan Pemecahannya Remaja dan Masalah-Masalahnya
1972 |
Soerjono Soekanto |
cetakan pertama - Jakarta |
55358 |
International Encyclopedia of the Social Science Volumes 5 and 6 complete and unabridged
1972 |
The Macmillan Company - New York |
55359 |
International Encyclopedia of the Social Science Volumes 1 and 2 complete and unabridged
1972 |
The Macmillan Company - New York |
55360 |
International Encyclopedia of the Social Science Volumes 9 and 10 complete and unabridged
1972 |
The Macmillan Company - New York |
55361 |
International Encyclopedia of the Social Science Volumes 3 and 4 complete and unabridged
1972 |
The Macmillan Company - New York |
55362 |
International Encyclopedia of the Social Science Volumes 11 and 12 complete and unabridged
1972 |
The Macmillan Company - New York |
55363 |
International Encyclopedia of the Social Science Volumes 13 and 14 complete and unabridged
1972 |
The Macmillan Company - New York |
55364 |
International Encyclopedia of the Social Science Volumes 18 complete and unabridged
1972 |
The Free Press - New York |
55365 |
International Encyclopedia of the Social Science Volumes 7 and 8 complete and unabridged
1972 |
The Macmillan Company - New York |
55366 |
International Encyclopedia of the Social Science Volumes 15, 16 and 17 Index complete and unabridged
1972 |
The Macmillan Company - New York |
55367 |
International Encyclopedia of the Social Science Volumes 19 complete and unabridged
1972 |
Macmillan Publishing Company - New York |
55368 |
Pengantar Psikologi Umum
1972 |
F. Patty and Kasmiran Woeryo, dkk |
Usaha Nasional - Surabaya |
55369 |
Comparative Political Corruption
1972 |
James C. Scott |
Prentice Hall - New Jersey |
55370 |
Partisipasi muhamamdiyah dalam membangun khususnya bidang pembinaan kesejahteraan sosial dan masyarakat
1972 |
Muhammadiyah - Jakarta |
55371 |
Brosur Lebaran
1972 |
Panitia Gerakan ROma - Yogyakarta |
55372 |
Al Adyan fi Quran
1972 |
Muhammad Ibn Syarif |
Dar Ma'arif Mesir |
55373 |
Al Qawa'id Fil Fiqhil Islami
1972 |
Taha Abdurrouf |
55374 |
Hukum Perdata Internasional Indonesia
1972 |
Sudargo Gautama |
- Jakarta |
55375 |
Advanced Periodontal Disease/Surgical And Prosthetic Management
1972 |
Prichard |
W.B.Saunders Company - London |
55376 |
Dental Anesthesia and Analgesia
1972 |
Gaiter B. Everett and Roger A. Meyer |
The Willams & Wikins Company - USA |
55377 |
Design & Construction of Ports & Marine Struktures
1972 |
QUINN, Alonzo Def |
MC Graw-Hill |
55378 |
An Introduction To The Constitution Of Malaysia
1972 |
Mohamed Suffian Bin Hashim |
Pacifica Publications - Selangor |
55379 |
1972 |
Al Hunainnadwi, Abi Hasan |
Rabitatu Al 'Alamu Al Islamiyah - Mekah |
55380 |
Ilmu Usul Fikih
1972 |
Abdul Wahab Kholaf |
55381 |
Al Islamu wa As Siyasah Al Islam wa Addaulah fi Indunisiya
1972 |
Mintaredja, Muhammad Syafa'at |
55382 |
Majallah Rabitatul 'Alam Al Islamiy
1972 |
55383 |
Ideologies and modern politics
1972 |
Reo Millard Christenson |
Nelson |
55384 |
Membina Keluarga Sejahtera
1972 |
PP Muhammadiyah |
Majlis Tarjih PP Muhammadiyah - Yogyakarta |
55385 |
Sociology of Occupations and Professions
1972 |
Ronald M. Pavalko |
F. E. Peacock Publishers - Illinois |
55386 |
Reality Construction in Society
1972 |
Burkart Holzner |
Schenkman Publishing Company, Inc - Cambridge |
55387 |
The Sociological Method An Introduction to the Science of Sociology
1972 |
Cole, Stephen |
Rand McNally Publishing - Chicago |
55388 |
Sociology Mass Communication
1972 |
Denis McQuail |
Penguin Books Ltd |
55389 |
Capitalism and Imperialism
1972 |
Irving M. Zeitlin |
Markham Publishing Company |
55390 |
The Sociology of Urban Living
1972 |
Harold E. Nottridge |
Routledge & Kegan Paul - London |
55391 |
Emile Durkheim: Selected Writings
1972 |
Anthony Giddens |
Cambridge University Press |
55392 |
Bibliografi Bercatatan Tentang Studi Pembangunan di Indonesia
1972 |
Gie, The Liang |
APMD - Yogyakarta |
55393 |
Pokok-Pokok Sosiologi Perdesaan
1972 |
Wiriaatmadja, Soekandar |
C.C. Yasaguna |
55394 |
The Sociology of the Professions
1972 |
Elliott, Philip |
The Macmillan Press - Britania Raya |
55395 |
Methodological Foundation For Political Analysis
1971 |
GRAHAM, George J |
Xerox College Publishing |
55396 |
Johnny Tremain
1971 |
FORBES, Esther |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
55397 |
Crop Production : Cereals and Legumes
1971 |
BLAND, Brian F |
Academic Press |
55398 |
Peraturan Beton Bertulang Indonesia 1971 N.I. - 2
1971 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
Departemen P.U. dan Tenaga Listrik |
55399 |
The Sign of the Ivory Horn : Eastern African Civilizations
1971 |
Oceana Publications |
55400 |
Basic ecology
1971 |
ODUM, Eugene P |
CBS College Publishing |