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Number of items : 60198
No Title Year Author Publisher
55651 Humanistic Sociology 1969 Znaniecki, Florian The Heritage of Sociology - Chicago
55652 Social Structures and Systems 1969 William M. Dobriner Goodyear Publishing Company - Califonia
55653 The Making of a Counter Culture 1969 Theodore Roszak Anchor Books
55654 Azas-azas Kriminologi 1969 Edwin H. Sutherland Penerbit Alumni - Bandung
55655 Dictionary of Modern Sociology 1969 Hoult, Thomas Ford A Littlefield, Adams - New Jersey
55656 Sociology of Religion 1969 Roland Robertson (ed.) Penguin
55657 The Sociology of Max Weber 1969 Freund, Julien Presses Universitaires de France
55658 Principles of Logic 1969 Michalos, Alex C. Prentice Hall
55659 Student Guide to Accompany Sociology 1969 James, Robert L. Harper & Row - New York
55660 The Sociology of Religion 1969 Weber, Max Beacon Press - Boston
55661 Chuthbah Iftitah : Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadijah dalam sidang Tanwir Th. 1969 1969 H.M. Junus Anis P.P Muhammadijah - Jogjakarta
55662 Membuka Lembaran-Lembaran Kitab - Sutji Al-Kitab dan Al-Qur'an 1968 Tohari Musnamar PP. Ikatan Sardjana Muhammadijah Jogjakarta - Yogyakarta
55663 Methodology in Social Research 1968 BLALOCK, Hubert M McGraw - Hill Book Company
55664 The Rise of Anthropological Theory 1968 HARRIS, Marvin Harper &Row, Pub.
55665 Water Deficits and Plant Growth Volume II 1968 KOZLOWSKI, T.T. Academic Press
55666 Analisa Tauhid 1968 UMARI, Barmawi Ramadhani
55667 Thiamphenicol : experimental and clinical bases of a new antibiotic 1968 [Tidak Terdaftar] Zambon
55668 Dorland's Pocket Medical Dictionary 1968 [Tidak Terdaftar] WB. Saunders Company
55669 Accounting Computers Management Information Systems 1968 LI, David h McGraw - Hill Book Company
55670 Management Systems 1968 Thomas B. Glans [Tidak Terdaftar]
55671 Modern Muslim Koran Interpretation (1880-1960) 1968 BALJON, J.M. E.J. Brill
55672 Nabi Isa dalam Al Qur'an Dan Nabi Mohammad dalam Bijbel 1968 BAKRI, Hasbullah AB Sitti Sjamsijah
55673 American Labor Dynamics : in the Light of Post-War Developments 1968 HARDMAN, J.B.S. Russel & Russel
55674 Sejarah Filsafat Islam 1968 ACEH, Abubakar Ramadhani
55675 Pertumbuhan pemerintahan daerah di Negara Republik Indonesia Jilid II 1968 THE LIANG GIE Gunung agung
55676 Perbandingan Pendidikan Modern Di Negara Islam dan Intisari Pendidikan Barat 1968 YUNUS, H. Mahmud Al Hidayah
55677 Linear algebra 1968 LIPSCHUTZ, Seymour McGraw - Hill Book Company
55678 General system theory. Foundations, Development, Applications 1968 BERTALANFFY, Ludwig Von George Allen & Unwin LTD
55679 Charles Evans Hughes and the Supreme Court 1968 HENDEL, Samuel Russel & Russel
55680 Nahwu tafsir maudu'i li suwar al-Qur'an al Karim 1968 GHAZALI Dar Al-Salam
55681 Tarikh Al-Syu'ubi Al- Islamiyah 1968 BRUGMANN, Karl Dar al - Lemi Lil Malayin
55682 American Anti War Movements 1968 CONLIN, Joseph R. The Glencoe Press
55683 Mass media and mass man 1968 Casty, Alan Holt, Rinehart and winston - new york
55684 Programmed manual of college physics 1968 Orear, Jay John Wiley & Sons - new york
55685 Experimental Plant Physiology 1968 Arditti, Joseph and Dunn, Arnold Holt - New York
55686 Modern Methods of Chemical Analysis 1968 tak terdaftar John Willy - New York
55687 Modern Methods of Chemical Analysis 1968 tak terdaftar John Wiley - New York
55688 Better English Through Practice 1968 J.J. Augustin Oxford university Press
55689 Fungsi Da'wah: dalam rangka perjuangan 1968 Natsir, Muhammad Senat Mahasiswa (F. I. A. D.) Yogyakarta - Yogyakarta
55690 Modern Methods of Chemical Analysis 1968 Pecsok, Robert L. John Wiley & Sons - America
55691 Studies In Islamic History and Institutions 1968 Goitein, S. D. Leiden E. J. Brill - Netherlands
55692 Studies In Islamic History And Institutions 1968 Goitien, S. D. Leiden E. J. Brill - Netherlands
55693 Ri Dup K.H. Abdurrahman : bapa masjarakat pekadjangan dan pendiri muhammadijah disana 1968 Soediardjo, R.M and Rahmat Q PP Muhammadiyah - Pekalongan
55694 Pendjelasan tentang Kebidjaksanaan PP Muhammadijah 1962 - 1965, 1965 - 1968 1968 Sekretariat PP Muhammadijah
55695 Penjelasan dan pemberesan Muktamar Muhammadijah ke 37 di Jogjakarta tg. 21 - 26 September 1968 1968 PP Muhammadiyah
55696 Heat and Thermodynamics 1968 BRIJLAL S.Chand & Company - New Delhi
55697 Standard Handbook of Lubrication Engineering 1968 [Tidak Terdaftar] McGraw Hill Book Company - New York
55698 TNI (Tentara Nasional Indonesia) 1968 Nasution Seruling Masa - Jakarta
55699 Quran terjemah Jawa Juz 21 1968 Penyiaran Islam: Yogyakarta
55700 Rohmatul Ummah 1968 Ibn 'Abdirrohman

Number of items : 60198