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Number of items : 60198
No Title Year Author Publisher
55301 Seed biology Vol. 1 1972 KOZLOWSKI, T T Academic Press
55302 The Primal Revolution to Ward a Real World 1972 JANOV, Arthur Simon and Schuster
55303 The Old Order 1972 SARUNDAJANG [Tidak Terdaftar]
55304 Culture and Politics in Indonesia 1972 HOLT, Claire Cornell University Press
55305 Family Law Reform in the Muslim World 1972 [Tidak Terdaftar]
55306 Pengantar ilmu hukum 1972 SOEPANDI, R M Gadjah Mada University Press
55307 Calculus : with finite mathematics for social sciences 1972 GRAY, Mary W Addison-Wesly Pub
55308 Principles of Econometrics 1972 KONG CHU Intext Educational Publisher
55309 Reading in Urban Economics 1972 EDEL, Matthew The Macmillan Press
55310 Dualistic Economic Development Theory and History 1972 KELLEY, Allen C. The University of chicago Press
55311 Kawin campur adopsi wasiat menurut Islam 1972 BASYIR, Ahmad Azhar ALMA'ARIF
55312 Pengantar Ekonomi Perusahaan 1972 SLOT, R. Karya Nusantara
55313 Penjelasan Muqaddimah Anggaran Dasar dan Kepribadian Muhammadiyah 1972 TAMIMY, H.M. Djindar Persatuan
55314 Anggregate Economic Analysis 1972 MCKENNA, Joseph P. The Dryden Press
55315 Reglemen Indonesia 1972 KARJADI [Tidak Terdaftar]
55316 Pendjelasan Muqaddimah Anggaran Dasar Dan Kepribadian Muhammadijah 1972 TAMIMY, H.M. Djindar Persatuan
55317 Perguruan Tinggi Islam Dan Pembaharuan Masyarakat 1972 NATSIR .M ALMA'ARIF
55318 Masyarakat Islam dan Politik di Indonesia 1972 MINTAREDJA, H. Moh Sjafa'at Permata
55319 Positive Economics 1972 LIPSEY, Richard G. Harper &Row, Pub.
55320 Rise Of The American Nation 1972 TODD, Lewis Paul Harcourt Brace Javanovich Ink
55321 Unsur-unsur marketing 1972 NATORADJO, Suljus A Alumni
55322 Renaissance, Reformation, And Absolutism 1400 - 1660 1972 BARNES, Thomas G Little Brown and Company
55323 Beberapa Masalah Transnasional Dalam Penanaman Modal Asing di Indonesia 1972 HARTONO, C F G Sunaryati BINACIPTA
55324 Massachusetts, Colony to Commonwealth : Documents On The Formation Of Its Constitution, 1775 - 1780 1972 TAYLOR, Robert J W.W. Norton & Company
55325 Main Problems in American History Volume II 1972 QUINT, Howard H. The Dorsey Press
55326 American History Volume I 1972 KLOSE, Nelson Barron's Educational Series, Inc
55327 Al-Fasholiyah 1972 ABDULAZIZ, Faishal Zahdilfath
55328 Social Change in America : The Twentieth Century 1972 COCHRAN, Thomas C. Harper &Row, Pub.
55329 Universal Higher Education : Costs, Benefits, Options 1972 WILSON, Logan American Council on Education
55330 Growth and development. With special reference to developing economies 1972 THIRLWALL, A P Golden Terayon Press
55331 Agama dan Pembangunan di Indonesia 1972 Ali, Mukti Biro Hubungan Masyarakat Departemen Agama RI - Jakarta
55332 Mineral nutrition of plants : Principles and perspectives 1972 Epstein, Emanuel John wiley and sons - canada
55333 Administrative Law and Process 1972 Gellhorn, Ernest and Levin, Ronald M Thomson West - St. Paul
55334 Element of Writing 1972 Robert Scholes and Carl H.Klaus Oxford University Press - Newyork
55335 Statistika : Versi SI Metrik Seri buku schaum Teori Dan Soal-Soal 1972 SPIEGEL, Murray Erlangga` - Jakarta
55336 Conference on immunology of carcinogenesis 1972 Dhew Publication
55337 Soil Stabilization : Principle and Practice 1972 INGLES, O. G and METCALF, J.B. Butterworths - Melbourne
55338 Reconstructing Complex Societies 1972 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
55339 The Book of Table Tennis 1972 Cowan, Glenn Grosset and Dunlap - New York
55340 Riwayat Hidup K.H.M Bajuri 1972 Fajri, M. PP Muhammadiyah Garut - Garut
55341 Conferences 1972 Con Con - Riyad
55342 Aussie English : an explanation of the australian idiom 1972 John O'Grady Lansdowne Press
55343 Quetico Wolf 1972 Bob and Rae Oetting Oddo Pblishing - Georgia
55344 Webster's Intermediate Dictionary 1972 Merriam Webster Merriam webster's - USA
55345 Favourite Stories from Malaysia 1972 Leon Comber Shing Lee Book Store - Singapore
55346 Teknik dan Materi Da'wah 1972 Muhammadiyah Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah Majlis Tabligh - Yogyakarta
55347 Problematika Bulan Ramadlan 1972 Hasbi Ashshiddieqy Menara - Kudus
55348 Muhammadiyah In Brief 1972 Kusmadi M.D. PP Jami'at Muhammadiyah - Yogyakarta
55349 Bunga itu Bukan Riba dan Bank itu Tidak Haram 1972 SINGODIMEJO, Kasman Pustaka Antara - Jakarta
55350 Imam Malik 1972 Kitani, Muhammad

Number of items : 60198