55251 |
Ushul Fiqih
1973 |
Rifa'i, Moh. |
PT. Alma'arif - Bandung |
55252 |
Ilmu Tauhid
1973 |
Amir, Dja'far and Dasuki, H. Abbas |
Sa'adiyah Putra - Jakarta |
55253 |
Garis-garis Organisasi Muhammadiyah
1973 |
Prodjokusumo, H. S. |
- Jakarta |
55254 |
Jig and Fixture Design Manual
1973 |
HENRIKSEN, Erik Karl |
Industrial - New York |
55255 |
Educational evaluation: theory and practice
1973 |
WORTHEN, Blaine R. and SANDERS, James R. |
Wadsworth - California |
55256 |
Mahasiswa dan Strategi Perjoangan Nasional
1973 |
Nasution Jendral |
Universitas Gajah Mada - Yogyakarta |
55257 |
Tafsir Al-Qur'anul Majid An-Nuur juz 28
1973 |
55258 |
The cardiac rhythms
1973 |
Raymond F. Philips |
W.B. Saunders Company |
55259 |
Science of dental metrials
1973 |
Ralph W. Phillips |
W.B. Saunders Company |
55260 |
ASM Handbook : Volume 15 Casting
1973 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
ASM International |
55261 |
the new book of knowledge
1973 |
Grolier - New York |
55262 |
The anatomy of human destructiveness
1973 |
Erich Fromm |
55263 |
The Interpretation of Cultures
1973 |
Clifford Geertz |
Fontana Press - New York |
55264 |
Social Marketing Perspectives and viewpoints
1973 |
William Lazer and Eugene J. Kelley |
Richard D Irwin - London |
55265 |
Fiqh Al-Sunnah
1973 |
Sayid Sabik |
Darul Kitab Arabiyah |
55266 |
Structural Steelwork Calculations and Detailing
1973 |
Macginley T.J. |
Butterworth - London |
55267 |
Pengantar Sejarah Kebudayaan Indonesia
1973 |
Soekmono |
Yayasan Kanisius - Yogyakarta |
55268 |
Fungsi Aqidah Dalam Kehidupan Manusia dan Perpautannya dengan Ibadah
1973 |
Ash Shiddiqie, Hasbi |
IAIN Sunan Kalijaga - Yogyakarta |
55269 |
IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Dalam Arena Pembangunan Negara dan Bangsa Indonesia
1973 |
Syahid, Bakri |
IAIN Sunan Kalijaga - Yogyakarta |
55270 |
Survey Research: A Decisional Approach
1973 |
Donald S. Tull and Gerald S. Albaum |
Intext Press - New York |
55271 |
Organized Knowledge
1973 |
Leslie Sklair |
Paladin |
55272 |
Cognitive Sociology
1973 |
Aaron V. Cicourel |
Penguin Education - London |
55273 |
Pengantar Sosiologi Hukum
1973 |
Soekanto, Soerjono |
Bhratara - Jakarta |
55274 |
The Industrial Order and Social Policy
1973 |
Richard A. Peterson |
Prentice Hall |
55275 |
Sosiologi: Suatu Pengantar
1973 |
Soerjono Soekanto |
Yayasan Penerbit Universitas Indonesia |
55276 |
Today's ISMS
1973 |
Ebenstein |
Prentice Hall - New Jersey |
55277 |
Social Problems of Urban Man
1973 |
Johnson |
The Dorse Press |
55278 |
Pengantar Sosiologi
1973 |
Soejono |
Penerbit Alumni - Bandung |
55279 |
Political Participation in Modern Indonesia
1973 |
R. William Liddle |
Yale University |
55280 |
Leadership Patterns and Village Structure (A Study of Six Indian Villages)
1973 |
Singh, Avtar |
Sterling Publisher - New Delhi |
55281 |
The Family: Its Structure and Interaction
1973 |
Nye, F. Ivan and Berardo, Felix M. |
Macmillan |
55282 |
The Homeless Mind: Modernization and Consciousness
1973 |
Berger, Peter and Berger, brigitte, et al |
Random House |
55283 |
Applied Measures For promoting Technological Growth
1973 |
Hetzler, Stanley A. |
Routledge & Kegan Paul |
55284 |
Fundamentals of soil science
1972 |
Foth, Henry D |
55285 |
Design of steel gaylord-gaylord structures
1972 |
GAYLORD, Edwin H |
McGraw - Hill Book Company |
55286 |
Plant growth substances Vol.1. Chemistry & physiology
1972 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
55287 |
Plant Growth Substances in Agriculture
1972 |
WEAVER, Robeth J. |
W.H Freeman and Company |
55288 |
Pharmacy, Drugs and Medical Care
1972 |
SMITH, Mickey c |
55289 |
Ilmu Peluang Dan Statistika Untuk Insinyur dan Ilmuwan
1972 |
WALPOLE, Ronald E |
55290 |
Integrated Electronics
1972 |
MILLMAN, Jacob |
McGraw - Hill Book Company |
55291 |
Proceedings of The 5th Asian-Pacific Congress of Gastroenterology
1972 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
Gastroenterological Society of Singapore |
55292 |
Blood Transfusion in Clinical Medicine
1972 |
Blackwell Scientific Publications |
55293 |
Modern English : Exercises For Non-Native Speakers Part I : Parts Of Speech
1972 |
FRANK, Marcella |
55294 |
Statistics : a guide to the unknown
1972 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
Holden Day |
55295 |
introduction To The Finite Element Mrthod : A Numerical Method For Engineering Analysis
1972 |
Van Nostrand Reinhold |
55296 |
The Post-Behavioral Era : Perspectives on Political Science
1972 |
GRAHAM, George J |
David McKay Company |
55297 |
Design of functional pavements
1972 |
NAI, C Yang |
McGraw - Hill Book Company |
55298 |
Water Deficits And Plant Growth Volume III
1972 |
Academic Press |
55299 |
Algebra Two With Trigonometry
1972 |
foster |
Harcourt Brace Javanovich Ink |
55300 |
Algebra One
1972 |
PAYNE, Joseph |
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich |