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Number of items : 60049
No Title Year Author Publisher
55901 Fi masadir al turath al siyasi al islami : dirasah fi ishkaliyat al tamim qabla al istiqra wa al ta'sil 1961 [Tidak Terdaftar] International Institute of islamic Thought
55902 Administrative communication 1961 Richard D Irwin
55903 The Achieving society 1961 McCLELLAND, David C Harvard University Press
55904 fundamentals of social psychology 1961 [Tidak Terdaftar] Alfred A Knopf
55905 Electical Technology 1961 THERAJA Nirja Construction & Development
55906 Puisi Dunia 1961 Ali, Taslim M. Balai Pustaka
55907 Airplane Aerodynamics 1961 DOMMASCH, Daniel O PITMAN PUBLISHING
55908 Complex Organizations on Power, Involvement, and Their Correlates 1961 ETZIONI, Amitai The Free Press
55909 Hukum pidana 1961 [Tidak Terdaftar] Gadjah Mada University Press
55910 Tuntunan Hizbul Wathan 1961 FUDYARTANTA, R.B.S. PP Muhammadiyah
55911 The Story of Philosophy : The Lives and Opinions of the Greater Philosophers 1961 DURANT, Will Washington Square Press
55912 The Negro in the American Revolution 1961 QUARLES, Benjamin The University of North Carolina Press
55913 Al- Ittijaahat al- Hadits fi al-Islam 1961 JAIB, H.A. Al-Maktabah al Tijari
55914 Nothing to Fear 1961 Franklin D. Roosevelt The Wrld Publishing Company - USA
55915 The Winter of Our Discontent :winner the nobel prize 1961 John Steinbeck Bantam Books - New York
55916 Wake in fright 1961 Kenneth cook Angus & Robertson Publishers
55917 Engineering Properties of Soils 1961 GULHATI, Shashik Tata McGraw Hill - New Delhi
55918 Handbook of Pediatrics 1961 Silver, Henry K Lange Medical Publications - California
55919 Government In America 1961 Bailey Samuel Baldwin HOLT - New York
55920 Peraturan Konstruksi Kayu Indonesia NI-5 PKKI 1961 1961 [Tidak Terdaftar] Departemen Pekerjaan Umum - Jakarta
55921 Mathematics For High School 1961 School Matematics Study Group Yale University Group - New Haven
55922 College Mathematics For Business and The Social Sciences 1961 LIEBERMAN, Arthur Brooks/Cole Publishing Company - California
55923 Handbook of Fluid Dynamics 1961 [Tidak Terdaftar] McGraw Hill Book Company - Newv York
55924 Axial- und RadialKompresssoren 1961 ECKERT, Bruno and Schanel, Erwin Springer - Germany
55925 Unit operations of sanitary engineering 1961 RICH, Linvil G. John Wiley - London
55926 The Mysterious Mr. Simister 1961 Fidler, Kathleen Dajambatan - Jakarta
55927 Prasaran mengenai pembangunan spiritual dan rochani pada kongres pemuda Indonesia 1961 Wahab, Wahib
55928 Mukhtashar Sunan Abu Daud 1961 Jauziyah, Imam Ibn Qoyim
55929 Sedjarah Perdjuangan Pemuda Indonesia 1961 Departemen Pendidikan Dasar dan Kebudayaan - Jakarta
55930 The venture of islam: Conscience and history in a world civilization 1961 Marshall G.S. Hodgson The Universitas of chicago press - Chicago
55931 What is History? 1961 Edward Hallett Carr vintage book
55932 Al Lughah Al Arabiyah Al Juz Awwal 1961 Majid, Abdul Aziz Abd Kairo - Dar Al Maarif
55933 Hukum Atjara Pidana 1961 Jajasan badan Penerbit Gadjah Mada - Jogjakarta
55934 Get Out The Vout : How To Ingrease Voter Turnout 1961 Donald P. Green Brookings - Wasington
55935 Broadcast News Producing 1961 Schultz, Brad Sage - Oaks
55936 Mukhtarat min al-adab al-`Arabi al-mu`asir 1961
55937 Muhadharat fi Tarikh Al Umam Al-Islamiyah 1961 Al-Khudhari, Muhammad Dar Ihya Kutub Al-Arabiyah - Mesir
55938 Tjiri2 Dan Alam Hidup Manusia 1961 Firth, R and B. Mochtan
55939 Asy Syaikh Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab Al Masda' Al Madzlum wal Mujaddid Al Muftara 'Alaihi 1961 Amin, Ahmad
55940 Gitanjali 1961 Tagore, Rabindranath Kebangsaan - Jakarta
55941 Islam Djalan Mutlak 1961 Morgan, Kenneth W. Pembangunan - Jakarta
55942 Pengantar Sedjarah dan Adjaran Islam 1961 Soebardi Ganaco - Jakarta
55943 Key Problems of Sociological Theory 1961 Rex, John Routledge & Kegan Paul - 0710069030
55944 Fractures and Joint Injuries I 1960 [Tidak Terdaftar] E & S Livingstone Ltd.
55945 Fractures and Joint Injuries II 1960 WATSON, Sir reginald E & S Livingstone Ltd.
55946 Current Therapy - 1960 1960 [Tidak Terdaftar] WB. Saunders Company
55947 Quantitative inorganic analysis I. Teori and practice 1960 VOGEL, Arthur I Longman Cheshire
55948 Quantitative inorganic analysis. Vol III. Teory and practice 1960 VOGEL, Arthur I Longman Cheshire
55949 Higway Engineering Handbook 1960 [Tidak Terdaftar] McGraw - Hill Book Company
55950 Elementary theoretical fluid mechanics 1960 BRENKERT, Karl John Wiley & Sons

Number of items : 60049