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Number of items : 60198
No Judul Tahun Penulis Penerbit
55901 Anarchy and the Environment: The International Relations of Common Pool Resources 1965 Barkin, J. Samuel State University of New York Press - New York
55902 Sovereignty and Interpretation of International Norms 1965 Carlos Fernandez De Casadevante Romani Springer - Berlin
55903 Davey & Lightbody's Control of Disease in the Tropics : a Handbook for Medical Practitioners 1965 DAVEY
55904 Harakatu Tahdid An-Nasli 1965 Al Maududi, Abu Al-A'la
55905 An Introduction to Indonesian Historiography 1965 Cornell University Press - UK
55906 Al Mujarriduna Fil islam 1965 Al Khauliy, Amin Darul Ma'rifah - Kairo
55907 Ibnu Chaldun Tentang Masjarakat dan Negara 1965 Raliby, Osman Bulan Bintang - Jakarta
55908 Ittijahat Fit Tarbiyah wat Ta'lim 1965 Safar, Muhammad Jamal Darul Ma'arif - Mesir
55909 The Concept of Belief in Islamic Theology 1965 Litt, Toshihiko Izutsu Yurindo Publishing - Keio
55910 Religion and Society in Tension 1965 Glock, Charles Y. Rand McNally - Chicago
55911 Philosophy of Religion 1965 Smith, John E. Collier-Macmillan Limited - London
55912 Al Isytirakiyah Fi At Tajarib Al 'Arabiyyah 1965 Darul Kitab Al Jadid
55913 Values and Interests in Social Change 1965 Sister Marie Augusta Neal Prentice Hall
55914 Readings on Economic Sociology 1965 Smelser, Neil J. Prentice-Hall
55915 The Sociology of Economic Life 1965 Smelser, Neil J. Prentice-Hall
55916 Bintang Muhammadijah 1965
55917 Kumpulan Majalah Suara 'Aisjijah 1965 Alfijah Muhadie and Chamamah Hanad P.P. Muhammadiyah Madjlis 'Aisjijah - Yogyakarta
55918 Modern Organizations 1964 ETZIONI, Amitai PRENTICE HALL
55919 Mutiara Ihjaa' Ulumuddin 1964 RUS'AN, H Mulja
55920 Structural dynamics. Introduction to 1964 BIGGS, John M McGraw - Hill Book Company
55921 Fluid Flow. A First Course in fluid mechanics 1964 SABERSKY, Rolf H Macmillan Press
55922 Basic Technical mathematics with calculus 1964 WASHINGTON, Allyn J Addison-Wesly Pub
55923 Continuity and Change in Latin America 1964 JOHNSON, John J. Stanford University Press
55924 Atas dasar atau azas azas apakah hendaknya hukum pidana dibangun dan rencana UU ttg Azas azas dan da... 1964 MOELJATNO Al-Ikhlas
55925 Islam The Misunderstood Religion 1964 QUTB, Muhammad Ministry Of Awqaf & Islamic Affairs
55926 Islam Dalam Sedjarah Modern jilid II 1964 SMITH, W.C. Bhratara Karya Alsara
55927 The Arts in Society 1964 WILSON, Robert N. PRENTICE HALL
55928 Researches Into The Early History Of Mankind And The Development Of Civilization 1964 TYLOR, Edward B Golden Terayon Press
55929 Riwayat-Riwayat Keberanian 1964 KENNEDY, John F Kartika
55930 Armament and disarmament: the continuing dispute 1964 FISHER, Walter R Wadsworth health sciences
55931 Al-Syifa' ( Al Mantoq ) 1964 IBN SINA Al-Haiah Al-Amah
55932 Fajrul Islam 1964 AMIN, Ahmad Maktabah Al-Nahdloh al-Mishriyah
55933 Tentang Marxisme 1964 AIDIT, D.N [Tidak Terdaftar]
55934 An Introduction to Islamic Law 1964 Schacht, Joseph OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
55935 Ferns of the Southeastern States 1964 Small, John Kunkel Hafner Publishing Company
55936 Islam Dalam Lintasan Sedjarah 1964 Sir Hamilton A.R. GIBB Bhratara - Djakarta
55937 Gulliver's Travels 1964 Jonathan Swift The new American Library - USA
55938 Activity box : a resorce book for teachers of young students 1964 Jean Greenwood Cambridge University Press
55939 Mesdjid Pusat Ibadat dan Kebudajaan Islam 1964 Gazalba, Sidi Pustaka Antara - Jakarta
55940 Aliran-Aliran Dalam Pendidikan : Studi tentang Aliran Pendidikan Menurut Al-Ghazali 1964 Sulaiman, Fathiyah Hasan Dina Utama - Semarang
55941 Handbook of Applied Hydrology : A compendium of Water - Resources Tecnology 1964 [Tidak Terdaftar] McGraw Hill - New York
55942 Exploration of the Universe 1964 ABELL Holt Rinehart and Winston - New York
55943 In Memorial Pak A.R. Fahruddin 1964 pp muhammadiyah - Yogyakarta
55944 Mechanical Desains for Product Design 1964 [Tidak Terdaftar] McGraw Hill Book Company - New York
55945 Machine Shop Training Course: Elementary And Advanced Machine Shop Practice For Shop Course, Schools And Self Instruction 1964 JONES, Franklin D. Industrial Press Inc. - New York
55946 Fathul Wahhab jilid 1 1964 Abu Yahya Zakariyya Al Anshary
55947 ar Rosul Al Qoid 1964 Mahmud Syait Khotob Dar Al Qolam
55948 Asy Syifa Al Manthiq 1964 Ibn Sina Organisme General des Imprimeries Gouverments
55949 kedaulatan Ra'jat 1964 Mohammad Hatta kepenterian penerangan - Solo
55950 How it is 1964 Samuel Beckett grove press: New York

Number of items : 60198