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Number of items : 60198
No Judul Tahun Penulis Penerbit
55851 Politik sosial Modern : Dasar-Dasar Dan Directiva Penertiban 1965 SOEHARDI, A Kanisius
55852 Mathematics For Introductory Science Courses : calculus And Vectors 1965 GREENBERG, Daniel A W.A. Benjamin.Inc
55853 Methods of applied mathematics 1965 HILDEBRAND, Francis B PRENTICE HALL
55854 Cooling electronic equipment 1965 KRAUS, Alian D PRENTICE HALL
55855 Islamic Methodology in History 1965 RAHMAN, Fazlur Central Intelligence Agency
55856 Theological Dictionary 1965 RAHNER, Karl Herder and Herder
55857 Local Government in Japan 1965 STEINER, Kurt Stanford University Press
55858 Al istishraq fi al sirah al nabawiyah: dirasah tarikhiyah li ara (watt, brukil-mann, a wihauzin) Muqoranah bi al ru'yah al islamiyah. 1965 [Tidak Terdaftar] USA Education
55859 a thousand days : John F. Kennedy in the white house 1965 SCHLESINGER, Arthur M (Edit) Houghton Mifflin Company
55860 The American Political Process 1965 ADRIAN, Charles R. McGraw - Hill Book Company
55861 Kelengkapan Tarich Nabi Muhammad s.a.w 1965 CHALIL, K.H. Moenawar Bulan Bintang
55862 Di bawah Bendera Revolusi 1965 SOEKARNO [Tidak Terdaftar]
55863 Assimilasi Dalam Rangka PembinaanKesatuan Bangsa 1965 [Tidak Terdaftar] Yayasan Pembinaan Kesatuan Bangsa
55864 Jesus atau Paulus 1965 HASHEM, M Japi
55865 Pokok-Pokok Hukum Islam Jilid I 1965 FYZEE, Asaf A.A. Tintamas
55866 Pertumbuhan pemerintahan daerah di Negara Republik Indonesia I 1965 THE LIANG GIE Gunung agung
55867 Surat surat dari penjara 1965 JAMALY, Muhammad Fadhil Pustaka
55868 A Rational Approach to Social Casework 1965 WERNER, Harold D. Association Press
55869 Al-Mausu'ah Al-'Arabiyah Al-Mayu Sarrah 1965 [Tidak Terdaftar] Al-Sya'b
55870 Winston Churchill As I Knew him 1965 Violet Bonham Carter Pan Books - London
55871 ocular syndromes 1965 Walter J Geeraets lea & febiger
55872 The Biotic World and Man 1965 Milne, Lorus J and Milne, Margery Prentice-Hall - USA
55873 Arthur Hailey Hotel 1965 [Tidal Terdaftar] Bantan Books - New York
55874 Report Writing for Business 1965 Raymond V. Lesikar Richard D. Irwin INC
55875 The Theory of Atomic Collisions 1965 Mott, N.F. and Massey, H.S.W Oxford - london
55876 Baustatik : Theorie und Beispiele 1965 AUFLAGE, Zweite Erweiterte Spienger - Verlag - New York
55877 Refraction 1965 Gettes, Bernard Little Brown - Boston
55878 French Listening Speaking Reading Writing 1965 Brown, Thomas. H McGraw-Hill - New York
55879 Introductory Probability and Statistical Applications 1965 MEYER, Paul L. Addison Wisley - New York
55880 Handbook of Group Discussion 1965 WAGNER, Russell H. and ARNOLD, Carroll C. Houghton Mifflin Company - Boston
55881 Advanced Calculus 1965 BUCK, Creighton R McGraw Hill - New York
55882 Process Heat Transfer 1965 KERN, D. Q. McGraw Hill - Tokyo
55883 Tuntunan praktis penerangan agama islam 1965 Multi yasa - Jakarta
55884 An Introduction To Econometrics 1965 KLEIN, Lawrence R. Prentice - Hall - India
55885 Handbook of Air Conditioning Heating and Ventilating 1965 STROCK, Clifford and KORAL, Richard L Industrial Press - New York
55886 Nihayatul Arabi Jilid 4 1965 Nawawi, Syihabuddin Ahmad ibn "alwahha
55887 hasil pembangunan orde baru: Pelita I - Pelita II - Pelita III 1965 Departemen Sosial Departemen Sosial
55888 The Religions of the oppressed : a Study of modern messianic cults 1965 Vittorio Lanternani The new american library - Canada
55889 A Diplomat's Handbook Of Inernational law And Practice 1965 FITZMAURICE, Sir Gerald Alles Komt - -
55890 Diagnosa Chutbah 1965 Roosdi AS Ramadhani - Semarang
55891 Kitab Hadji 1965 PP Muhammadiyah - Yogyakarta
55892 Between God and Man: An Interpretation of Judaism 1965 Abraham J. Heschel The Free Press - Nwe York
55893 Francis Bacon: A Selection of His Work 1965
55894 Churchill in memoriam : His Life, His Death, His Wit and Wisdom 1965 Bantam Books
55895 Hawk's Physiological Chemistry 1965 McGraw-Hill - New Delhi
55896 Fiqh Imam Ja'far As Shodiq 1965 Syaikh Muhammad Jawwad Mughniyah Daru Ilmi M - Beirut
55897 Adhwa’ul Bayan Asy-Syinqithi 1965 Muhammad Al-Amin bin Muhammad Al-Mukhtar Asy-Syinqithi Madani
55898 Desa 1965 Kartohadikoesoemo, Soetardjo Sumur Bandung - Yogyakarta
55899 Al Fiziya 1965 Jalal, Mustofa
55900 Ma'rakah Al Yaum Wa Al Ghad 1965 Al Fasi, 'Alal

Number of items : 60198