801 |
Moderasi beragama : perspektif bimas Islam
2022 |
Tim Penyusun Ditjen Bimas Islam |
Seketaris Ditjen Bimas Islam Kementerian Agama - Jakarta |
802 |
Project management : a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling
2022 |
Harold Kerzner |
Wiley - New Jersey |
803 |
Mikrobiota vs stunting pada anak
2022 |
Betty Yosephin Simanjuntak and Rahma Annisa |
Rapha Publising - Yogyakarta |
804 |
Dorongan Nudge Memperbaiki Keputusan tentang Kesehatan, Kekayaan, dan Kebahagiaan
2022 |
Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein |
Gramedia - Jakarta |
805 |
Finding my bread
2022 |
Song Seong-rye |
Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia - Jakarta |
806 |
Kwik Kian Gie : bunga rampai pemikiran bagian 3
2022 |
Kwik Kian Gie |
PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama - Jakarta |
807 |
How to make the best coffee at home
2022 |
Hoffmann, James |
Octopus - London |
808 |
Crafting and executing strategy : the Quest for competitive advantage : concepts & cases
2022 |
Arthur A. Thompson and John E. Gamble, Margaret A. Peteraf, A.J. Strickland III |
Mc Graw Hill - New York |
809 |
The earned life : lose regret, choose fulfillment
2022 |
Goldsmith, Marshall and Mark Reiter |
Currency - New York |
810 |
The culture playbook : 60 highly effective actions to help your group succeed
2022 |
Daniel Coyle |
Cornertstone press - London |
811 |
Emotionally resilient tweens and teens : empowering your kids to navigate bullying, teasing, and social exclusion
2022 |
Payne, Kim John and Luis Fernando Liosa |
Shambhala - Colorado |
812 |
The Maxwell daily reader
2022 |
Maxwell, John C. |
Bhuana Ilmu Populer kelompok Gramedia - Jakarta |
813 |
Platonic : how the science of attachment can help you make and keep friends
2022 |
Franco, Marisa |
Putnam - New York |
814 |
Do this for you : train your mind to transform your fitness
2022 |
Cela, Krissy |
Aster - London |
815 |
Kurt Cobain : the last interview
2022 |
Melville House - Brooklyn |
816 |
Hope : my inspirational life
2022 |
Parker, Tom |
Bonnier Books - London |
817 |
It starts with us: a novel
2022 |
Hoover, Colleen |
Atria Paperback - New York |
818 |
The lean startup : ketika inovasi tanpa henti menciptakan kesuksesan bisnis secara radikal
2022 |
Ries, Eric and Reni Indardini (penerjemah) |
Bentang - Yogyakarta |
819 |
The greatest self-help book (is the one written by you) : a daily journal for gratitude, happiness, reflection and self-love
2022 |
King, Vex and Kaushal |
Bluebird - London |
820 |
Glucose revolution : the life-changing power of balancing your blood sugar
2022 |
Inchauspe, Jessie |
Short Books - London |
821 |
Why the rich are getting richer : apa sebenarnya pendidikan keuangan itu?
2022 |
Kiyosaki, Robert and Tom Wheelwright, Fairano Ilyas (penerjemah) |
PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama - Jakarta |
822 |
Lighter : let go of the past connect with the present expand the future
2022 |
Pueblo, Yung |
Harmony Books - New York |
823 |
The brain : everyting you need to know
2022 |
George, Alison |
John Murray Press - London |
824 |
The indonesian military enjoys strong public trust and support : reasons and implications
2022 |
Burhanuddin Muhtadi |
ISEAS Publishing - Singapore |
825 |
Cyber troops, online manipulation of public opinion and co-optation of indonesia's cybersphere
2022 |
Yatun Sastramidjaja and Wijayanto |
ISEAS Publishing - Singapore |
826 |
The devil you know
2022 |
Adshed, Gwen and Horne, Eileen |
Faber and faber Limited - London |
827 |
Business research methods
2022 |
Pamela S. Schindler |
Mc Graw Hill - New York |
828 |
The hard things : why we resilience wrong and the surprising science of real toughness
2022 |
Magness, Steve |
HarperOne - New York |
829 |
Ethics, law & health care : a guide for nurses and midwives
2022 |
McDonald, Fiona and Shih-Ning Then |
Bloomsbury - London |
830 |
Intercultural learning in language education and beyond : evolving concepts, perspectives and practices
2022 |
McConachy, Troy |
Multilingual Matters - Bristol |
831 |
Rich Dad poor Dad
2022 |
Robert T. Kiyosaki |
Plata Publishing - Scottsdale |
832 |
Food for life : the new science of eating well
2022 |
Tim Spector |
Jonathan Cape - London |
833 |
Theoretical and applied perspectives on teaching foreign languages in multilingual settings
2022 |
Multilingual Matters - Bristol, UK |
834 |
Essential managers : management handbook
2022 |
Dorling Kindersley Limited - London |
835 |
Things you can do : how to fight climate change and reduce waste
2022 |
Garcia, Eduardo |
Ten Speed Press - New York |
836 |
100 things productive people do : little lessons in getting things done
2022 |
Cumberland, Nigel |
John Murray Press - London |
837 |
The power of japanese candlestick charts : teknik filtering andalan untuk trading saham, futures, dan valuta asing
2022 |
Fred K. H. Tam and Alih bahasa, Suryo Waskito |
PT Elex Media Komputindo - Jakarta |
838 |
Meretas Politik Inklusif Esai Politik Sekolah Politisi Muda
2022 |
and Andi Hasrawati Syahrir, dkk |
Pustaka Obor Pustaka - Jakarta |
839 |
Fundamentals Of Materials Science and Engineering : International Adaptation
2022 |
Wiley |
Wiley - Singapura |
840 |
Wong ' s Essentials of Pediatric Nursing
2022 |
Hockenberry |
Elsever - Canada |
841 |
Financial Accounting : With International Financial Reporting Standards
2022 |
Willy |
5th Editional - New York |
842 |
The Kinfolk Entrepreneur
2022 |
Nathan Williams |
Ouur - New York |
843 |
Crafting & Executing Strategy : The Quest For Competitive Advantege
2022 |
Thompson; Peteraf; Gamble and Strickland |
McGraw Hill LLC - Americas |
844 |
Akuntansi pengantar
2022 |
Ahim Abdurahim and Afrizal Tahar, Arum Indrasari, Erni Suryandari Fathmaningrum, Evi Rahmawati, Etik Kresnawati |
UPP STIM YKPN - Yogyakarta |
845 |
Janeway's immunobiology
2022 |
Kenneth Murphy |
W.W. Norton & Company |
846 |
Clinical Chemistry: Principles, Techniques, and Correlations
2022 |
Michael L. Bishop and Edward P. Fody, et al |
Jones & Bartlett Learning |
847 |
Bailey’s Head & Neck Surgery Otolaryngology volume I
2022 |
Rosen, Clark A. |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) |
848 |
Bailey’s Head & Neck Surgery Otolaryngology volume II
2022 |
Rosen, Clark A. |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) |
849 |
Cloherty and Stark's Manual of Neonatal Care
2022 |
Eric C Eichenwald, Anne R. Hansen, Camilia R. Martin, Ann R. Stark |
Wolters Kluwer |
850 |
AI in eHealth: Human Autonomy, Data Governance and Privacy in Healthcare
2022 |
Marcelo Corrales Compagnucci, Michael Lowery Wilson, et al |
978-1108830966 |