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Number of items : 60045
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19051 Kekuasaan pengadilan Tinggi dan Proses Pemeriksaan Perkara Perdata Dalam Tingkat Banding 2008 Yahya Harahap 3
19052 Governance, Politics, and the Environment: A Singapore Study 2008 Maria Francesch and Huidobro ISEAS - Pasir Panjang
19053 Tayouka KOREKARA NO NIHONGO KYOUIKU 多様化する言語習得環境と これからの日本語教育 2008 Sakamoto Tadashi and Koyanagi Kaoru, スリーエネット
19054 Collecting and Interpreting Qualitative Materials 2008 Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln Sage - California
19055 Modern Local Government 2008 Janice Morphet Sage - London
19056 Mengawasi Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah 2008 Samsul Wahidin Pustaka Pelajar - Yogyakarta
19057 Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory 2008 Juliet Corbin and Anselm Strauss Sage - California
19058 Human Rights and Social Justice 2008 Joseph Wronka Sage - California
19059 Conflict Coaching: Conflict Management Strategies and Skills fot The Individual 2008 Tricia S. Jones and Ross Brinkert Sage - California
19060 Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy 2008 Joseph A. Schumpeter Happer Perennial - New York
19061 Konstitusi Sebagai Rumah Bangsa 2008 HARJONO Sekretariat Jenderal dan Kepaniteraan Mahkamah
19062 The McGraw-Hill Guide : Writing for College, Writing for Life 2008 Duane Roen and Gregory R Glau McGrawHill - New York
19063 Global Civil Society 2007/8: Communicative Power and Democracy 2008 Martin Albow and Helmut Anheier, dkk Sage - London
19064 Creative Methods in Organization Research 2008 Sage - London
19065 Leadership a Critical Text 2008 Simon Western Sage - London
19066 Red States, Blue States and The Coming Sharecropper Society 2008 Stephen D. Cummings Algora - New York
19067 Khittah Muhammadiyah trentang politik 2008 Haedar Nashir
19068 Management Research 2008 Mark Easterby-Smith and Richard Thorpe, Paul R. Jackson Sage - London
19069 Management and Leadership Development 2008 Christoper Mabey and Tim Finch-Lees Sage - London
19070 Researching Social Life 2008 Nigel Gilbert Sage - London
19071 Democrats and Republicans Rhetoric and Reality: Comparing the Voters in Statistics and Anecdotes 2008 Joseph Fried Algora - New York
19072 Thinking About Democracy: Power Sharing and Majority Rule in Theory and Practice 2008 Arend Lijphart Routledge - New York
19073 Aceh Baru: Tantangan Perdamaian dan Reintegrasi 2008 M. Hamdan Basyar Pustaka Pelajar - Yogyakarta
19074 Introduction to Media and Politics 2008 Sarah Oates Sage - London
19075 Islam in Southeast Asia 2008 Hussin Mutalib ISEAS - Pasir Panjang
19076 Internet Research Skills 2008 Niall O Dochartaigh Sage - London
19077 Organization Science 2008 Sage - London
19078 Introducing Qualitative Research 2008 Rosaline Barbour Sage - London
19079 Globalization and the Politics of Identity in India 2008 Pearson Longman - New Delhi
19080 Globalization & National Autonomy: The Experience of Malaysia 2008 ISEAS - Pasir Panjang
19081 Social Capital 2008 John Field Routledge - New York
19082 Managing & Organizations: An Introduction to Theory & Practice 2008 Stewart Clegg and Martin Kornberger, Tyrone Pitsis Sage - London
19083 Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences 2008 Catherine Kohler Riessman Sage - California
19084 New Parties in Government: In Power for the First Time 2008 Routledge - New York
19085 Dosen Profesional : Sebagai Aktor, Komunikator, Motivator, Fasilitator dan Inovator Proses Pembelajaran 2008 HARI, Sutrisna
19086 De Paris a Jakarta 2008
19087 Leadership: A Critical Text 2008 Simon Western SAGE Publications - Lndon
19088 Handbook of Long-Term Care Administration and Policy 2008 CRC Press - Boca Raton
19089 Teks - Atlas Kedokteran Kedaruratan Greenberg Jilid I 2008 Michael I Greenberg dkk. and Robert G, Hendrickson Erlangga - Jakarta
19090 Sirs, Sepsis & Syok Septik : Imunologi,Diagnosis,Penatalaksanaan 2008 A.Guntur H. UNS Press - surakarta
19091 Ventilator Pendekatan Praktis di Unit Perawatan Kritis Volume 1 2008 Krisna SUndana CICU - Bandung
19092 Bertanam Cabai Rawit dalam Polybag 2008 T. Sarpian Penebar Swadaya - Jakarta
19093 Ilmu Penyakit Ternak I-b (Mammalia) 2008 Subronto UGM Press - Yogyakarta
19094 Analisis Tanah, Air, dan Jaringan Tanaman 2008 Mul Mulyani Sutedjo Rineka Cipta - Jakarta
19095 Ironi Negeri Beras 2008 Khudori Insist Press - Yogyakarta
19096 Nihon go Kyoushi 目指せ、日本語教師力アップ! OPIでいきいき授業 2008 Shimada Kazuko ひつじ書房
19097 Hak Asasi Manusia 2008 Philip Alston and Frans Magnis-Suseno Pusham UII - Yogyakarta
19098 A Companion to philosophy of law and legal theory 2008 Dennis Patterson Blackwell Publishing - singapore
19099 Sriro's desk reference of indonesian company law 2008 Andrew I.Sriro Dyah ersita - jakarta
19100 Goog coorporate governance 2008 siswanto sutojo and E Jhon Aldrige damar mulia pustaka - jakarta

Number of items : 60045