19051 |
Decentralisation, Corruption and Social Capital: From India toThe West
2008 |
Sten Widmalm |
Sage - New Delhi |
19052 |
Kekuasaan pengadilan Tinggi dan Proses Pemeriksaan Perkara Perdata Dalam Tingkat Banding
2008 |
Yahya Harahap |
3 |
19053 |
Governance, Politics, and the Environment: A Singapore Study
2008 |
Maria Francesch and Huidobro |
ISEAS - Pasir Panjang |
19054 |
Tayouka KOREKARA NO NIHONGO KYOUIKU 多様化する言語習得環境と これからの日本語教育
2008 |
Sakamoto Tadashi and Koyanagi Kaoru, |
スリーエネット |
19055 |
Collecting and Interpreting Qualitative Materials
2008 |
Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln |
Sage - California |
19056 |
Modern Local Government
2008 |
Janice Morphet |
Sage - London |
19057 |
Mengawasi Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah
2008 |
Samsul Wahidin |
Pustaka Pelajar - Yogyakarta |
19058 |
Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory
2008 |
Juliet Corbin and Anselm Strauss |
Sage - California |
19059 |
Human Rights and Social Justice
2008 |
Joseph Wronka |
Sage - California |
19060 |
Conflict Coaching: Conflict Management Strategies and Skills fot The Individual
2008 |
Tricia S. Jones and Ross Brinkert |
Sage - California |
19061 |
Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy
2008 |
Joseph A. Schumpeter |
Happer Perennial - New York |
19062 |
Konstitusi Sebagai Rumah Bangsa
2008 |
Sekretariat Jenderal dan Kepaniteraan Mahkamah |
19063 |
The McGraw-Hill Guide : Writing for College, Writing for Life
2008 |
Duane Roen and Gregory R Glau |
McGrawHill - New York |
19064 |
Global Civil Society 2007/8: Communicative Power and Democracy
2008 |
Martin Albow and Helmut Anheier, dkk |
Sage - London |
19065 |
Creative Methods in Organization Research
2008 |
Sage - London |
19066 |
Leadership a Critical Text
2008 |
Simon Western |
Sage - London |
19067 |
Red States, Blue States and The Coming Sharecropper Society
2008 |
Stephen D. Cummings |
Algora - New York |
19068 |
Khittah Muhammadiyah trentang politik
2008 |
Haedar Nashir |
19069 |
Management Research
2008 |
Mark Easterby-Smith and Richard Thorpe, Paul R. Jackson |
Sage - London |
19070 |
Management and Leadership Development
2008 |
Christoper Mabey and Tim Finch-Lees |
Sage - London |
19071 |
Researching Social Life
2008 |
Nigel Gilbert |
Sage - London |
19072 |
Democrats and Republicans Rhetoric and Reality: Comparing the Voters in Statistics and Anecdotes
2008 |
Joseph Fried |
Algora - New York |
19073 |
Thinking About Democracy: Power Sharing and Majority Rule in Theory and Practice
2008 |
Arend Lijphart |
Routledge - New York |
19074 |
Aceh Baru: Tantangan Perdamaian dan Reintegrasi
2008 |
M. Hamdan Basyar |
Pustaka Pelajar - Yogyakarta |
19075 |
Introduction to Media and Politics
2008 |
Sarah Oates |
Sage - London |
19076 |
Islam in Southeast Asia
2008 |
Hussin Mutalib |
ISEAS - Pasir Panjang |
19077 |
Internet Research Skills
2008 |
Niall O Dochartaigh |
Sage - London |
19078 |
Organization Science
2008 |
Sage - London |
19079 |
Introducing Qualitative Research
2008 |
Rosaline Barbour |
Sage - London |
19080 |
Globalization and the Politics of Identity in India
2008 |
Pearson Longman - New Delhi |
19081 |
Globalization & National Autonomy: The Experience of Malaysia
2008 |
ISEAS - Pasir Panjang |
19082 |
Social Capital
2008 |
John Field |
Routledge - New York |
19083 |
Managing & Organizations: An Introduction to Theory & Practice
2008 |
Stewart Clegg and Martin Kornberger, Tyrone Pitsis |
Sage - London |
19084 |
Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences
2008 |
Catherine Kohler Riessman |
Sage - California |
19085 |
New Parties in Government: In Power for the First Time
2008 |
Routledge - New York |
19086 |
Dosen Profesional : Sebagai Aktor, Komunikator, Motivator, Fasilitator dan Inovator Proses Pembelajaran
2008 |
HARI, Sutrisna |
19087 |
De Paris a Jakarta
2008 |
19088 |
Leadership: A Critical Text
2008 |
Simon Western |
SAGE Publications - Lndon |
19089 |
Handbook of Long-Term Care Administration and Policy
2008 |
CRC Press - Boca Raton |
19090 |
Teks - Atlas Kedokteran Kedaruratan Greenberg Jilid I
2008 |
Michael I Greenberg dkk. and Robert G, Hendrickson |
Erlangga - Jakarta |
19091 |
Sirs, Sepsis & Syok Septik : Imunologi,Diagnosis,Penatalaksanaan
2008 |
A.Guntur H. |
UNS Press - surakarta |
19092 |
Ventilator Pendekatan Praktis di Unit Perawatan Kritis Volume 1
2008 |
Krisna SUndana |
CICU - Bandung |
19093 |
Bertanam Cabai Rawit dalam Polybag
2008 |
T. Sarpian |
Penebar Swadaya - Jakarta |
19094 |
Ilmu Penyakit Ternak I-b (Mammalia)
2008 |
Subronto |
UGM Press - Yogyakarta |
19095 |
Analisis Tanah, Air, dan Jaringan Tanaman
2008 |
Mul Mulyani Sutedjo |
Rineka Cipta - Jakarta |
19096 |
Ironi Negeri Beras
2008 |
Khudori |
Insist Press - Yogyakarta |
19097 |
Nihon go Kyoushi 目指せ、日本語教師力アップ! OPIでいきいき授業
2008 |
Shimada Kazuko |
ひつじ書房 |
19098 |
Hak Asasi Manusia
2008 |
Philip Alston and Frans Magnis-Suseno |
Pusham UII - Yogyakarta |
19099 |
A Companion to philosophy of law and legal theory
2008 |
Dennis Patterson |
Blackwell Publishing - singapore |
19100 |
Sriro's desk reference of indonesian company law
2008 |
Andrew I.Sriro |
Dyah ersita - jakarta |