23101 |
repositioning Organization Theory : Impossibilities and srtategies
2006 |
Steffen Bohm |
23102 |
Organization Development : Principles Processes Performance
2006 |
Gary N. McLean |
23103 |
Civil Societies and Social Movements
2006 |
Ronnie D. Lipschutz |
Ashgate - Hampshire |
23104 |
Doing Research in Political Science
2006 |
Paul Pennings and Hans Keman, Jan Kleinnijenhuis |
Sage - London |
23105 |
Geographies of Knowledge and Power
2006 |
Peter Meusburger and Derek Gregory, Laura Suarsana |
Springer |
23106 |
Islam dan Pancasila Sebagai Dasar Negara
2006 |
Ahmad Syafii Maarif |
LP3ES - Jakarta |
23107 |
Risalah Islamiyah
2006 |
Muhammad Ibn syaid Alwi ibn and Syadid Abbas Maliki |
Dar Rafa'i - Suria |
23108 |
Gerakan Mahasiswa dan Politik Kaum Muda era 80-an
2006 |
Denny J.A |
LKiS - Yogyakarta |
23109 |
Filsafat Demokrasi
2006 |
Hendra Nurtjahjo |
Bumi Aksara - Jakarta |
23110 |
Reformatting Politics: Information Technology and Global Civil Society
2006 |
Routledge - New York |
23111 |
Reformasi Birokrasi dan Demokratisasi Kebijakan Publik
2006 |
Tim Simpul Demokrasi |
Averroes Press - Malang |
23112 |
Model Ketahanan Nasional sebagai Administrasi Megara untuk Memberdayakan Otonomi Daerah
2006 |
Amin Ibrahim |
Mandar Maju - Bandung |
23113 |
Public Administration and Public Management: The Principal-Agent Perspective
2006 |
Jan-Erik Lane |
Routledge - New York |
23114 |
As Sihir wasy Syuizah wa Atsarohuma Alal Fardi wal mujtama'
2006 |
Fauzan, Shaleh Fauzan Bin Abdullah |
Riyad - Daar Al Qasim |
23115 |
Itmamu Fatkul Khalaq Fi Makarimil Akhlaq
2006 |
'Alauddin Za'turi |
Darul 'Ashama |
23116 |
Pilkada dan Demokrasi Arus Bawah
2006 |
Bodhi Wedyanto and Seprini |
ISDP - Riau |
23117 |
Multiparty Democracy: Elections and Legislative Politics
2006 |
Norman Schofield and Itai Sened |
Cambridge - Cambridge |
23118 |
A Question of Technique
2006 |
Routledge - New York |
23119 |
Complexity and The Experience of Managing in Public Sector Organizations
2006 |
Routledge - New York |
23120 |
Civil Society and Democracy in Latin America
2006 |
Palgrave Macmilan - New York |
23121 |
Changing Party Coalitions
2006 |
Jerry F. Hough |
Agathon - New York |
23122 |
Politik yang Mencari Bentuk
2006 |
Denny J.A |
LKiS - Yogyakarta |
23123 |
Key Thinkers from Critical Theory to Post-Marxism
2006 |
Simon Tormey and Jules Townshend |
Sage - London |
23124 |
Komunikasi Politik Sebagai Suatu Pengantar
2006 |
Rochajat Harun and Sumarno AP |
Mandar Maju - Bandung |
23125 |
Madison's Managers: Public Administration and the Constitution
2006 |
Anthony M. Bertelli and Laurence E. Lynn JR. |
John Hopkins - Baltimore |
23126 |
Gender and Self in Islam
2006 |
Etin Anwar |
Routledge - New York |
23127 |
Environmental Communication and the Public Sphere
2006 |
Robert Cox |
Sage - California |
23128 |
PPh Pemotongan Pemungutan
2006 |
Agus Setiawan, AK |
RajaGrafindo Persada - Jakarta |
23129 |
Financial Management in the Public Sector: Tools, Applications, and Cases
2006 |
XiaoHu Wang |
M.E. Sharpe - New York |
23130 |
Strategic Performance Management: Leveraging and measuring your intangible value drivers
2006 |
Bernard Marr |
Elsevier |
23131 |
Ethnicity and Electoral Politics
2006 |
Johanna Kristin Birnir |
Cambridge - Cambridge |
23132 |
Ethics in Public Relation: Responsible Advocacy
2006 |
Sage - California |
23133 |
Analysing Social Policy: A Governmental Approach
2006 |
Edward Elgar - Northampton |
23134 |
Case Studies in Performance Management : A Guide from The Experts
2006 |
Tony C. Adkins |
John Wiley and Sons, Inc. - Hoboken |
23135 |
Putusan Nomor 005/PUU-IV/2006
2006 |
Sekjen dan Kepaniteraan MK RI |
Sekjen dan Kepaniteraan MK RI - Jakarta |
23136 |
Putusan Perkara Nomor 007/PUU-III/2005
2006 |
Sekjen dan Kepaniteraan MK RI |
23137 |
Kumpulan undang-undang pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi
2006 |
23138 |
Kebijakan publik di negara-negara muslim
2006 |
Bambang Setiaji |
KIBAR Press - Yogyakarta |
23139 |
New Directions in Social Theory: Race, Gender, and the Canon
2006 |
Kate Reed |
Sage - London |
23140 |
Managing a Public Relations Firm for Growth and Profit
2006 |
A.C.Croft |
Best Business Books |
23141 |
Bourdieu's Politics: Problems and Possibilities
2006 |
Jeremy F. Lane |
Routledge - New York |
23142 |
Goldilocks and the three bears
2006 |
Ana Lomba |
Oxford |
23143 |
2006 |
くろしお出版 |
23144 |
Pedoman pelayanan medik untuk penyakit paru di sarana kesehatan dasar
2006 |
Departemen kesehatan RI |
Departemen kesehatan RI - Jakarta |
23145 |
Undang undang TNI 2004
2006 |
Sinar Grafika |
23146 |
The holy Quran some basic facts
2006 |
Nasir Shamsi |
Qum Ansariyan |
23147 |
Ethics and Politics
2006 |
Macintyre, Alasdair |
Cambridge University Press - United Kingdom |
23148 |
Practical Research Methods For Media And Cultural Studies : Making People Count
2006 |
Davies, Maire Messenger and Mosdell, Nick |
Edinburgh University Press - Edinburgh |
23149 |
Zaman Bergerak, Birokrasi Dirombak : Potret Birokrasi dan Politik di Indonesia
2006 |
Rozi, Syafuan |
Pustaka Pelajar - Yogyakarta |
23150 |
Rethinking Public Relations
2006 |
Moloney, Kevin |
Routledge - USA |