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Number of items : 60050
No Title Year Author Publisher
23101 Educational Decentralization: Asian Experience and Conceptual Contribution 2006 Springer - Dordrecht
23102 Doing Action Research a Guide for School Support Staff 2006 Claire Taylor and Min Wilkie, Judith Baser Paul Chapman Publishing - London
23103 repositioning Organization Theory : Impossibilities and srtategies 2006 Steffen Bohm
23104 Organization Development : Principles Processes Performance 2006 Gary N. McLean
23105 Civil Societies and Social Movements 2006 Ronnie D. Lipschutz Ashgate - Hampshire
23106 Doing Research in Political Science 2006 Paul Pennings and Hans Keman, Jan Kleinnijenhuis Sage - London
23107 Geographies of Knowledge and Power 2006 Peter Meusburger and Derek Gregory, Laura Suarsana Springer
23108 Islam dan Pancasila Sebagai Dasar Negara 2006 Ahmad Syafii Maarif LP3ES - Jakarta
23109 Risalah Islamiyah 2006 Muhammad Ibn syaid Alwi ibn and Syadid Abbas Maliki Dar Rafa'i - Suria
23110 Gerakan Mahasiswa dan Politik Kaum Muda era 80-an 2006 Denny J.A LKiS - Yogyakarta
23111 Filsafat Demokrasi 2006 Hendra Nurtjahjo Bumi Aksara - Jakarta
23112 Reformatting Politics: Information Technology and Global Civil Society 2006 Routledge - New York
23113 Reformasi Birokrasi dan Demokratisasi Kebijakan Publik 2006 Tim Simpul Demokrasi Averroes Press - Malang
23114 Model Ketahanan Nasional sebagai Administrasi Megara untuk Memberdayakan Otonomi Daerah 2006 Amin Ibrahim Mandar Maju - Bandung
23115 Public Administration and Public Management: The Principal-Agent Perspective 2006 Jan-Erik Lane Routledge - New York
23116 As Sihir wasy Syuizah wa Atsarohuma Alal Fardi wal mujtama' 2006 Fauzan, Shaleh Fauzan Bin Abdullah Riyad - Daar Al Qasim
23117 Itmamu Fatkul Khalaq Fi Makarimil Akhlaq 2006 'Alauddin Za'turi Darul 'Ashama
23118 Pilkada dan Demokrasi Arus Bawah 2006 Bodhi Wedyanto and Seprini ISDP - Riau
23119 Multiparty Democracy: Elections and Legislative Politics 2006 Norman Schofield and Itai Sened Cambridge - Cambridge
23120 A Question of Technique 2006 Routledge - New York
23121 Complexity and The Experience of Managing in Public Sector Organizations 2006 Routledge - New York
23122 Civil Society and Democracy in Latin America 2006 Palgrave Macmilan - New York
23123 Changing Party Coalitions 2006 Jerry F. Hough Agathon - New York
23124 Politik yang Mencari Bentuk 2006 Denny J.A LKiS - Yogyakarta
23125 Key Thinkers from Critical Theory to Post-Marxism 2006 Simon Tormey and Jules Townshend Sage - London
23126 Komunikasi Politik Sebagai Suatu Pengantar 2006 Rochajat Harun and Sumarno AP Mandar Maju - Bandung
23127 Madison's Managers: Public Administration and the Constitution 2006 Anthony M. Bertelli and Laurence E. Lynn JR. John Hopkins - Baltimore
23128 Gender and Self in Islam 2006 Etin Anwar Routledge - New York
23129 Environmental Communication and the Public Sphere 2006 Robert Cox Sage - California
23130 PPh Pemotongan Pemungutan 2006 Agus Setiawan, AK RajaGrafindo Persada - Jakarta
23131 Financial Management in the Public Sector: Tools, Applications, and Cases 2006 XiaoHu Wang M.E. Sharpe - New York
23132 Strategic Performance Management: Leveraging and measuring your intangible value drivers 2006 Bernard Marr Elsevier
23133 Ethnicity and Electoral Politics 2006 Johanna Kristin Birnir Cambridge - Cambridge
23134 Ethics in Public Relation: Responsible Advocacy 2006 Sage - California
23135 Analysing Social Policy: A Governmental Approach 2006 Edward Elgar - Northampton
23136 Case Studies in Performance Management : A Guide from The Experts 2006 Tony C. Adkins John Wiley and Sons, Inc. - Hoboken
23137 Putusan Nomor 005/PUU-IV/2006 2006 Sekjen dan Kepaniteraan MK RI Sekjen dan Kepaniteraan MK RI - Jakarta
23138 Putusan Perkara Nomor 007/PUU-III/2005 2006 Sekjen dan Kepaniteraan MK RI
23139 Kumpulan undang-undang pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi 2006 PJKAKI
23140 Kebijakan publik di negara-negara muslim 2006 Bambang Setiaji KIBAR Press - Yogyakarta
23141 New Directions in Social Theory: Race, Gender, and the Canon 2006 Kate Reed Sage - London
23142 Managing a Public Relations Firm for Growth and Profit 2006 A.C.Croft Best Business Books
23143 Bourdieu's Politics: Problems and Possibilities 2006 Jeremy F. Lane Routledge - New York
23144 Goldilocks and the three bears 2006 Ana Lomba Oxford
23145 日本語生中継 中級 NIHONGO SEICHUUKEI CHUUKYUU 2006 くろしお出版
23146 Pedoman pelayanan medik untuk penyakit paru di sarana kesehatan dasar 2006 Departemen kesehatan RI Departemen kesehatan RI - Jakarta
23147 Undang undang TNI 2004 2006 Sinar Grafika
23148 The holy Quran some basic facts 2006 Nasir Shamsi Qum Ansariyan
23149 Ethics and Politics 2006 Macintyre, Alasdair Cambridge University Press - United Kingdom
23150 Practical Research Methods For Media And Cultural Studies : Making People Count 2006 Davies, Maire Messenger and Mosdell, Nick Edinburgh University Press - Edinburgh

Number of items : 60050