23151 |
Zaman Bergerak, Birokrasi Dirombak : Potret Birokrasi dan Politik di Indonesia
2006 |
Rozi, Syafuan |
Pustaka Pelajar - Yogyakarta |
23152 |
Rethinking Public Relations
2006 |
Moloney, Kevin |
Routledge - USA |
23153 |
Rescuing Science From Politics : Regulation and The Distortion of Scientific Research
2006 |
Cambridge University Press - USA |
23154 |
Telecommunications, Transportation and Location
2006 |
Edward Elgar - United Kingdom |
23155 |
Creative Management And Development
2006 |
Henry, Jane |
Sage Publication - London |
23156 |
Double Je
2006 |
Virginie Guérin |
Hachette |
23157 |
Ittishal Bil ruhi Communication with spirit
2006 |
Ayatollah al Ozma Makarem Shirazi |
23158 |
Memahami untuk membasmi buku saku untuk memahami tindak pidana korupsi
2006 |
KPK - Jakarta |
23159 |
Budidaya Kakao
2006 |
Endang Sugiharti |
Nuansa - Bandung |
23160 |
Kajian hukum keberadaan masyarakat hukum adat dan pengelolaan hutan adat, Desa Guguk, Jambi dan Desa Bentek,Lombok Barat
2006 |
Budi Riyanto and Rasyid john uno,Wasja, Andila, Sugeng,Sudikno |
lembaga pengajian hukum kehutanan dan lingkunga - Bogor |
23161 |
The Presidency and teh Challenge of Democracy
2006 |
Michael A.Genovese and Lori Cox Han |
Palgrave Macmillan - USA |
23162 |
Kamus lengkap bahasa indonesia
2006 |
Ahmad A.K Muda |
Reality Publisher |
23163 |
Kompilasi konvensi internasional HKI yang diratifikasi Indonesia
2006 |
Abdul Bari Azed |
FH UI - Jakarta |
23164 |
The Presidency and the challenge of democracy
2006 |
Michael A.Genovese and Lori Cox Han |
Palgrave - US |
23165 |
Ekonomi Islam
2006 |
Gita Danupranata |
UPFE - Yogyakarta |
23166 |
Meningkatkan Keunggulan Bebuahan Tropis Indonesia
2006 |
Sumeru Ashari |
Andi - Yogyakarta |
23167 |
Hyoujyun Pasokon Yougo Jiten Saishin 標準パソコン用語事典 最新2007−2008年版 (図解事典)
2006 |
23168 |
Citizens, Democracy, and Markets Around the Pacific Rim
2006 |
Russell J. Dalton |
Oxford University Press |
23169 |
Malaysian Family Laws: An Annotated Bibliography (1933-2000), Vol. 1
2006 |
Zaleha Kamaruddin |
23170 |
Managing People and Organizations in Changing Contexts
2006 |
Graeme Martin |
Elsevier |
23171 |
Developing Effective Teacher Performance
2006 |
Jones, Jeff. and Jenkin, Mazda dan Lord, Sue |
SAGE - London |
23172 |
Public Service Performance
2006 |
Cambridge |
23173 |
Understanding Democratic Politics : An Introduction
2006 |
Sage Publications - London |
23174 |
Patofisiologi : Konsep Klinis Proses-Proses Penyakit
2006 |
Sylvia A.Price |
EGC - Jakarta |
23175 |
Perawatan Gigi Terpadu Untuk Lansia
2006 |
Ian E.Barnes BDS and Angus Walls BDS |
EGC - Jakarta |
23176 |
Practice Management for the Dental Team
2006 |
Betty Ladley Finkbeiner and Charles allan Finkbeiner |
Mosby Elsevier - China |
23177 |
Master Dentistry Volume II : Restorative Dentistry, Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics
2006 |
Peter Heasman |
Churchill LivingStone - London |
23178 |
Restorative Dental Materials
2006 |
John M. Powers |
Mosby - India |
23179 |
Manual of Minor Oral Surgery For The General Dentist
2006 |
Karl R. Koerner |
Blackwell Munksgaard - Berlin |
23180 |
Buku Ajar Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi Forensik Jilid I
2006 |
Djohansyah Lukman |
Sagung Seto - Jakarta |
23181 |
Buku Ajar Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi Forensik Jilid II
2006 |
Djohansyah Lukman |
Sagung Seto - Jakarta |
23182 |
Clinician's Guide Oral Health In Geriatric Patients
2006 |
Jonathan A. Ship |
BC Decker Inc - Los angles |
23183 |
Managging Dental Trauma In Practice
2006 |
Richard Welbury and Terry Gregg |
Quint Essentials - London |
23184 |
Periodontal Medicine A Window on the Body
2006 |
Iain L C. Chapple and John Hamburger |
Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc. - London |
23185 |
Fundamentals of Operative Dentistry, Third Edition
2006 |
Quintessence Publishing - Chicago |
23186 |
Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics, Fourth Edition
2006 |
Rosenstiel and Land |
Mosby |
23187 |
Clinical Problem Solving In Prosthodontics
2006 |
David W. Bartlett |
lsevier Churchill Livingstone - London |
23188 |
Oral Maxillofacial surgery : An Objective Based Textbook
2006 |
Jonathan Pedlar and John W. Frame |
Churchill Livingstone - inggris |
23189 |
Cities, Change & Conflict
2006 |
Kleniewski, Nancy |
Thomson Wadsworth - USA |
23190 |
Perawatan Endodontik Pada Anak
2006 |
Arlia Budiyanti |
EGC - Jakarta |
23191 |
Occlusion and Clinical Practice : An Evidence Based Approach
2006 |
Iven Klineberg and Rob Jagger |
Wright - China |
23192 |
The Sinus Bone Graft
2006 |
Ole T. Jensen |
Quintessence Publishing - China |
23193 |
Kista Odontogen dan Nonodontogen
2006 |
Coen Pramono Danudiningrat |
Airlangga University Press - Surabaya |
23194 |
Politics in Action : Cases in Modern American Government
2006 |
Wasserman, Gary |
Houghton Mifflin Company - New York |
23195 |
Budidaya Durian Montong
2006 |
Heri Nuryanto |
Dharma Utama Publishing - Jakarta |
23196 |
Study in Islamic Theology
2006 |
Muhammad Hidayat Nur Wahid |
Darusslam University Press - Ponorogo |
23197 |
Tafsir Al Ahlam wa Ta'tiruhu
2006 |
Ibnu Sirin Nablisi |
Dar Al Fajr - Kairo |
23198 |
Sukarno, Tentara PKI : Segitiga Kekuasaan Sebelum Prahara Politik 1961-1965
2006 |
Anwar, Rosihan |
Yayasan Obor Indonesia - Jakarta |
23199 |
Hak Kekayaan Intelektual dan Pengetahuan Tradisional
2006 |
Agus Sardjono |
Alumni - Bandung |
23200 |
Why We Vote : How Schools And Communities Shape Our Civic Life
2006 |
Campbell, David E |
Princeton University Press |