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Number of items : 60050
No Title Year Author Publisher
23151 Zaman Bergerak, Birokrasi Dirombak : Potret Birokrasi dan Politik di Indonesia 2006 Rozi, Syafuan Pustaka Pelajar - Yogyakarta
23152 Rethinking Public Relations 2006 Moloney, Kevin Routledge - USA
23153 Rescuing Science From Politics : Regulation and The Distortion of Scientific Research 2006 Cambridge University Press - USA
23154 Telecommunications, Transportation and Location 2006 Edward Elgar - United Kingdom
23155 Creative Management And Development 2006 Henry, Jane Sage Publication - London
23156 Double Je 2006 Virginie Guérin Hachette
23157 Ittishal Bil ruhi Communication with spirit 2006 Ayatollah al Ozma Makarem Shirazi
23158 Memahami untuk membasmi buku saku untuk memahami tindak pidana korupsi 2006 KPK - Jakarta
23159 Budidaya Kakao 2006 Endang Sugiharti Nuansa - Bandung
23160 Kajian hukum keberadaan masyarakat hukum adat dan pengelolaan hutan adat, Desa Guguk, Jambi dan Desa Bentek,Lombok Barat 2006 Budi Riyanto and Rasyid john uno,Wasja, Andila, Sugeng,Sudikno lembaga pengajian hukum kehutanan dan lingkunga - Bogor
23161 The Presidency and teh Challenge of Democracy 2006 Michael A.Genovese and Lori Cox Han Palgrave Macmillan - USA
23162 Kamus lengkap bahasa indonesia 2006 Ahmad A.K Muda Reality Publisher
23163 Kompilasi konvensi internasional HKI yang diratifikasi Indonesia 2006 Abdul Bari Azed FH UI - Jakarta
23164 The Presidency and the challenge of democracy 2006 Michael A.Genovese and Lori Cox Han Palgrave - US
23165 Ekonomi Islam 2006 Gita Danupranata UPFE - Yogyakarta
23166 Meningkatkan Keunggulan Bebuahan Tropis Indonesia 2006 Sumeru Ashari Andi - Yogyakarta
23167 Hyoujyun Pasokon Yougo Jiten Saishin 標準パソコン用語事典 最新2007−2008年版 (図解事典) 2006
23168 Citizens, Democracy, and Markets Around the Pacific Rim 2006 Russell J. Dalton Oxford University Press
23169 Malaysian Family Laws: An Annotated Bibliography (1933-2000), Vol. 1 2006 Zaleha Kamaruddin IIUM
23170 Managing People and Organizations in Changing Contexts 2006 Graeme Martin Elsevier
23171 Developing Effective Teacher Performance 2006 Jones, Jeff. and Jenkin, Mazda dan Lord, Sue SAGE - London
23172 Public Service Performance 2006 Cambridge
23173 Understanding Democratic Politics : An Introduction 2006 Sage Publications - London
23174 Patofisiologi : Konsep Klinis Proses-Proses Penyakit 2006 Sylvia A.Price EGC - Jakarta
23175 Perawatan Gigi Terpadu Untuk Lansia 2006 Ian E.Barnes BDS and Angus Walls BDS EGC - Jakarta
23176 Practice Management for the Dental Team 2006 Betty Ladley Finkbeiner and Charles allan Finkbeiner Mosby Elsevier - China
23177 Master Dentistry Volume II : Restorative Dentistry, Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics 2006 Peter Heasman Churchill LivingStone - London
23178 Restorative Dental Materials 2006 John M. Powers Mosby - India
23179 Manual of Minor Oral Surgery For The General Dentist 2006 Karl R. Koerner Blackwell Munksgaard - Berlin
23180 Buku Ajar Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi Forensik Jilid I 2006 Djohansyah Lukman Sagung Seto - Jakarta
23181 Buku Ajar Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi Forensik Jilid II 2006 Djohansyah Lukman Sagung Seto - Jakarta
23182 Clinician's Guide Oral Health In Geriatric Patients 2006 Jonathan A. Ship BC Decker Inc - Los angles
23183 Managging Dental Trauma In Practice 2006 Richard Welbury and Terry Gregg Quint Essentials - London
23184 Periodontal Medicine A Window on the Body 2006 Iain L C. Chapple and John Hamburger Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc. - London
23185 Fundamentals of Operative Dentistry, Third Edition 2006 Quintessence Publishing - Chicago
23186 Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics, Fourth Edition 2006 Rosenstiel and Land Mosby
23187 Clinical Problem Solving In Prosthodontics 2006 David W. Bartlett lsevier Churchill Livingstone - London
23188 Oral Maxillofacial surgery : An Objective Based Textbook 2006 Jonathan Pedlar and John W. Frame Churchill Livingstone - inggris
23189 Cities, Change & Conflict 2006 Kleniewski, Nancy Thomson Wadsworth - USA
23190 Perawatan Endodontik Pada Anak 2006 Arlia Budiyanti EGC - Jakarta
23191 Occlusion and Clinical Practice : An Evidence Based Approach 2006 Iven Klineberg and Rob Jagger Wright - China
23192 The Sinus Bone Graft 2006 Ole T. Jensen Quintessence Publishing - China
23193 Kista Odontogen dan Nonodontogen 2006 Coen Pramono Danudiningrat Airlangga University Press - Surabaya
23194 Politics in Action : Cases in Modern American Government 2006 Wasserman, Gary Houghton Mifflin Company - New York
23195 Budidaya Durian Montong 2006 Heri Nuryanto Dharma Utama Publishing - Jakarta
23196 Study in Islamic Theology 2006 Muhammad Hidayat Nur Wahid Darusslam University Press - Ponorogo
23197 Tafsir Al Ahlam wa Ta'tiruhu 2006 Ibnu Sirin Nablisi Dar Al Fajr - Kairo
23198 Sukarno, Tentara PKI : Segitiga Kekuasaan Sebelum Prahara Politik 1961-1965 2006 Anwar, Rosihan Yayasan Obor Indonesia - Jakarta
23199 Hak Kekayaan Intelektual dan Pengetahuan Tradisional 2006 Agus Sardjono Alumni - Bandung
23200 Why We Vote : How Schools And Communities Shape Our Civic Life 2006 Campbell, David E Princeton University Press

Number of items : 60050