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Number of items : 60056
No Judul Tahun Penulis Penerbit
35201 Advertising promotion. Supplemental aspects of integrsted marketing communications 2000 SHIMP, Terence A The Dryden Press
35202 Persetujuan penghindaran pajak berganda. Sebuah pengantar 2000 SURAHMAT, Rachmanto GRAMEDIA
35203 Prinsip-prinsip ilmu penyakit dalam Vol.5 2000 ISSELBACHER, Kurt J EGC
35204 Prinsip-prinsip ilmu penyakit dalam Vol.3 2000 ISSELBACHER, Kurt J EGC
35205 Prinsip-prinsip ilmu penyakit dalam Vol.4 2000 ISSELBACHER, Kurt J EGC
35206 Managing Intellectual Capital 2000 TEECE, David J Oxford University Press
35207 Realism and International Relations 2000 DONNELLY, Jack Cambridge University Press
35208 The State and International Relations 2000 HOBSON, John M Cambridge University Press
35209 Seeding Solutions: Volume 1. Policy options for genetic resources 2000 [Tidak Terdaftar] International Development Research Centre
35210 The E-commerce question and answer book 2000 ROSEN, Anita Amacom
35211 Insect Pest Management : Techniques for Environmental Protection 2000 RECHCIGL, Jack E Lewis Publishers
35212 The Statistical Imagination: Elementary Statistics for The Social Sciences 2000 RITCHEY, Ferris McGraw - Hill Book Company
35213 The American Political System : An Owner's Manual 2000 MELUSKY, Joseph McGraw-Hill Book Company
35214 Sobotta Atlas Anatomi Manusia Jilid I (Kepala, Leher, Ekstremetis Atas) 2000 [Tidak Terdaftar] EGC
35215 Sobotta Atlas Anatomi Manusia Jilid 2 (Batang Badan, Panggul, Ekstremitas Bawah) 2000 [Tidak Terdaftar] EGC
35216 Psikologi kesehatan. Pengantar untuk perawat & profesional kesehatan lain 2000 NIVEN, Neil EGC
35217 Broadcasting, Cable, the Internet and Beyond: An Introduction to Modern Electronic Media 2000 DOMINICK, Joseph R McGraw - Hill Book Company
35218 Safe and effective use of crop protection products in developing countries 2000 ATKIN, J CABI Publishing
35219 Desktop Encyclopedia of Telecommunications 2000 MULLER, Nathan J McGraw - Hill Book Company
35220 Teextbook of medical surgical nursing I 2000 BRUNNER, Lillian Sholtis LIPPINCOTT
35221 Medical surgical nursing II. Assessment and management of clinical problems 2000 LEWIS, Shanron Mantik Mosby Year Book
35222 Medical surgical nursing I. Assessment and management of clinical problems 2000 LEWIS, Shanron Mantik Mosby Year Book
35223 Introductory nursing care of adults II 2000 LINTON, Adriane Dill W.B Sounders Comp
35224 Introductory nursing care of adults I 2000 LINTON, Adriane Dill W.B Sounders Comp
35225 Fundamentals of nursing human health and function I 2000 CRAVEN, Rut F LIPPINCOTT
35226 Leadership roles and management function in nursing. Theory and application 2000 MARQUIS, Bessie L LIPPINCOTT
35227 Case management a pratical guide success in managed care 2000 POWELL, Suzanne K LIPPINCOTT
35228 Managing risk in community practice. Nursing risk and decision making 2000 ALASZEWSKI, Andi Bailliere Tindall
35229 Working with serious mental illiness. A Manual for clinical practice 2000 GAMBEL. Catherine Bailliere Tindall
35230 Legal concepts and issues in emergency care 2000 LEE, N Genell W.B Sounders Comp
35231 Clinical nursing skills. Basic to advanced skills 2000 SMITH, Sandra F PRENTICE HALL
35232 Home health administration manual 2000 SYER, Jean C Mosby Year Book
35233 The human body in health and illness 2000 HERLIHY, Barbara W.B Sounders Comp
35234 Holistic stoma care 2000 BLACK, Patricia K Bailliere Tindall
35235 Psychiatric nursing clinical guide. Assessment tools & diagnosis 2000 VARCAROLIS, Elizabeth M W.B Sounders Comp
35236 Pharmacologic basis of nursing practice 2000 CLARK, Grahame Mosby Year Book
35237 Principles Of Neural Science 2000 KANDEL, Eric R McGraw - Hill Book Company
35238 Women's Health. Complete 2000 LUMSDEN, Mary Ann Golden Terayon Press
35239 Health assessment. A Nusing approach 2000 FULLER, Jill LIPPINCOTT
35240 Hydraulics Of Pipeline Systems 2000 LAROCK, Bruce E CRC Press
35241 Random Data Analysis and Measurement Procedures 2000 BENDAT, Julius S WILEY-INTERSCIENCE
35242 Computational Intelligence In Design And Manufacturing 2000 KUSIAK, Andrew WILEY-INTERSCIENCE
35243 Modern advanced accounting 2000 LARSEN, E John McGraw - Hill Book Company
35244 Biokimia Kedokteran Dasar : Sebuah Pendekatan Klinis 2000 MARKS, Dawn B. EGC
35245 Manajemen Pemasaran 2000 Philip Kotler Prenhalindo - Jakarta
35246 Seri Tafsir Untuk Anak Muda. Surah Yusuf 2000 Qaraati, Mohsen Al-huda - Jakarta
35247 The Five Schools of islamic law 2000 Maghniyyah, Muhammad Jawad Ansariyan Publications-Qum - iran
35248 Sulh Al- Hasan : the peace treaty of Al-Hasan 2000 Al-Yasin, Shaykh Radi Ansariyan Publications - iran
35249 Konsep Ilmu Pengetahuan Dalam Al-Qur'an 2000 Syafi'ie, Imam UII Press - Yogyakarta
35250 Statistical Process Analysis 2000 Alwan, Layth C. McGraw-Hill - New York

Number of items : 60056