39651 |
Fantasy 5 (Teacher Edition)
1997 |
Ana Luz Gomez Lezcano and Mary Macdonald |
McGraw Hill - Mexico |
39652 |
Fantasy 6 (Student Book)
1997 |
Ana Luz Gomez Lezcano and Mary macdonald |
McGraw Hill - Singapore |
39653 |
Fantasy 6 (Teacher edition)
1997 |
Ana Luz Gomes Lezcano and Mary Macdonald |
McGraw Hill - Mexico |
39654 |
Interaction Access : A Listening / Speaking Book
1997 |
Emily Austin Thrush and Robert Baldwin |
McGraw-Hill - S|ingapore |
39655 |
Basic Writing (Teacher's Manual)
1997 |
Joy M.Reid |
Prentice Halll Regents - New Jersey |
39656 |
Preparation and Practice : Reading and Writing general training module
1997 |
Vladimir Pejovic and Michael Nicklin |
Oxford |
39657 |
American Chatterbox 5 (teacher's book)
1997 |
E. Kisslinger and J.A. Holderness |
Oxford University Press - New york |
39658 |
American Chatterbox 5 (workbook)
1997 |
J.A. Holderness |
Oxford University Press - New York |
39659 |
American Chatterbox 5 (Student Book)
1997 |
J.A. Holderness |
Oxford University Press - New York |
39660 |
The Three Musketeers
1997 |
Alexandre Dumas |
Peter Haddock - India |
39661 |
Mutiny on The Bounty
1997 |
Sir John Barrow |
Peter Haddock - India |
39662 |
A Tale of Two Cities
1997 |
Charles Dickens |
Peter Haddock - India |
39663 |
1997 |
Johanna Spyri |
Peter Haddock - India |
39664 |
Pride and Prejudice
1997 |
Jane Austen |
Peter Haddock - India |
39665 |
Headway Australasia : Pre-Intermediate (Teacher's Book)
1997 |
Simon Bradley and Wayne Dyer |
Oxford University Press - Australia |
39666 |
Book one teacher's Edition : Listening and speaking activities for beginning students of english
1997 |
John R. Boyd and Mary Ann Boyd |
Prentice Hall regents - New Jersey |
39667 |
Analisis Struktur Berbentuk Rangka dalam Formulasi Matriks
1997 |
Aksara Hutasada |
39668 |
Percaya Diri : Sumber Sukses dan Kemandirian
1997 |
ANGELIS, Barbara De |
Gramedia Pustaka Utama - Jakarta |
39669 |
Introduction to Academic Writing
1997 |
Oshima, Alice and Hogue, Ann |
Addison Wesley Longman - New York |
39670 |
One World : Coursebook 1
1997 |
Tim Priesack and Terry Tomscha |
Prentice Hall Europe - Malta |
39671 |
Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications
1997 |
FRANZINI Joseph B. |
McGraw-Hill - New York |
39672 |
Fisika Dasar : Mekanika
1997 |
ITB - Bandung |
39673 |
Infrastructure Management : Integrating Design, Construction, Maintenance, Rehabilitation, and Renovation
1997 |
HUDSON, Ronald W. |
McGraw Hill - New York |
39674 |
Statika 1
1997 |
ITB BANDUNG - Bandung |
39675 |
Structural Analysis : Revised Printing Edisi 3
1997 |
McGraw Hill - New York |
39676 |
Work in Progress : teacher's resource book
1997 |
Madelaine du Vivier and Andy Hopkins |
Addison Wesley Longman |
39677 |
Work in progress : course book
1997 |
Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter |
Addison Wesley, longman |
39678 |
Shenanigames : grammar-focused interactive ESL/EFL activities and games
1997 |
James Kealey and Donna Inness |
Pro Lingua Associates - USA |
39679 |
A first course in database systems
1997 |
Ullman, Jeffrey D and Widom, Jennifer |
Prentice Hall - USA |
39680 |
Moshe Dayan : Story of My Life
1997 |
Moshe Dayan |
Warner books - USA |
39681 |
Mechanics of Fluids
1997 |
POTTER, Merle C. and WIGGERT, David C. |
Prentice- Hall - USA |
39682 |
Fun With Grammar : Communicative Activities for the Azar Grammar Series
1997 |
Suzanne W. Woodward |
Prentice Hall Regents - USA |
39683 |
Ecological Design and Planning
1997 |
Thompson, George F |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc - Canada |
39684 |
Muhammad sebagai seorang pedagang
1997 |
Afzalurrahman |
Yayasan Swarna Bhumy - Jakarta |
39685 |
Operations Management : customer-focused principles sixth edition
1997 |
Schonberger, Richard J and Knod, JR, Edward M. |
Irwin - USA |
39686 |
Staying Ahead : video activity book
1997 |
Lynda Lawson |
Cambridge university Press |
39687 |
Money in Islam a Study in Islamic Political Economy
1997 |
Choudhury, Masudul Alam |
Routledge - New York |
39688 |
Vacationscape : Developing tourist arreas
1997 |
Gunn, Clare A. |
Taylor & Francis - U S A |
39689 |
Concrete Construction Engineering HandBook
1997 |
EDWARD, Nawy G. |
CRS Press - New York |
39690 |
Analisis Polemik Hadis
1997 |
Al-Ghazali, Syekh Muhammad |
Dunia Ilmu - Surabaya |
39691 |
Muffled Echoes Oliver North and the Politics of Public Opinion
1997 |
Fried, Amy |
Columbia University Press - New York |
39692 |
Pendidikan Kewiraan
1997 |
Ind |
Undip semarang - Semarang |
39693 |
Basic and Clinical Science Course ( Fundamentals and Principles of Ophthalmology )
1997 |
American Academy of Ophthalmology - San Fransisco |
39694 |
Structural Dynamics : Theory and Computation
1997 |
PAZ, Mario |
Chapman & Hall - New York |
39695 |
Islam Kekuatan Doktrin dan Kegamangan Umat
1997 |
Maarif, Syafii |
Pustaka Pelajar - Yogyakarta |
39696 |
Ahlul Bait
1997 |
Lajnah At Ta'lif Muassasah Al Balagh |
Organisasi Budaya dan Komunikasi Islam |
39697 |
Basic Clinical Neuroanatomy
1997 |
Young, Paul A |
Williams & Wilkins - Baltimore |
39698 |
Hydraulic Engineering
1997 |
John Wiley & Sons - New York |
39699 |
Hidrolika Saluran Terbuka = Open Channel Hydraulics
1997 |
CHOW, Ven Te |
Erlangga - Jakarta |
39700 |
Very Young Learners
1997 |
Vanessa Reilly and Sheila M. Ward |
Oxford University Press |