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Number of items : 60201
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39701 Perencanaan dan Pemodelan Transportasi (Ed.1) 1997 TAMIN, Ofyar Z. Institut Teknologi Bandung - Bandung
39702 Metode Pengujian Residu Pestisida Dalam Hasil Pertanian 1997 Ind Komisi Pestisida Deptan - Jakarta
39703 New Stepping Stone 3 1997 Julie Ashworth and John Clark Longman
39704 Indonesia Guide to Yogyakarta 1997 W.J. pranoto Departemen of Tourism Post& Telecommunication - Yogyakarta
39705 Hotel Staff 1997 Lynne visutskie Visipro - Jakarta
39706 Microsoft Office 97 Professional 1997 Septanto, Diki PT Elex Media Komputindo - Jakarta
39707 Metode Wawancara Kelompok Tani 1997 Basuki, Rofik Sinung BPTS Balitbang Deptan - Bandung
39708 Data Anggaran Ipten Sektor Pemerintah 1997 Lip PAPIPTEK- LIPI - Jakarta
39709 Peta Rekomendasi Teknologi Sayuran 1997 Pet (Ind) Dirjen Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura - Jakarta
39710 English For Special Purpose: Travel By Air 1997 Sara-Jane Postill Visipro - Jakarta
39711 Essentials of Project and Systems Engineering Management 1997 EISNER, Howard John Wiley & Sons - New York
39712 Talking About the U.S.A : An Interactive Introduction To American Culture (Instructor's Manual) 1997 Janet Gannotti and Suzanne Mele Szwarcewicz Prentice Hall Regents
39713 Second Language Acquisition 1997 Rod Ellis Oxford University Press
39714 Etika Ekonomi Politik : Elemen-Elemen Strategis Pembangunan Masyarakat Islam 1997 M. Umar Chapra and Amim Akhtar ; et al Risalah Gusti - Surabaya
39715 Derita Paksa Perempuan 1997 Budi Hartono Pustaka sinar harapan - jakarta
39716 Mempersiapkan Profesi Tangguh di Bidang Pertanian Memasuki Era Industrialisasi dan Globalisasi 1997 Amang, Beddu Unpad Bandung - Bandung
39717 Modul Pelatihan Analisis Struktur Perkerasan Jalan=Analysis of Road Pavement Structure 1997 Lembaga Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ITB Bandung - Bandung
39718 Impact Words+Phrases : 1000 Words And Phrases You Need to Speak English 1997 Kenny Harsch and Elizabeth Lange Longman
39719 Metode Riset : Aplikasinya Dalam Pemasaran 1997 SUPRANTO Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia - Jakarta
39720 Multivariate Analysis Techniques in Social Science Research 1997 TACQ, Jacques Sage Publications - London
39721 Discourse 1997 Sara Mills Routledge - London
39722 Physics Experiments, Apparatus, and Computer Interfaces 1997 PASCO SCIENTIFIC [Tidak Terdaftar] - [Tidak Terdaftar]
39723 International Conference on Fluid And Thermal Energy Conversion '97: Proccedings 1997 [Tidak Terdaftar] [Tidak Terdaftar] - Yogyakarta
39724 Sistem Informasi Akademik Menggunakan Turbo Pascal 1997 SOEGENG, R and YUNUSIR, Hidayati ANDI - Yogyakarta
39725 Institute of islamic studies McGill University 1997 Minhaji, AKH and Arnel, Iskandar Titian ilahi press - Indonesia
39726 Regional Development and Decentralization policy in South Korea 1997 KURZ, Ursel Iseas - Singapore
39727 Introduction To Probability and Statistic for Scientists and Engineers 1997 ROSENKRANTZ, Walter A. McGraw Hill - New Yotk
39728 Mekanika Teknik : Statika = Engineering mechanics : statics jilid 2 1997 HIBBELER, R.C Prenhallindo - Jakarta
39729 Mekanika Teknik : Dinamika = Engineering Mechanics : Dynamics 1997 HIBBELER, R.C Prenhallindo - Jakarta
39730 Quick Start Microsoft Power Point 1997 for Windows 1997 DEVRIES, Ann PT Alex Media Komputindo - Jakarta
39731 Pemrograman Praktis Dengan Delpi 2.0 1997 [Tidak Terdaftar] ANDI Offset - Yogyakarta
39732 New Stepping Stones 2 1997 Julie Ashworth and John Clark Addison Wesley Longman
39733 New Stepping Stones 1 1997 Julie Ashworth and John Clark Addison Wesley Longman
39734 The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order 1997 HUNTINGTON, Samuel P. Touchstone Book - New York
39735 Intermediate Algebra: Concept and Aplications 1997 BITTINGER, Marvin L. Addison-Wesley
39736 Intermediate Algebra For College Students 1997 BLITZER, Robert Prentice Hall - New Jersey
39737 Heat and Thermodynamics: An Intermediate Textbook 1997 ZEMANSKY, Mark W. McGraw Hill - Singapura
39738 Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan 1997 Suharsimi Arikunto Bumi Aksara - Jakarta
39739 Enviromental Science: A Study of Interrelationships 1997 ENGER, Eldon D. McGraw Hill - New York
39740 Calculus From Graphical, Numerical, and Symbolic Points of View Vol.1 1997 OSTEBEE, Arnold Saunders College Publishing - New York
39741 Precalculus : Functions Modeling Change 1997 CONNALLY, Eric John Wiley and Sons - New York
39742 Tuesdays With Morie an old man, a young man, and life's greatest lesson 1997 Mith Albom Anchor Books - New York
39743 Amuk banjarmasin 1997 Salim, Hairus Yayasan lembaga bantuan hukum indonesia - Jakarta
39744 Rangkaian Listrik Jilid 2 1997 MISMAIL, Budiono ITB Bandung - Bandung
39745 Science and Mathematics 1997 Wiley - Singapore
39746 Stress Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials 1997 HYER, Michael W. McGraw Hill - New York
39747 Penjajahan Malaysia cabaran dan warisannya 1997 Abdullah, Abdul Rahman Haji Pustaka Pelajar - Yogyakarta
39748 The Black Island 1997 Leslie Lonsdale-Cooper and Michael Turner Casterman - London
39749 Fluid Power With Applications 1997 ESPOSITO, Anthony Prentice Hall International - New Jersey
39750 Kimia Analitik Kuantitatif 1997 FERNANDO, Quintus and RYAN, Michael D. Andi Offset - Yogyakarta

Number of items : 60201