43851 |
teknik kultur jaringan
1994 |
hendaryono sriyanti and wijayani ari |
kanisius - yogyakarta |
43852 |
Write From The Start
1994 |
Davidson, David and Blot, David |
Heinle & Heinle - Boston USA |
43853 |
Dasar-Dasar Anatomi Kedokteran Gigi
1994 |
Bernard Liebgott |
EGC - Jakarta |
43854 |
Twelfth U.S. National Congress Of Applied Mechanics: Abstracts of Contributed
1994 |
University Of Washington |
43855 |
Boiler Control & Protection System
1994 |
Tim Binakarya Nusakarsa |
PT. Binakarya Nusakarsa |
43856 |
Hyundai Motor Company
1994 |
43857 |
Pembangkit dan Operasi Ketel Uap
1994 |
Tim Binakarya Nusakarsa |
43858 |
Peningkatan Efisiensi Boiler
1994 |
Tim Binakarya Nusakarsa |
43859 |
Kanji ABC : A Systematic Approch to Japanese Characters
1994 |
Andreas Foerster and Naoko Tamura |
Tuttle - Osaki |
43860 |
Perencanaan & Perancangan Drainase Perkotaan
1994 |
Staf Pengajaran FT UGM |
43861 |
serial data da'wah penyebaran dan pertumbuhan pemeluk agama menurut kabupaten/kota madia pulau jawa 1971-1990
1994 |
muhammad sayuti and erwin efendi |
laboratorium da'wah yayasan shalahuddin jogja - yogyakarta |
43862 |
Izhar Al Haq
1994 |
Al Hindi, Rahmatullah Khalilurrahman |
Maktabah Ats Tsaqafah Ad Diniyah - Kairo |
43863 |
Tafsir Ma'ani Al Quran Al Karim Bi Al Lugati Al Injiliziyyati
1994 |
Al Hilali, Muhammad Taqiuddin |
Darussalam - Riyadh |
43864 |
1994 |
Salim, Abd. Mu'in |
Rajawali Pers - Jakarta |
43865 |
Contexts of International Politics
1994 |
Gary Goertz |
Cambridge University Press - New York |
43866 |
Worldviews and Theories of International Relations
1994 |
Jurg Martin Gabriel |
Palgrave - London |
43867 |
United States Foreign Policy Toward Africa: Incrementalism, Crisis and Change
1994 |
Peter J. Schraeder |
Cambridge University Press - London |
43868 |
Origins of The Cold War: An Internation History-Second Edition
1994 |
Melvyn P. Leffler |
Routledge - London and New York |
43869 |
Contexts of Justice: Political Philosophy Beyond Liberalism and Communitarianism
1994 |
Rainer Forst |
University of California Press - California |
43870 |
The Logic Internationalism: Coercion and Accommodation
1994 |
Kjell Goldmann |
Routldege - London and New York |
43871 |
We All Lost The Cold War
1994 |
Richard Ned Lebow and Janice Gross Stein |
Princenton University Press - Princenton |
43872 |
Decision Theory: A Brief Introduction
1994 |
Sven Ove Hansson |
43873 |
Women, Gender, And World Politics: Perspectives, Policies, and Prospects
1994 |
Peter R. Beckman and Francine D'Amico |
Greenwood Publishing Group - London |
43874 |
Strategic Studies and World Order
1994 |
Bradley S. Klein |
Cambridge University Press - London |
43875 |
Pusat Penelitian Obat Masa Kini
1994 |
Moch. Samhoedi Reksohadiprodjo |
Gadjah Mada University Press - Yogyakarta |
43876 |
The Logic Of Internationalism, coercion and accommodation
1994 |
Kjell Goldmann |
Routledge - London |
43877 |
Sifatul Jannah Fil Kitab was Sunnah
1994 |
Dar As Salafiyah |
43878 |
Mu'allimin Yogyakarta
1994 |
PP Muhammadiyah |
43879 |
Conflict After the Cold War Arguments on Causes of War and Peace
1994 |
Macmillan - New York |
43880 |
Penerapan Feng Shui PA KUA dan LO SHU
1994 |
Too, Lillian |
Elex Media Komputindo - Jakarta |
43881 |
Seni Slawatan di Pedesaan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Kajian Sejarah dan Sosial Budaya
1994 |
Yusuf, Mundzirin |
IAIN Sunan Kalijaga - Yogyakarta |
43882 |
Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Sejarah 2b Sesuai Kurikulum 1994
1994 |
Rastanta, Teguh Budi Pudya |
Intan Pariwara - Klaten |
43883 |
Nederlands De Delftse Methode
1994 |
Montens, F. and A.G. Sciarone |
Boom - Amsterdam |
43884 |
Religion and Globalization
1994 |
Beyer, Peter |
SAGE Publications |
43885 |
The Politics of Social Transformation in Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan
1994 |
Weiner, Myron (ed.) |
Syracuse University Press - New York |
43886 |
Bendungan rakyat dan lingkungan: catatan krisis rencana pembangunan PLTA Lore Lindu
1994 |
Arianto Sangadji (Ed) |
Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia - Jakarta |
43887 |
Southeast Asia In The New International Era
1994 |
Clark D. Neher |
Westview Press - United States |
43888 |
An Introduction to U.S. Telecommunications Law
1994 |
Kennedy, Charles H. |
Artech House |
43889 |
Rationality and Nature: A Sociological Inquiry into a Changing Relationship
1994 |
Raymond Murphy |
Westview Press - United States of America |
43890 |
Four Sociological Traditions
1994 |
Collins, Randall |
Oxford - New York |
43891 |
Political Culture & in Developing Countries
1994 |
Larry Diamond (ed.) |
Lynne Rienner Publisher - London |
43892 |
Pandangan Dunia KGPAA Hamengkoenagoro I Dalam Babad Tutur
1994 |
Fananie, Zainuddin |
UMS Press - Surakarta |
43893 |
Cities, Poverty and Development Urbanization in the Third World
1994 |
Gilbert, Alan and Josef Gugler |
Oxford University Press - Oxford |
43894 |
Local Government and Market Decentralization: Experience in industrialized developing, and former Eastern bloc countries
1994 |
Robert J. Bennett |
United Nations University Press - Tokyo |
43895 |
Leadership on Java
1994 |
Hans Antlov (ed.) |
Nordic Institute - Great britain |
43896 |
Culture/Power/History: A reader in Comtemporary Social Theory
1994 |
Nicholas B. Dirks |
Princeton University Press - New Jersey |
43897 |
Cultural Identity & Global Process
1994 |
Jonathan Friedman |
SAGE Publications - London |
43898 |
An introduction to semiotics
1994 |
Thomas A. Sebeok |
Pinter Publishers - London |
43899 |
Pedoman Teknis Pelaksanaan Jabatan Fungsional Pustakawan
1994 |
Perpusnas |
Perpustakaan Nasional - Jakarta |
43900 |
Perpustakaan Masjid Pembinaan dan Pengembangan
1994 |
Sumpeno, Wahyudin |
Remaja Rosdakarya - Bandung |