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Number of items : 60200
No Title Year Author Publisher
43851 teknik kultur jaringan 1994 hendaryono sriyanti and wijayani ari kanisius - yogyakarta
43852 Write From The Start 1994 Davidson, David and Blot, David Heinle & Heinle - Boston USA
43853 Dasar-Dasar Anatomi Kedokteran Gigi 1994 Bernard Liebgott EGC - Jakarta
43854 Twelfth U.S. National Congress Of Applied Mechanics: Abstracts of Contributed 1994 University Of Washington
43855 Boiler Control & Protection System 1994 Tim Binakarya Nusakarsa PT. Binakarya Nusakarsa
43856 Hyundai Motor Company 1994
43857 Pembangkit dan Operasi Ketel Uap 1994 Tim Binakarya Nusakarsa
43858 Peningkatan Efisiensi Boiler 1994 Tim Binakarya Nusakarsa
43859 Kanji ABC : A Systematic Approch to Japanese Characters 1994 Andreas Foerster and Naoko Tamura Tuttle - Osaki
43860 Perencanaan & Perancangan Drainase Perkotaan 1994 Staf Pengajaran FT UGM
43861 serial data da'wah penyebaran dan pertumbuhan pemeluk agama menurut kabupaten/kota madia pulau jawa 1971-1990 1994 muhammad sayuti and erwin efendi laboratorium da'wah yayasan shalahuddin jogja - yogyakarta
43862 Izhar Al Haq 1994 Al Hindi, Rahmatullah Khalilurrahman Maktabah Ats Tsaqafah Ad Diniyah - Kairo
43863 Tafsir Ma'ani Al Quran Al Karim Bi Al Lugati Al Injiliziyyati 1994 Al Hilali, Muhammad Taqiuddin Darussalam - Riyadh
43864 FIQH SIYASAH, KONSEPSI KEKUASAAN POLITIK DALAM AL-QURAN 1994 Salim, Abd. Mu'in Rajawali Pers - Jakarta
43865 Contexts of International Politics 1994 Gary Goertz Cambridge University Press - New York
43866 Worldviews and Theories of International Relations 1994 Jurg Martin Gabriel Palgrave - London
43867 United States Foreign Policy Toward Africa: Incrementalism, Crisis and Change 1994 Peter J. Schraeder Cambridge University Press - London
43868 Origins of The Cold War: An Internation History-Second Edition 1994 Melvyn P. Leffler Routledge - London and New York
43869 Contexts of Justice: Political Philosophy Beyond Liberalism and Communitarianism 1994 Rainer Forst University of California Press - California
43870 The Logic Internationalism: Coercion and Accommodation 1994 Kjell Goldmann Routldege - London and New York
43871 We All Lost The Cold War 1994 Richard Ned Lebow and Janice Gross Stein Princenton University Press - Princenton
43872 Decision Theory: A Brief Introduction 1994 Sven Ove Hansson
43873 Women, Gender, And World Politics: Perspectives, Policies, and Prospects 1994 Peter R. Beckman and Francine D'Amico Greenwood Publishing Group - London
43874 Strategic Studies and World Order 1994 Bradley S. Klein Cambridge University Press - London
43875 Pusat Penelitian Obat Masa Kini 1994 Moch. Samhoedi Reksohadiprodjo Gadjah Mada University Press - Yogyakarta
43876 The Logic Of Internationalism, coercion and accommodation 1994 Kjell Goldmann Routledge - London
43877 Sifatul Jannah Fil Kitab was Sunnah 1994 Dar As Salafiyah
43878 Mu'allimin Yogyakarta 1994 PP Muhammadiyah
43879 Conflict After the Cold War Arguments on Causes of War and Peace 1994 Macmillan - New York
43880 Penerapan Feng Shui PA KUA dan LO SHU 1994 Too, Lillian Elex Media Komputindo - Jakarta
43881 Seni Slawatan di Pedesaan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Kajian Sejarah dan Sosial Budaya 1994 Yusuf, Mundzirin IAIN Sunan Kalijaga - Yogyakarta
43882 Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Sejarah 2b Sesuai Kurikulum 1994 1994 Rastanta, Teguh Budi Pudya Intan Pariwara - Klaten
43883 Nederlands De Delftse Methode 1994 Montens, F. and A.G. Sciarone Boom - Amsterdam
43884 Religion and Globalization 1994 Beyer, Peter SAGE Publications
43885 The Politics of Social Transformation in Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan 1994 Weiner, Myron (ed.) Syracuse University Press - New York
43886 Bendungan rakyat dan lingkungan: catatan krisis rencana pembangunan PLTA Lore Lindu 1994 Arianto Sangadji (Ed) Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia - Jakarta
43887 Southeast Asia In The New International Era 1994 Clark D. Neher Westview Press - United States
43888 An Introduction to U.S. Telecommunications Law 1994 Kennedy, Charles H. Artech House
43889 Rationality and Nature: A Sociological Inquiry into a Changing Relationship 1994 Raymond Murphy Westview Press - United States of America
43890 Four Sociological Traditions 1994 Collins, Randall Oxford - New York
43891 Political Culture & in Developing Countries 1994 Larry Diamond (ed.) Lynne Rienner Publisher - London
43892 Pandangan Dunia KGPAA Hamengkoenagoro I Dalam Babad Tutur 1994 Fananie, Zainuddin UMS Press - Surakarta
43893 Cities, Poverty and Development Urbanization in the Third World 1994 Gilbert, Alan and Josef Gugler Oxford University Press - Oxford
43894 Local Government and Market Decentralization: Experience in industrialized developing, and former Eastern bloc countries 1994 Robert J. Bennett United Nations University Press - Tokyo
43895 Leadership on Java 1994 Hans Antlov (ed.) Nordic Institute - Great britain
43896 Culture/Power/History: A reader in Comtemporary Social Theory 1994 Nicholas B. Dirks Princeton University Press - New Jersey
43897 Cultural Identity & Global Process 1994 Jonathan Friedman SAGE Publications - London
43898 An introduction to semiotics 1994 Thomas A. Sebeok Pinter Publishers - London
43899 Pedoman Teknis Pelaksanaan Jabatan Fungsional Pustakawan 1994 Perpusnas Perpustakaan Nasional - Jakarta
43900 Perpustakaan Masjid Pembinaan dan Pengembangan 1994 Sumpeno, Wahyudin Remaja Rosdakarya - Bandung

Number of items : 60200