51101 |
Hukum Islam Tentang Peranan Wali Di Dalam Perkawinan dan Masalah Rujuk
1985 |
Kelib, Abdullah |
C.V. Toha Putra - Semarang |
51102 |
Membangun Ekonomi Indonesia
1985 |
Hatta, Mohammad |
Inti Idayu Press - Jakarta |
51103 |
The Green Book
1985 |
Qathafi Muammar Al |
World Center for Researches - Tripoli |
51104 |
Kimia Dasar: prinsip dan terapan modern
1985 |
Petrucci, Ralph H. and Suminar |
Erlangga - Jakarta |
51105 |
Pengantar Ekologi
1985 |
Resosoedarmo, Soedjiran and Kartawinata, Kuswata |
- Jakarta |
51106 |
Pembuatan dan Produksi Benih Jagung Hibrida
1985 |
Moentono, Muhadji D. |
51107 |
Budidaya Sayuran Kacang-kacangan
1985 |
Samsudin, S. U |
Pustaka Buana - Bandung |
51108 |
Pengantar Ilmu Antropologi
1985 |
Koentjaraningrat |
Aksara Baru - Jakarta |
51109 |
Selidik Cepat Cari Tanah Di Lapangan
1985 |
Notohadiprawiro, Tejoyuwono |
Ghalia Indonesia - Jakarta |
51110 |
Pepaya: Budidaya, guna dan hasil olahnya
1985 |
Djatmiko MPS, Hertami |
CV. Yasaguna - Jakarta |
51111 |
1985 |
Soemartono |
CV. Yasaguna - Jakarta |
51112 |
Manusia Dan Hutan : Proses perubahan ekologi lereng gunung merapi
1985 |
Pranowo, Hardojo Adi |
UGM Press - Yogyakarta |
51113 |
Penyakit Tanaman Dan Teknik Pengendalian
1985 |
Rukmana, Rahmat and Saputra, UU Sugandi |
Pustaka Buana - Bandung |
51114 |
The Encyclopedia Of Psychoactive Drugs Quaaludes
1985 |
Mailyn Carroll |
Chelsea house Published - New York |
51115 |
Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion: An An Anthropological Study of the supernatural
1985 |
Lehmann, Arthur C. and Myers, James E. |
Mayfield Publishing Company |
51116 |
Islam ditinjau dari berbagai aspeknya
1985 |
NASUTION,harun |
Ul-press - jakarta,(ui-press) 1984-1985 |
51117 |
... And Ladies of the Club
1985 |
Helen Hooven Santmyer |
Berkley Books - New York |
51118 |
Inside Outside
1985 |
Herman Wouk |
Avon Books - New York |
51119 |
When Grover Moved to Sesame Street
1985 |
Jocelyn Stevenson |
Western Publishing Company |
51120 |
The Cambridge English Course 2 (Student's Book)
1985 |
Michael Swan and Catherine Walter |
Cambridge University Press - New York |
51121 |
Seabad peradilan Agama di Indonesia
1985 |
Kementrian agama RI - Jakarta |
51122 |
Beberapa masalah tentang hukum acara perdata peradilan agama dan hukum perkawinan islam
1985 |
Ramulyo, M. Idris |
Ind-hillco - Jakarta |
51123 |
Bert and The Broken Teapot
1985 |
Tish Sommers |
Golden Book |
51124 |
Ophthalmic pathology an atlas and textbook. Volume 2
1985 |
Sprncer, William H |
W.B. Saunders Company - Philadelphia |
51125 |
Mekanika Fluida
1985 |
STREETER, Victor L. and WYLIE, Benjamin E. |
Erlangga - Jakarta |
51126 |
Fundamentals Of Fluid Mechanics
1985 |
GERHART, Philip m. and GROSS, Richard J. |
Addison Wesley |
51127 |
Silver burdett english 6 : workbook
1985 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] and [Tidak Terdaftar] |
Silver Burdett English |
51128 |
English for students of social sciences
1985 |
Sukartini Djojohadikusumo Silitonga |
51129 |
Penyelesaian Soal-Soal Mekanika Teknik
1985 |
Erlangga - Jakarta |
51130 |
English : writing and Skills
1985 |
Winterowd, W. Ross and Murray, Patricia Y |
Coronado Publishers - USA |
51131 |
The American Polity : the people and their government
1985 |
Everett Carll Ladd |
Norton |
51132 |
Kedudukan Sunnah dalam Islam
1985 |
Albani, Muhammad Nashiruddin |
PPm Muhammadiyah - Jakarta |
51133 |
Principles of Plant Biotechnology an Introduction to Genetic Engineering in Plants
1985 |
Mantell, S. H. |
Blackwell Scientific Publications - London |
51134 |
The Myopias
1985 |
Curtin, Brian J |
Harper & Row - Philadelphia |
51135 |
Buku Pedoman Kesehatan Mata Untuk Kader
1985 |
Indonesia, Departemen Kesehatan R.I |
Indonesia, Departemen Kesehatan R.I - Jakarta |
51136 |
Ophthalmic Pathology an Atlas and Textbook Volume 1
1985 |
Spencer, William H |
W.B Saunders - Philadelphia |
51137 |
An Introduction to the History of Central Africa, Zambia,Malawi, and Zimbabwe
1985 |
A,J,Wills |
Oxford - London |
51138 |
Bagi Hasil di Hindia Belanda
1985 |
Scheltema, A. M. P. A |
YOI - Jakarta |
51139 |
Overseas Unit Transport and Road Research Laboratory Crowthorne Berkshire United Kingdom
1985 |
TOOLE, Tyrone |
[Tidak Terdaftar] - [Tidak Terdaftar] |
51140 |
The Middle East and North Africa
1985 |
DRYSDALE, Alasdair |
Oxford University Press - New York |
51141 |
Finite mathematics
1985 |
Lial, Margaret L and Miller, Charles D |
Scott, Foresman and Company - London |
51142 |
Introduction To Artificial Intelligence
1985 |
CHARNIAK, Eugene |
Addison Wesley - Massachusetts |
51143 |
Exel 5.0 For Windows
1985 |
STEPHAN, Patty |
Boyd. Franser - New York |
51144 |
College Algebra and Trigonometry with Aplications
1985 |
BARROS, Jose |
West PC - St. Paul |
51145 |
Chaplin : His Life And Art
1985 |
Robinson, David |
Mc Graw Hill - New York |
51146 |
Seh Siti Jenar dan ajaran wihdatul wujud (dialog budaya dan pemikiran jawa islam)
1985 |
Percetakan persatuan - Yogyakarta |
51147 |
SEM : A User's Manual For Materials Science
1985 |
GABRIEL, Barbara L. |
American Society For Metals - Ohio |
51148 |
Pengetahuan Bahan Teknik
1985 |
SURDIA, Tata |
Pradanya Paramita - Jakarta |
51149 |
Jia Xia Shi
1985 |
Hua Yan |
SNPL Book Publications Dept - Singapore |
51150 |
Landuo Gui De Gushi
1985 |
Cai Xin |
SNPL Book Publications Dept. - Singapura |