53101 |
Pedoman Untuk Berwiraswasta Bercocok Tanam Jamur
1982 |
Genders, Roy |
Pionir - Bandung |
53102 |
Peraturan pelaksanaan pembangunan jalan raya, Standard specification for highway construction
1982 |
Direktorat jendral bina marga - jakarta |
53103 |
Communicating in English 2
1982 |
G.C. Kismadi and Siti Soeryah |
Indira - Jakarta |
53104 |
Communicating in English 1
1982 |
G.C. Kismadi and Siti Soeryah |
Indira - Jakarta |
53105 |
Communicating in English 3
1982 |
G.C. Kismadi and Siti Soeryah |
Indira - Jakarta |
53106 |
Hukum kekeluargaan Nasional
1982 |
Hazairin |
Tintamas - Jakarta |
53107 |
Bagaiman merencanakan suatu program pengajaran
1982 |
Popham, W. James and Baker, Eva L |
Kanisius - Yogyakarta |
53108 |
TOEFL preparation guide
1982 |
Michael A.Pyle and Mary Ellen Munoz |
Cliffs Notes - USA |
53109 |
Business concepts for english practice
1982 |
Barbara Tolley Dowling and Marianne McDougal |
Newbury House Publishers |
53110 |
Effective Business Report
1982 |
Roy W. Poy |
Mc Graw Hill |
53111 |
Geografi Kesejarahan I
1982 |
Daldjoeni |
Alumni - Bandung |
53112 |
Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam
1982 |
Tanja, Victor Immanuel |
Sinar Harapan - Jakarta |
53113 |
Influence of Lime Dust On Worker's Health in Line Industries in Yogyakarta Indonesia
1982 |
Reksosoedarmo, Hersusanto |
Departemen of Social Medicine and Public Health |
53114 |
Plant Biology and Its Relation to Human Affairs
1982 |
Langenheim, Jean H |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc - New York |
53115 |
Sejarah Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia
1982 |
Yunus, H.Mahmud |
Hindakarya Agung - Jakarta |
53116 |
Pokok - Pokok Pendidikan Ke-organisasi-an
1982 |
Poespo S, M. Margono |
CV. Karyono - Yogyakarta |
53117 |
Kumpulan Makalah Simposium dan Lokakarya Bedah Mikro Mata
1982 |
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia - Jakarta |
53118 |
Beyond Language : intercultural communication for english as a second language
1982 |
Deena R. Levine and Mara B. Adelman |
Prentice Hall |
53119 |
Membangun Ilmu Bangunan jilid I
1982 |
Erlangga - Jakarta |
53120 |
Challenge to Think : Migrant english Programs
1982 |
Christina Frank and Mario Rinvoluery |
Oxford University Press |
53121 |
The Portable Conservative Reader
1982 |
Penguin Books |
53122 |
Membangun Ilmu Bangunan jilid 2
1982 |
Erlangga - Jakarta |
53123 |
Mathematics A Human Endeavor
1982 |
JACOBS, Harold R. |
W.H. Freeman And Company - New York |
53124 |
Figures In Language describe And draw : a workbook of communicative activities
1982 |
Jordan |
collins ELT |
53125 |
Corporate Cultures : The Rites And Rituals of Corporate Life
1982 |
Deal, Terrence |
Addison Wesley |
53126 |
Handbook of Multiphase Systems
1982 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
McGraw Hill - New York |
53127 |
Unsur politik dalam Da'wah
1982 |
Zuhri, kh. Saifuddin |
pt. Alma'arif - Bandung |
53128 |
Momentum, Heat, And Mass Transfer
1982 |
McGraw Hill International Edition - New York |
53129 |
Pelajaran bahasa arab untuk perguruan tinggi agama islam/IAIN tingkat lanjut (Advance)
1982 |
Departemen agama RI - Jakarta |
53130 |
Xiao Wan Pi Xue Guai Le
1982 |
Shing Lee Book Store - Singapura |
53131 |
Zhong Yi Gu Shi
1982 |
Sima Qian |
Pacific Publishing - Hongkong |
53132 |
Agama Yahudi
1982 |
Daya, Burhanuddin |
Bagus Arafah - Yogyakarta |
53133 |
Machine Tool Design Handbook
1982 |
Tata McGraw Hill Company - New Delhi |
53134 |
Delik agama dalam hukum pidana di Indonesia
1982 |
Praja, Juhaya S and Syihabuddin, Ahmad |
Angkasa - Bandung |
53135 |
Dudu He Lang
1982 |
Nanyang Educational Supplies - Singapura |
53136 |
Three Kingdoms Period and the Wei and Chin Dynasties
1982 |
Yang Ju -Pin |
The Overseas Library - Taiwan |
53137 |
The Sui, T'ang and Five Dynasties
1982 |
iu Cheng-Hui |
The Overseas Chinese Library - Taiwan |
53138 |
Stories from Classical Allusions
1982 |
Zhao Lin , dkk |
The Overseas Chinese Library - Taipei |
53139 |
Bimbingan & penyuluhan di sekolah . Ed. III
1982 |
Walgito, Bimo |
Andi offset - Yogyakarta |
53140 |
Islam dan kesehatan mental
1982 |
Daradjat, Zakiah |
Gunung agung - Jakarta |
53141 |
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS A Researcher's Handbook
1982 |
KEPPEL, Geoffrey |
Prentice Hall - New Jersey |
53142 |
Pipework Design Data
1982 |
McGraw-Hill - New York |
53143 |
Dibalik Poligami Rasulullah SAW
1982 |
Yasir, Ali |
PT Bina Ilmu - Surabaya |
53144 |
Falsafah Ibadah Dalam Islam
1982 |
Basyir, Ahmad Azhar |
Perpustakaan pusat Universitas Islam Indonesia - Yogyakarta |
53145 |
Hukum Waris Islam
1982 |
Basyir, Ahmad Azhar |
Universitas Islam Indonesia - Yogyakarta |
53146 |
Tehnik Penjualan Bagi Perusahaan Kecil
1982 |
Suharno |
Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah - Yogyakarta |
53147 |
Auto Mechanics Fundamentals
1982 |
STOCKEL, Martin W. |
- New York |
53148 |
Ekonomi Internasional
1982 |
KENEN, Peter B. |
Pustaka Universitas - Jakarta |
53149 |
Diesel equipment 1 : lubrication, hydraulics, brakes, wheels, tires
1982 |
SCHULZ, Erich J. |
McGraw-Hill - Aucland |
53150 |
Kata Depan Atau Preposisi Dalam Bahasa Indonesia
1982 |
Ramlan |
Karyono - Yogyakarta |