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Number of items : 60198
No Title Year Author Publisher
56851 Nadzrotun Fil Hayati Wal Mujtami' 1945 'Ali Adhim Dar Al Ma'arif: Mesir
56852 Radio : The book for Creative, Professional Programming 1945 Warren, Stave Elsevier - Oxford
56853 Syahsiyatu Wa Madzahibu Falsafiyah 1945 Amin, Usman
56854 Paedagogische Richtlijnen Voor Indonesie 1945 J.F.H. ALB. De La Court
56855 Een Overgang Tot Het Socialisme 1945 Schalk, Henriette Roland Holst-Van Der - Amsterdam
56856 Economisch Motief En Economisch Principe 1945 Dr. P. Hennipman
56857 At-Tanabbu' Bil Ghaib 1945 At Tawil, Taufiq
56858 Muhammad Al Qaid 1945 Ibrahim, Muhammad Abdul Fattah Musthofa
56859 Mohammad and Teachings of Quran 1945 Davenport, John Muhammad Ashraf
56860 Dari Proklamasi Sampai Gesuri Tahun 1945 - 1963 1945 Yayasan Prapanca
56861 Resource Economics An ... 1944 RANGKUTI, Siti SUndari Grid Publishing Inc.
56862 Al Qawa 'idul Fiqiyah 1944 Ali Ahmad Nadzawi Darul Qalam - Beirut
56863 Amerika 1944 Benet, Stephen Vincent Rinehart and Company - New York
56864 A moslem's Inner Voice 1944 S.N.A. Qadari
56865 The Social Contract and The Islamic State 1944 Ahmad , Ilyas The Urdu Publishing House
56866 The Hundred Dresses 1944 Estes, Eleanor Scholastic
56867 The essential community. Local government in the year 2000 1943 [Tidak Terdaftar] [Tidak Terdaftar]
56868 Graded Exercises in English 1943 Robert J.Dixson Regents Publishing
56869 Literary Theory : an introduction 1943 Terry Eagleton Minne Sota
56870 Curriculum Perspectives and Practice 1943 MILLER, John P. Longman - New York
56871 Nihayatul arabi jilid 14 1943 Nawawi, Syihabuddin Ahmad ibn "alwahha
56872 The Reshaping of everyday life 1943 Jack Larkin harper Perennial
56873 The Complaint and the Answers 1943 Husain, Altaf
56874 Elements of Modern Economics 1943 Albert Meyers
56875 The Arab Civilization 1943 Hell, Joseph
56876 Basic English and Its Uses 1943 I.A. Richards
56877 The Hero in History A Study in Limitation And Possibility 1943 Hook, Sidney Beacon Press - Boston
56878 health, sex and birth control 1942
56879 Leerboek Der Algemene Plantkunde 1942 Reinders, E Scheltema & Holkema's Boekhandel
56880 Ghorosussanabil 183 Wasilat Da'awiyat Lil Mar'ah Al Muslimah 1942 Qosim, 'Abdul Mulk ibn Muhammad
56881 Hawasyi 'Ala Syarh Ar Risalah Al Musama 1942 Syaikh 'Athiyah Al Ajhuri AL Maktabah Al Mishriyah
56882 Islam in Indonesia : A Bibliographical Survey 1942 Boland, B.J. and I. Farjon Foris Publication - Dordrecht
56883 The Changing Face of Religion 1942 James A. Beckford (ed.) SAGE - UK
56884 Kitab Zakat 1942 M.J Anies PT. Pertjetakan Persatuan - Jogjakarta
56885 Educational and Psychological Measurement and Evaluation 1941 HOPKINS, Kenneth D PRENTICE HALL
56886 Fundamentals of English Grammar 1941 Betty Schrampfer Azar Longman - USA
56887 Introduction to Meteorology 1941 Petterssen, Sverre Mc Graw Hill - New York
56888 Boekoe Peratoeran Hizboel Wathan 1941 Centraal Magazine Pemoeda Moehammadijah Djogja - Yogyakarta
56889 The Great Cultural Traditions The Classical Empires Vol 2 1941 Turner, Ralph E.
56890 Cours Pratique de Francais 1941 drs. J.J.K. Kingma
56891 Riwajat Penghidupan dan Perdjuangan Mohd : Husni Thamrin 1941 Mona, Matu Pustaka Timur
56892 Mentjari Djalan Lepas 1941 Ismail, Toean A. Gaffar
56893 Social Issues: Sociological Views of Canada 1941 Forcese, Dennis and Richer, Stephen Prentice-Hall Canada
56894 Sjeich M. Arsjad Bandjar 1941 Basuni, Achmad Pustaka Galunggung - Bandung
56895 Tafsir Al-Qoeran 1941 Majelis Taman Pustaka - Yogyakarta
56896 Time and motion study and formulas for wage incentives 1940 LOWRY, Stewart M McGraw - Hill Book Company
56897 Surveying Theory and Practice 1940 Raymond E. Davis McGraw-Hill
56898 Fundamentals of Islam 1940 Abul A'la Mawdudi Dar Al Wahi Publication - Kuala Lumpur
56899 Babad Tanah Djawi 1940
56900 Bahasa Arab dan Grammaticanja 1940 Ahmad, Hamid Bin

Number of items : 60198