57701 |
Statistical inference
1900 |
Li, Jerome C.R |
Edward Elgar |
57702 |
An Introduction to community health
1900 |
McKenzie, James F |
Jones and Bartlett |
57703 |
Economics : private markets and public choice
1900 |
EKELUND, Robert B |
Addison-Wesly Pub |
57704 |
Cases in Financial management
1900 |
THOMSON, David |
Dryden Press |
57705 |
1900 |
CHANG, Raymond |
Random Hause |
57706 |
Control systems engineering
1900 |
The Benjamin / cumming Pub. |
57707 |
Managerial finance
1900 |
GITMAN, Lawrence J |
Addison-Wesly Pub |
57708 |
Intructor's annotated edition contexts writing and reading
1900 |
Houghton Mifflin Company |
57709 |
Windows on writing : Practice in context
1900 |
57710 |
Real Writing with readings
1900 |
USA Education |
57711 |
Buku Pedoman konggres Nasional III
1900 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
Universitas Brawijaya Malang |
57712 |
Simposium nasional III pengembangan daerah pasang surut di indonesia
1900 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
Institut Pertanian Bogor |
57713 |
Microsoft windows NT workstation 4.0
1900 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
57714 |
a guide to microsoft windows NT workstation 4.0
1900 |
57715 |
Stand : Contending ideas and opinions
1900 |
JENKINS, Henry |
57716 |
Understanding Earth
1900 |
Press, Frank |
57717 |
Instructional technology in higher education
1900 |
USA Education |
57718 |
Principles of Biochemistry
1900 |
McGraw - Hill Book Company |
57719 |
Textbook of Medical Physiology
1900 |
GUYTON, Arthur C |
WB Saunders Company |
57720 |
Simon & Schuster Handbook for Writers
1900 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
57721 |
1900 |
USA Education |
57722 |
Auditing computer applications
1900 |
Davis, Keagle W |
John Wiley & Sons |
57723 |
Risalah akhlaq
1900 |
Thaib, Ismail Drs |
Bina Usaha |
57724 |
Dunia R. Basuki Abdullah RA
1900 |
Abdullah, Nataya Basuki |
57725 |
Anthropology : The Humanizing Process
1900 |
Kessler, Evelyn |
Allyn and Bacon |
57726 |
Axoplasmic transport & its relation to other nerve functions
1900 |
Ochs, Sidney |
John Wiley & Sons |
57727 |
The Drug library Hallucinogens
1900 |
Robbins, Paul R |
Enslow Publishers |
57728 |
Mims' Pathogenesis of infectious disease
1900 |
MIMS, Cedric |
Academic Press |
57729 |
Human Communication Research
1900 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
Sage Publications |
57730 |
Keluarga sakinah tinjauan psikologi dan agama
1900 |
BASRI, Hasan |
Pustaka Pelajar |
57731 |
Pokok pokok pendidikan agama islam di perguruan tinggi
1900 |
NASIR, Sahilun A. |
Al Ikhlas |
57732 |
Ethics in information technology
1900 |
REYNOLDS, George |
Thomson |
57733 |
International Politics
1900 |
Addison-Wesly Pub |
57734 |
General genetics
1900 |
Adrian M |
W.H Freeman and Company |
57735 |
Islam : membina keluarga dan hukum perkawinan di indonesia
1900 |
Mustofa AF, E .Drs |
Kota Kembang |
57736 |
Pendidikan Islami Metode 30T
1900 |
THALIB, Mohammad |
Irsyad baitus salam |
57737 |
Psikologi sosial untuk SMKK
1900 |
Soetarno, R. Drs. |
Kanisius |
57738 |
BI dan BLBI : suatu tinjauan dan penilaian aspek ekonomi, keuangan dan hukum.
1900 |
Bank Indonesia |
57739 |
Studi keuangan : bantuan likuiditas bank indonesia
1900 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
Bank Indonesia |
57740 |
Dialog pemikiran islam dalam muhammadiyah
1900 |
NASHIR, Haedar |
PP Muhammadiyah |
57741 |
One minute before teaching : strategi membangun atmosfir pembelajaran yang dinamis dan sarat makna.
1900 |
Anang |
Alfabeta |
57742 |
Visual Basic. NET
1900 |
Koneman, Philip A |
57743 |
Sebuah permasalahan di dalam lingkungan
1900 |
Sudikno, Antariksa, IR |
Liberty |
57744 |
Akuntansi Pengantar I
1900 |
SUGIRI, Slamet |
57745 |
Chemistry a basic introduction
1900 |
MILLER, Gary M. |
USA Education |
57746 |
Fluid Mechanics
1900 |
WHITE, Frank M. |
McGraw - Hill Book Company |
57747 |
Lebur ! seni musik dan pertunjukan dalam masyarakat madura
1900 |
Yayasan Obor |
57748 |
Study guide and solutions manual to accompany
1900 |
Atkins, Robert C |
McGraw - Hill Book Company |
57749 |
Anatomy & Physiology laboratory manual
1900 |
Wise, Eric |
McGraw - Hill Book Company |
57750 |
Perlawanan atas diskriminasi rasial-etnik
1900 |