17701 |
Border Politics : The Limits of Sovereign Power
2009 |
Nick- Vaughan Williams |
Edinburgh University Press - Northampton |
17702 |
Urbicide: The Politic of Urban Destruction
2009 |
Martin Coward |
Routledge - London |
17703 |
Shaking The Globe : Courageous Decision-Making in a Changing World
2009 |
Blythe J. McGarvie |
Willey - Hoboken |
17704 |
Keamanan di Perbatasan Indonesia- Timor Leste : Sumber Ancaman dan Kebijakan Pengelolaaannya
2009 |
Ganewati Wuryandari and Cahyo Pamungkas, Firman Noor dan Bob Sugeng Hadiwinata |
Pustaka Pelajar - Yogyakarta |
17705 |
Civilizational Dialogue and World Order : The Other Politics of Cultures, Religions and Civilizations in International Relations
2009 |
Michalis S. Michael |
Palgrave - London |
17706 |
Critical Turns in Critical Theory : New Directions in Social and Political Thought
2009 |
Seamus O Tuama |
I. B. Tauris Publishers - London and New York |
17707 |
Neoclassical Realism, The State and Foreign Policy
2009 |
steven E. Lobel |
Cambridge University Press - London |
17708 |
Intangible Heritage
2009 |
Laurajane Smith |
Routledge - London and New York |
17709 |
Transnational Activism in The UN and The EU : A Comparative Study
2009 |
Routledge - London and New York |
17710 |
Interstate Crisis Behavior, 1816-1980 : Realism Versus Reciprocity
2009 |
Russell J. LEng |
Cambridge University Press - London |
17711 |
State Participation in International Treaty Regimes
2009 |
Srini Sitaraman |
Ashgate - Burlington |
17712 |
The Policy Makers : Shaping American Foreign Policy From 1947 to The Present
2009 |
Rowmann & Littlefield Publishers - Maryland |
17713 |
The Securitization of Humanitarian Migration : Digging Moats and Sinking Boats
2009 |
Scott D. Watson |
Routledge - London and New York |
17714 |
The Diplomacies of Small States : Between Vulnerability and Resilience
2009 |
Palgrave - New York |
17715 |
Power & Responsibility : Building International Order in an Era of Transnational Threats
2009 |
Bruce Jones and Carlos Pascual and Stephen John Stedman |
Brookings Institution Press - Washington D. C. |
17716 |
The International Politics of Judicial Intervention : Creating a more just order
2009 |
Andrea Birdsall |
Routledge - Lodon and New York |
17717 |
Strategic Culture and Weapons of Mass Destruction : Culturally Based Insights into Comparative national Security Policymaking
2009 |
Palgrave - New York |
17718 |
Self-Defense in International Relations
2009 |
Ruchi Anand |
Palgrave - New York |
17719 |
Managing World Order : United Nations Peace Operations and The Security Agenda
2009 |
Richard Kareem Al-Qaq |
Tauris Academic Studies - London and New York |
17720 |
The Ashgate Research Companion to Ethnics and International Relations
2009 |
Patrick Hayden |
Ashgate - Burlington |
17721 |
Systemic Transitions : Past, Present and Future
2009 |
William R. Thompson |
Palgrave - New York |
17722 |
The Future of Global Relations : Crumbling Walls, Rising Regions
2009 |
Terrence Edward Paupp |
Palgrave Macmillan - New York |
17723 |
Islam, Secularism, and Liberal Democracy : Toward a Democratic Theory for Muslim Societies
2009 |
Nader hashemi |
Oxforrd University Press - Oxford |
17724 |
Clash Cooperation of Civilizations : Overlapping Integration and Identites
2009 |
Ashgate |
17725 |
Globalization & Postcolonialism: Hegemony and Resistance in The Twenty-first Century
2009 |
Sankaran Krishna |
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers |
17726 |
Securing Outer Space
2009 |
Natalie Bormann |
Routledge - London and New York |
17727 |
Hegel's Theory of Recognition: From Oppression to Ethical Liberal Modernity
2009 |
Sybol S. C. Anderson |
Continuum - London |
17728 |
Beyond Dutch Borders: Transnational Politics Among Colonial Migrants, Guests Workers and The Second Generation
2009 |
Liza Mugge |
Amsterdam University Press - Amsterdam |
17729 |
Corruption, Global Security and World Order
2009 |
Robert I. Rotberg |
American academy - Massachusetts |
17730 |
Global Politics As If People Mattered
2009 |
Mary Ann Tetreault and Ronnie D. Lipschutz |
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers - Lanham |
17731 |
Women of Achievement: Diana, Princes of Wales
2009 |
Sherry Beck Paprocki |
Chelsea House Publishers - New York |
17732 |
Asean's Cooperative Security Enterprise: Norms and Interests in The Asean Regional Forum
2009 |
Hiro Katsumata |
Palgrave - New York |
17733 |
The Environment and International Relations
2009 |
Kate O'Neill |
Cambridge University Press - London |
17734 |
A World of Trouble: The White House and The Middle East from The Cold War to The War on Terror
2009 |
Patrick Tyler |
Farrar Strous Giroux - New York |
17735 |
Imaging of Arthritis and metabolic bone disease
2009 |
Barbara N. Weissman |
Saunders Elsevier - China |
17736 |
Becker-shaffer"s Diagnosis and Therapy of the Glaucomas
2009 |
Robert L Stamper and Marc F Lieberman |
Mosby Elservier |
17737 |
Menata Partai Politik : dalam arus demokratisasi Indonesia
2009 |
Firman Subagyo |
RMBooks - Jakarta |
17738 |
Kamus Hukum
2009 |
Marwan and Jimmy |
Gama Press |
17739 |
Aku & Film India Melawan Dunia I
2009 |
Mahfud Ikhwan |
EA Books - Yogyakarta |
17740 |
Gramsci and Global Politics: Hegemony and Resistance
2009 |
Routldege - Lono=don and New York |
17741 |
1001 Inventions That Changed the World
2009 |
Jack Challoner |
B.E.S. Publishing; For the Us & Can |
17742 |
The Sovereign Remedy
2009 |
Antoni Estevadeordal and Kati Suominen |
Oxford University Press - London |
17743 |
Perdamaian Ala JK : poso tenang, Ambon damai
2009 |
Hamid Awaludin |
Grasindo - Jakarta |
17744 |
Filsafat Islam, Etika, dan Tasawuf: sebuah pengantar
2009 |
Kartanegara, Mulyadhi |
Ushul Press - Jakarta |
17745 |
Holy Nations and Global Identities: Civil Religion, Nationalism, and Globalisation
2009 |
Annika Hvithamar |
Brill - Leiden |
17746 |
The Maze Runner: Maze Runner, Book 1
2009 |
James Dashner, and Mark Deakins, |
17747 |
Armed Groups and the Balance of Power
2009 |
Anthony Vinci |
Routletdge - New York |
17748 |
The Market and the masses in latin America: Policy Reform and Consumption in Liberalizing Economics
2009 |
Andy Baker |
Cambridge University Press - United States |
17749 |
Pengantar Sosiologi Ekonomi
2009 |
Damsar and Indrayani |
Prenadamedia Group - Jakarta |
17750 |
FIRST DO NO HARM : Humanitarian Intervention and the destruction Of Yugoslavia
2009 |
Gibbs, David N. |
Vanderbilt University Press - Nashville |